Directional exit signs shall comply with all of the requirements for exit signs in section 27-385 of this article, and shall read "EXIT" with a horizontal arrow or arrows indicating the direction to the exit or exits. However, when the arrow is below the letters, the letters may be three and three-eighths inches high and nine-sixteenths inch strokes, except in buildings and spaces classified in occupancy group F where they shall be at least five inches high with nine-sixteenths inch strokes. The arrow or arrows shall be red.
Any door, passageway, stair, or other means of communication that is not an exit or that is not a way to an exit, but is so located as to be mistaken for an exit, shall be identified with a sign reading "NOT AN EXIT", shall be identified by a sign indicating its use or purpose or shall be provided with a directional exit sign.
Article 8: Exit Signs for Existing Buildings
Except as otherwise provided, the provisions of this subchapter are not retroactive except that the provisions of this article and article nine of subchapter six of this chapter for certain existing office buildings are retroactive. Signs required by this article must be installed no later than March sixth, nineteen hundred sixty-nine. Where auxiliary systems for emergency exit lighting are to be provided, the installation must commence no later than May sixth, nineteen hundred sixty-nine.