The administration and enforcement of the local air pollution control effort shall be by and under the direction and control of the Director of Community Development whose duties shall be as follows:
   A.   To supervise the enforcement of all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to air pollution control as provided in this chapter.
   B.   To investigate complaints of violations of this chapter and to make inspections and observations of air pollution conditions.
   C.   To examine, approve the plans of and make inspections of newly installed, constructed, reconstructed, repaired or altered incinerators and smoke prevention and air pollution control devices within the Village and to make periodic inspections thereof as herein provided, to determine whether such equipment is in compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
The Director is hereby authorized to make inspections of all buildings, structures and premises located within the Village to determine their compliance with the provisions of this code. For the purpose of making such inspections, the Director is hereby authorized to examine and survey all buildings, structures and premises within the Village. Such inspections shall be made at reasonable hours, subject to the following standards and conditions:
      1.   Such inspection may take place only in connection with a complaint, which in the opinion of the Director, provides reasonable grounds for belief that a violation exists or if the inspection is part of a regular inspection program.
      2.   Any person inspecting a premises shall furnish to the owner, occupant or operator concerned sufficient identification and information to enable the owner, operator or occupant to determine both the inspector's identity as a representative of the Village and the purpose of the inspection. The Director or the Village Manager may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for a search warrant or other legal process for the purpose of securing entry to any premises if the owner shall refuse to grant entry.
   D.   To issue all permits, certificates, notices or other matters required under the provisions of this chapter, and to notify all persons concerned of any decision he may render.
   E.   To prepare and deliver notices of violation as hereinafter described.
   F.   To institute necessary proceedings to prosecute violations of this chapter and to compel the prevention and abatement of air pollution, or nuisances arising therefrom.
   G.   To investigate and make recommendations from time to time to the Village Board of Trustees with respect to needed additions or revisions to this chapter, or any other ordinance pertaining to air pollution control.
   H.   To make further written rules, consistent with this chapter. These rules shall be available to the public at the Director's or Village Clerk's office.
   I.   To do any and all acts which may be necessary for the successful prosecution of the purposes of this chapter and such other acts as may be specifically enumerated herein as his duties.
   J.   The Village shall provide such instruments, books, papers, equipment and personnel as shall be necessary for the proper performance of the duties of the Director. (1981 Code)
It shall be the duty of owners or agents of any fuel burning, combustion or process equipment or device to instruct, or cause to be instructed, the operators, operating crews, enginemen, firemen, janitors, or any other person operating such equipment or device about the proper operation of such equipment or device.
The Director is hereby authorized to issue notices of violation for the purpose of giving notice to persons allegedly violating any of the provisions of this chapter or other ordinances relating to air pollution. If at the time of any original or other inspection, it is found that any fuel burning, combustion or process equipment or device or premises is being operated or managed in violation or is in such a condition or so installed as to cause a violation of any requirements provided in this chapter, the Director shall give notice in writing within ten (10) days after the inspection to any or all persons known by him to operate or have control of such equipment or device or premises, of the defective equipment or device, condition, operation or violation. Such notice may be given by the Director by personal service to any person owning, occupying, operating, or in charge of the equipment or device or premises involved, or by mailing a copy thereof directed by registered mail to the last known address of the person to be notified, or by posting a copy of said notice in a conspicuous place in or about the premises containing the alleged violation. Such notice may include more than one alleged violation and may specify a period of time for compliance, which shall be such time as, in the opinion of the Director, is reasonably required to effect changes necessary for compliance. Such notice may contain an outline of remedial action, which if taken, will effect compliance with the provisions of this chapter and with rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. The giving of notices is not a prerequisite to an abatement or prosecution. (1981 Code)
   A.   It shall be unlawful for any person to install, erect, construct, reconstruct, alter or add to, or cause to be installed, erected, constructed, reconstructed or altered or added to any incinerator or air pollution control equipment within the Village, except domestic refuse burning equipment, or to make or cause to be made major repairs thereon in the Village until an application for installation and operating permits on forms supplied by the Department of Community Development, including suitable plans and specifications therefor and an identification of the structures or buildings used in connection therewith, has been filed in duplicate by the owner, contractor, installer or other person or his agent, in the office of the Director. In order for any application so filed to be approved by the Director he must agree that the equipment is so designed that the same can be managed and operated to conform to the provisions of this chapter. After this approval the Director will authorize the issuance of an installation permit for such installation, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration or addition.
   B.   The plans and specifications submitted, pursuant to the foregoing paragraph, shall be prepared under the direction of, or approved by, a registered professional engineer, registered in the state of Illinois; and bear his seal. (1981 Code)
   A.   Upon finding that any incinerator or air pollution control equipment inspected complies with the provisions of this chapter and after payment of the prescribed fee, the Director shall issue a certificate of operation which shall be posted in a conspicuous place at or near the equipment. Upon any subsequent inspection, if the Director finds that any such equipment fails to comply with the provisions of this code, he shall issue a revocation of the certificate of operation.
   B.   It shall be unlawful for any person or his agent to use or operate any equipment which is subject to inspections as hereinafter set forth, without having an effective certificate of operation therefor. (1981 Code)
21-1-8: PERMIT FEES:
Fees shall be paid in the office of the Village Clerk. Fees for the inspection of plans and issuance or installation permits for the installation, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration of or addition to incinerators or air pollution control equipment except domestic refuse burning equipment, shall be as follows:
   A.   Inspection Of Plans: For inspection of plans for new equipment and equipment about to be reconstructed or repairs or alterations: Five dollars ($5.00) per installation.
   B.   Original Inspection Fees: For the examination or inspection of any new or reconstructed incinerator or air pollution control equipment after its erection or reconstruction and before its operation and maintenance, except domestic refuse burning equipment: Twenty five dollars ($25.00) per installation.
   C.   Periodic Inspection Fees: For the periodic inspection of incinerators or air pollution control equipment except domestic refuse burning equipment: Fifteen dollars ($15.00) per installation. (1981 Code)