Unobstructed walk areas not less than three feet wide shall be provided to extend entirely around the swimming pool. The walk area shall be constructed of impervious material, and the surfaces shall be smooth, easily cleaned and of sakes construction. The slope of the walks shall have a pitch of at least one-fourth of an inch to the foot, designed so as to prevent back drainage from entering the pool. Walk drains for public pools shall be provided for each 100 square feet of walk area. Walk drains for private residential pools shall be provided as determined by the City Engineer/Building Commissioner or his or her authorized representative. Drain pipe lines shall be at least three inches in diameter, and drain openings shall have an open area of at least four times the cross-sectional area of the drain pipe. The walk drain system shall have indirect connection to the sewer. The walk drains shall not be connected to the recirculation system piping. The drainage system shall be constructed in conformity with the plumbing provisions of the Hamilton County Ohio Building Code and the Ohio Basic Building Code.
(`82 Code, § 1490.08) (Ord. 61-26, passed 6-19-61)