The following elected and appointed officers, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices shall take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office, which shall be filed with the city recorder:
A. Mayor;
B. City council members;
C. City attorney;
D. Director of each city department;
E. City treasurer;
F. City engineer;
G. City recorder;
H. Peace officer;
I. Firefighters;
J. Such other officers or employees designated by the mayor by executive order who hold positions of trust or unique responsibility. (Amended during 1/88 supplement: prior code § 24-6-1)
A. Each of the following elected and appointed officers and employees shall execute a bond with good and sufficient sureties in an amount to be approved by the mayor, made payable to the city in the penal sum thus specified, conditioned on the faithful performance of the duties of his/her office or employment and the proper accounting for and the payment of all monies received by him/her, according to state law and city ordinances:
1. Bail commissioners;
2. Council members;
3. City attorney;
4. Assistant and deputy city attorney;
5. Director of airports;
6. Director of finance;
7. Director of public utilities;
8. Director of public services;
9. Fire chief;
10. License supervisor;
11. Mayor;
12. Parking enforcement hearing examiner;
13. Chief of police;
14. Chief procurement officer;
15. City recorder;
16. Deputy city recorder;
17. Treasurer and deputy treasurer.
B. The amounts of the bonds for each person listed in subsection A of this section, except for the finance director, city treasurer, deputy city treasurer, and city treasurer's secretary, shall not be less than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00), and may be in such greater amount as the mayor may require by executive order. In lieu of individual bonds, the mayor may cover all such officers and employees, except the finance director, city treasurer, deputy city treasurer, and city treasurer's secretary and employees with employee blanket bonds. The employee blanket bond shall be not less than seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00) and may be in such greater amount as the mayor may establish by executive order.
C. The bond of the finance director, city treasurer, deputy city treasurer, and city treasurer's secretary shall not be less than that required by the state money management council, as provided in section 10-3-821, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, or any successor statute, and may be in any greater amount as the mayor may establish by executive order.
D. All other city officers and employees into whose hands any public funds may come in the regular discharge of the duties of their employment shall furnish bonds in such penal sum as the mayor may establish by executive order. These other officers and employees may also be included within the coverage of the blanket bond authorized in subsection B of this section. (Ord. 39-10, 2010: Ord. 45-93 § 16, 1993: Ord. 22-91 § 1, 1990: prior code § 24-6-2)