914.4 Relief vent.
A relief vent shall be provided for circuit-vented horizontal branches receiving the discharge of four or more water closets and connecting to a drainage stack that receives the discharge of soil or waste from upper horizontal branches.
914.4.1 Connection and installation.
The relief vent shall connect to the horizontal branch drain between the stack and the most downstream fixture drain of the circuit vent. The relief vent shall be installed in accordance with Section 905.
914.4.2 Fixture drain or branch.
The relief vent is permitted to be a fixture drain or fixture branch for fixtures located within the same branch interval as the circuit-vented horizontal branch. The maximum discharge to a relief vent shall be four fixture units.
914.5 Additional fixtures.
Fixtures, other than the circuit-vented fixtures, are permitted to discharge to the horizontal branch drain. Such fixtures shall be located on the same floor as the circuit-vented fixtures and shall be either individually or common vented.
915.1 Types of fixtures.
A combination waste and vent system shall not serve fixtures other than floor drains, lavatories and drinking fountains. Combination waste and vent systems shall not receive the discharge from a food waste disposer or clinical sink.
915.2 Installation.
The combination waste and vent system shall be a horizontal piping system. The only vertical pipe of a combination waste and vent system shall be the connection between the fixture drain and the horizontal combination waste and vent pipe. The vertical distance shall not exceed 8 feet (2438 mm).
915.2.1 Slope.
The slope at a horizontal combination waste and vent pipe shall not exceed one-half unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (4-percent slope) and shall not be less than indicated in Table 704.1.