94.01 Street construction standards
94.02 Significant roadway improvements
94.03 Excavations in public ways, easements; application
94.04 Notice to public utilities
94.05 Duplicate copy of approved application to be a permanent record
94.06 Filling, obstructing public drainage ditch
94.07 Driveways, permit required; application; fee
94.08 Deposit
94.09 Culverts in or driveways over public drainage ditch, permit required
94.10 Application
94.11 Fees
94.12 Permit issuance
94.13 Culvert diameter
94.14 Culvert length
94.15 Materials required for culverts under driveways
94.16 Street sign standards
94.17 House numbering system
94.18 Closing streets for social functions, generally
94.19 Requests to stipulate hours
94.20 Barricades; neatness
94.21 Encroachments prohibited
94.22 Obstructing fire hydrants
94.23 Replacement of mailboxes damaged by city snow plows
94.24 Construction of driveways from public streets prohibited
94.25 Obstructions
94.26 Driveway construction regulations
94.99 Penalty