Upon receipt of the application and plans referred to in this article, such application and plans shall be submitted to the Director of the Development Customer Services Department, to the Chief of the Fire Department and to the Director of Public Health, who shall jointly arrange for the proper inspection, and no such license shall be issued until written approval has been received from each of the officials named.
A. Building Department: The Director of the Development Customer Services Department shall determine that all the requirements of chapter 7 of this code are complied with and that the premises are safe and habitable and are provided with adequate facilities for heat, light and ventilation.
B. Fire Department: The Chief of the Fire Department shall determine that all fire hazards have been eliminated from such premises; that the premises have proper and sufficient fire extinguishing equipment; that the premises comply with all regulations and recommendations of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, and that the occupants of the building have adequate fire protection.
C. Health Department: The Director of Public Health shall determine that all regulations and orders of the state department of health, the Department of Health of the Village and the provisions of this article pertaining to the sanitation of such rooming house premises and every part thereof and to the preservation of the health of the occupants thereof have been complied with.
It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Health to have printed such portions of this article as may be deemed requisite, and cause the same to be displayed in each room of any such rooming house, and have made such inspections as are necessary from time to time assuring the proper healthful occupancy of such establishment. (Ord. 15-184, 11-2-2015, eff. 12-1-2015)
At least once a year after a license required by this article has been issued as herein provided or more often if deemed necessary and before the renewal of any such license to conduct, keep or operate any such rooming house, it shall be the duty of the Director of the Development Customer Services Department, Chief of the Fire Department and the Director of Public Health to jointly authorize the inspection of the premises and determine that the provisions of this code and the terms and conditions of this article are being complied with. (Ord. 15-184, 11-2-2015, eff. 12-1-2015)
The landlord, proprietor, keeper, manager or clerk of every "rooming house" as defined in section 12-1-12 of this article shall keep in the office, or other place therein, a register in which shall be entered the name and permanent residence of every person who becomes a lodger, boarder or guest therein. Such register shall also show the number or location of the room or bed occupied by such person, the date of his arrival, and the period for which he engaged board or lodging. The register shall be accessible, without charge, to any police officer or duly authorized agent of the Department of Health, Fire Department or Director of the Development Customer Services Department of the Village. (Ord. 15-184, 11-2-2015, eff. 12-1-2015)
Each and every rooming house in the Village housing persons on the third floor shall be provided with at least two (2) inside stairways leading from the ground to each floor providing habitable rooms, and further, that each and every rooming house where less than three (3) stories are occupied shall be provided with two (2) inside stairways in all cases when occupied by more than five (5) persons on the second floor (including members of the family) or in all cases where the total number of persons housed in the building exceeds eight (8) (including members of the family). (Ord. 15-184, 11-2-2015, eff. 12-1-2015)
No person who shall keep, conduct, operate or maintain a rooming house shall permit the cooking or preparation of food or meals or the storage of food, or light housekeeping, by any person occupying said rooms. (Ord. 15-184, 11-2-2015, eff. 12-1-2015)
For purposes of this article, a "rooming house" is defined as a building or part thereof, in which living and sleeping quarters (but not meals or cooking facilities) are provided by prearrangement for compensation on a weekly or longer basis for three (3) or more persons who are not members of the keeper's family. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this article shall be held to be the minimum requirements with respect to rooming houses, adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare. Where this article imposes a greater restriction upon the use of buildings or premises for rooming house purposes than are imposed or required by the provisions of any other ordinance or this code, the provisions of this article shall control. (Ord. 15-184, 11-2-2015, eff. 12-1-2015)