A. A nonbinding opinion question may be submitted to the legal voters of Salt Lake City as provided in subsection A1 or A2 of this section.
1. If an initiative proposed pursuant to section 20A-7-501 et seq., Utah Code Annotated, as amended or its successor, is found to be legally sufficient based on the number of legal signatures obtained, but is determined by the city to be invalid because the subject matter of the initiative, if passed, would not result in a city law, the sponsors of the initiative may request that the city recorder submit the matter to the legal voters of the city as an opinion question as provided in this chapter.
2. The city council may, by resolution, request that an opinion question be submitted to the legal voters of the city as provided in this chapter. The resolution shall include the language of the opinion question as it will be submitted to the voters.
B. If a nonbinding opinion question is initiated as provided in subsection A of this section, the city recorder shall take action necessary to submit the opinion question to the legal voters of Salt Lake City as provided in this chapter.
1. If the request is made pursuant to subsection A1 of this section, the opinion question submitted to the voters shall be as shown in the initiative petition circulated by the petition sponsors.
2. If the request is made pursuant to subsection A2 of this section, the city recorder shall conform to the requirements of the resolution adopted as provided in that subsection.
C. The mayor may establish additional requirements not in conflict with the provisions of this chapter to facilitate submission of opinion questions to the voters. (Ord. 76-12, 2012)
Within sixty (60) days after a nonbinding opinion question is initiated as provided in section 2.69.020 of this chapter, the city recorder shall:
A. Give the opinion question a number;
B. Prepare a short title that summarizes the subject matter of the opinion question; and
C. Cause the opinion question, its number, and short title to be shown on a ballot, as provided in section 2.69.050 of this chapter, which shall be published:
1. On the city's website;
2. On the Utah public notice website created in section 63F-1-701, Utah Code Annotated; and
3. In at least two (2) Salt Lake County newspapers. (Ord. 76-12, 2012)