It shall be unlawful:
A. For an auctioneer to make any false representation regarding any article offered for sale.
B. To make a fictitious bid or for an auctioneer to procure or knowingly permit a fictitious bid at an auction.
C. To substitute any article in lieu of that offered to and purchased by the bidder at an auction.
Every person desiring to obtain a license for the sale of real and personal property at public auction within the Village shall apply in writing for the same to the Village Clerk. The application shall state the location of his place of business, the names of his sureties, and the location to be used for this particular auction sale.
Any person may become an auctioneer and be licensed to sell real and personal property at public auction, at a place to be named in the license, upon paying to the Village Clerk the fees required and executing a bond to the Village with two (2) sureties either licensed as such by the State of Illinois or approved by the Village's Director of Finance in the penal sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00), conditioned for the due observance of this Code and the other ordinances of the Village.