In addition to any other remedy or penalty set forth in this article, any person found to be in violation of a provision of this article shall be subject to a fine in accordance with section 1-1-5 of this Code. Each day that a violation continues to occur shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. (Ord. 21-60, 7-19-2021)
12-7-1: Purpose and Intent
12-7-2: Definitions
12-7-3: Housing Trust Fund Established
12-7-4: Housing Programs Advisory Committee Responsibilities
12-7-5: Eligibility Requirements
12-7-6: Review and Approval of Applications and Programs
12-7-7: Conditions
12-7-8: Sources of Funds
The purpose of this article is to provide sustainable financial resources to address the affordable housing needs of eligible households in Oak Park by preserving and producing affordable housing, providing housing-related financial support and services to eligible households and providing financial support for not-for-profit organizations that actively address the affordable housing needs of eligible households. (Ord. 22-23, 5-2-2022)
A. The following words and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the following meanings:
AFFORDABLE HOUSING: | Housing that has a sales price or rental amount that is within the means of an "Eligible Household" as defined herein. In the case of dwelling units for sale, housing that is affordable means housing in which mortgage, amortization, taxes, insurance, and condominium or association fees, if any, constitute no more than thirty percent (30%) of the gross annual household income for a household of the size that may occupy the unit. In the case of dwelling units for rent, housing that is affordable means housing for which the rent and utilities constitute no more than thirty percent (30%) of the gross annual household income for a household of the size that may occupy the unit. |
APPLICANT: | An applicant is any individual or entity, including but not limited to developers, not-for-profit organizations, housing owner/operators, and units of government that applies for a grant, loan, or other resources from the Housing Trust Fund. |
ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: | Eligible Activities shall include those activities that are eligible to receive funding or other resources from the Housing Trust Fund, as set forth in section 12-7-5 of this Chapter. |
ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLD: | A household with in income at or below eighty percent (80%) of the Area Median Income (AMI) for for-sale units and at or below sixty percent (60%) of the AMI for rental units. |
HOUSING PROGRAMS ADVISORY COMMITTEE: | The Village's Housing Programs Advisory Committee as established by chapter 2 ("Administration"), article 31 ("Housing Programs Advisory Committee") of this Code, as amended. |
B. To the extent that words or phrases not defined herein are defined in the Village's Zoning Ordinance, such words or phrases shall be deemed to have the meanings set forth therein. (Ord. 22-23, 5-2-2022)
A. Creation; Management and Administration: There is established a Housing Trust Fund to be held as a separate fund within the Village for the sole purpose of providing and preserving affordable housing opportunities within the Village. The Village's Chief Financial Officer shall be responsible for the day-to-day investment and fiscal maintenance and management of the Housing Trust Fund. The day-to-day fiscal maintenance and management shall be undertaken pursuant to the approved investment policies and practices of the Village for other similarly held funds. Except for disbursements and other actions taken as part of the day-to-day fiscal maintenance and management of the Housing Trust Fund, the Chief Financial Officer shall not disburse funds held by the Housing Trust Fund except upon the written direction of the Village Board or otherwise pursuant to the provisions of an approved program. The Village's Housing Programs Advisory Committee shall assist the Village Board with the organization, operation, and implementation of the Housing Trust Fund as set forth in this article.
B. Distribution and Use of Housing Trust Fund: Distribution of Housing Trust Fund funds shall be in the form of grants or loans or such other funding mechanisms that support the purposes of the Housing Trust Fund. Any unused Housing Trust Fund funds at the end of a fiscal year shall remain in the Housing Trust Fund for future eligible activities pursuant to the requirements of this article. (Ord. 22-23, 5-2-2022)
The Housing Programs Advisory Committee shall make recommendations to the Village Board regarding the following:
A. The goals for the use of Housing Trust Fund resources;
B. The Housing Trust Fund's annual budget, including projected expenditures and revenues;
C. The procedures for reviewing applications and awarding Housing Trust Fund resources to applicants;
D. The criteria to be used by the Housing Programs Advisory Committee, the Village Board, and Village staff in reviewing applications and programs that utilize Housing Trust Fund resources;
E. The procedures to be used for disbursing Housing Trust Fund resources;
F. The review of applications and programs for Housing Trust Fund awards;
G. The procedures to be used to monitor eligible activities funded by the Housing Trust Fund to ensure that Housing Trust Fund resources are used in conformance with all applicable requirements; and
H. The evaluation of Housing Trust Fund activities. (Ord. 22-23, 5-2-2022)