1490.01 Definitions
1490.02 Location
1490.03 Permit required
1490.04 Drawings; plans; permit issuance
1490.05 Recirculation; disinfection
1490.06 Construction materials; specifications
1490.07 Structural design
1490.08 Walk areas
1490.09 Fences
1490.10 Steps and ladders
1490.11 Overflow gutters and surface sakes
1490.12 Water supply
1490.13 Inlets
1490.14 Outlets
1490.15 Recirculation system and appurtenances
1490.16 Electrical requirements
1490.17 Safety precautions
1490.18 Operation and maintenance
1490.19 Inspections
1490.20 Bacterial quality of water
1490.21 Decision of Health Commissioner final
1490.215 Licensing of public pools and spas and special use pools
1490.22 Conflict of laws
1490.99 Penalty
Community Swimming Pool, see Ch. 1064
Fences generally, see Ch. 1470
Fire Department fee for filling, see § 234.08
Statutory reference:
Construction and maintenance by municipalities, see Ohio R.C. 717.01(Z)
Power of municipality to maintain, see Ohio R.C. 755.12