905.1 Connection.
Individual, branch and circuit vents shall connect to a vent stack, stack vent, or extend to the open air above the roof.
905.2 Grade.
Vent and branch vent pipes shall be so graded and connected as to drain back to the drainage pipe by gravity.
905.3 Vent connection to drainage system.
Every dry vent connecting to a horizontal drain shall connect above the centerline of the horizontal drain pipe.
905.4 Reserved.
905.5 Height above fixtures.
A connection between a vent pipe and a vent stack or stack vent shall be made at not less than 6 inches (152 mm) above the flood level rim of the highest fixture served by the vent. Horizontal vent pipes forming branch vents, relief vents or loop vents shall be located not less than 6 inches (152 mm) above the flood level rim of the highest fixture served.
905.6 Vent for future fixtures.
Where the drainage piping has been roughed-in for future fixtures, a rough-in connection for a vent shall be installed. The vent size shall be not less than one-half the diameter of the rough-in drain to be served. The vent rough-in shall connect to the vent system, or shall be vented by other means as provided for in this chapter. The connection shall be identified to indicate that it is a vent.