907.3 Lower section.
The lower section of the drainage stack shall be vented by a yoke vent connecting between the offset and the next lower horizontal branch. The yoke vent connection shall be permitted to be a vertical extension of the drainage stack. The size of the yoke vent and connection shall be a minimum of the size required for the vent stack of the drainage stack.
908.1 Where required.
Soil and waste stacks in buildings having more than 10 branch intervals shall be provided with a relief vent at each tenth interval installed, beginning with the top floor.
908.2 Size and connection.
The size of the relief vent shall be equal to the size of the vent stack to which it connects. The lower end of each relief vent shall connect to the soil or waste stack through a wye below the horizontal branch serving the floor, and the upper end shall connect to the vent stack through a tee or inverted wye not less than 3 feet (914 mm) above the floor.