Where central heat sources are used, the heating system including all wiring, piping and/or ductwork, the heat sources and the various space heating devices shall be designed and installed so as to be capable of producing the minimum temperatures set forth in table 12-1. Also, the installation of the entire system shall be in accordance with applicable requirements of this subchapter and subchapters thirteen through sixteen of this chapter, and the electrical code of the city of New York.
Article 6: Standards of Natural Ventilation
All habitable rooms shall be provided with natural ventilation complying with the provisions of this subchapter except as provided in section 27-750 of this article.
An alcove or room opening off another room or space shall be considered as a separate room in determining its requirements for ventilation. However, for dwellings classified in occupancy group J-3, where the opening between the alcove and the room or space is at least eighty percent of the area of the common wall and the floor area of the alcove does not exceed twice the area of the opening, the alcove and the room opening into the alcove may be considered as a single space.
Natural ventilation, when required, shall be provided by windows, skylights, monitors, doors, louvers, jalousies, or other similar ventilating openings. Such ventilating openings shall open to the sky or a public street, space, alley, park, highway, or right of way, or upon a yard, court, plaza, or space above a setback, where such yard, court, plaza, or space above a setback is located on the same lot and is of the dimensions required by the applicable provisions of the zoning resolution.