606. General Provisions; Administration and Enforcement
612. Alcoholic Beverages
618. Animals
624. Drugs
630. Gambling
636. Offenses Relating to Persons
642. Offenses Relating to Property
648. Peace Disturbances
654. Railroads
660. Safety, Sanitation and Health
662. Schools
666. Sex Related Offenses
672. Weapons and Explosives
698. Penalties and Sentencing
606.01 Definitions
606.02 Culpable mental states
606.03 Classification of offenses
606.04 Offenses defined
606.05 Rules of construction
606.055 Criminal law jurisdiction
606.06 Limitation on criminal prosecutions
606.07 Requirements for criminal liability; voluntary intoxication
606.08 Organizational criminal liability
606.09 Personal accountability for organizational conduct
606.10 Falsification
606.105 False report of child abuse or neglect
606.11 Compounding a crime
606.12 Failure to report a crime or death
606.13 Failure to aid a law enforcement officer
606.14 Obstructing official business
606.15 Obstructing justice
606.16 Resisting arrest
606.165 Compliance with lawful order of police officer; fleeing
606.17 Having an unlawful interest in a public contract
606.18 Soliciting or receiving improper compensation
606.19 Dereliction of duty
606.20 Interfering with civil rights
606.21 Attempt
606.22 Complicity
606.23 Detention of shoplifters and those committing motion picture piracy; protection of institutional property
606.24 Disposition of unclaimed or forfeited property held by Police Department
606.25 Impersonating an officer
606.26 Display of law enforcement agency emblem
606.27 Release on own recognizance
606.28 Failure of person summoned to appear
606.29 Registration of convicted persons
606.30 Contempt of court
606.31 Failure to disclose personal information
606.32 Misuse of 9-1-1 system
606.33 Self defense: limitations on duty to retreat prior to using force
False alarms, see § 648.08
Justifiable use of force to suppress riot, see § 648.03
License or permit to possess dangerous ordnance, see § 672.05
Misconduct at an emergency, see § 648.06
Penalties and sentencing, see Ch. 698
Rabies quarantine, see § 618.11
Registration of dogs, see § 618.08
Rules of evidence in sex offenses, see § 666.10
Statutory reference:
Arrest without warrant for misdemeanor, see Ohio R.C. 2935.03
Burden and degree of proof, see Ohio R.C. 2901.05
Degree of offense; charge and verdict; prior conviction, see Ohio R.C. 2945.75
Discharge for delay in trial, see Ohio R.C. 2945.73
Extension of time for hearing or trial, see Ohio R.C. 2945.72
Imprisoned defined, see Ohio R.C. 1.05
Probation for drug dependent persons, see Ohio R.C. 2951.04
Probation generally, see Ohio R.C. 2951.02
Procedure on affidavit or complaint; withdrawal of unexecuted warrants, see Ohio R.C. 2935.10
Riot areas; prohibiting sales of firearms and explosives, see Ohio R.C. 3761.16
Satisfaction of fine; credit for time served, see Ohio R.C. 2947.14
Similar state law, see section histories
Time within which hearing or trial must be held, see Ohio R.C. 2945.71
Treatment of drug dependent persons in lieu of conviction, see Ohio R.C. 2951.041
Trial by jury, see Ohio R.C. 2945.17
Unclaimed, abandoned and junk motor vehicles, see Ohio R.C. 737.32 and 4513.60 et seq.
Venue and change of venue, see Ohio R.C. 2901.12 and 2931.29 - 2931.31