Article 9: Stair and Elevator Signs
This article is applicable to all buildings and existing buildings which have at least one elevator which is subject to periodic inspections pursuant to section 27-998, and any existing office building occupied or arranged to be occupied for an occupant load of more than one hundred persons above or below the street level or more than a total of five hundred persons in the entire building.
A sign shall be posted and maintained on every floor at the elevator landing. The sign shall read "IN CASE OF FIRE, USE STAIRS UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED". The lettering shall be at least one-half inch block letters in red with white background or as otherwise approved by the commissioner. Such lettering shall be properly spaced to provide good legibility. The sign shall also contain a diagram showing the location where it is posted and the location and letter identification of the stairs on the floor. The sign shall be at least ten inches by twelve inches, located directly above a call button and securely attached to the wall or partition. The top of such sign shall not be above six feet from the floor level. The diagram on such sign may be omitted provided that signs containing such diagram are posted in conspicuous places on the respective floor. In such case, the sign at the elevator landing shall be at least two and one half inches by ten inches and the diagram signs shall be at least eight inches by twelve inches.
A sign shall be posted and maintained within each stair enclosure on every floor, indicating the number of the floor. The numerals shall be of bold type and at least three inches high. The numerals and background shall be in contrasting colors. The sign shall be securely attached to the stair side of the door.
Each stair and each bank of elevators shall be identified by an alphabetic letter. A sign indicating the letter of identification for the elevator bank shall be posted and maintained at each elevator landing directly above or as part of the sign specified in section 27-391 of this article. The stair identification sign shall be posted and maintained on the occupancy side of the stair door. The letter on the sign shall be at least three inches high, of bold type and of contrasting color from the background. Such signs shall be securely attached.