313.6.5 Guard against contact.
The heating element or combustion chamber of heaters shall be permanently protected so as to prevent accidental contact by persons or material.
313.7 Torches.
Where allowed, indoor use of torches shall be in accordance with FC Chapters 35, 58 and 61 and the rules. Indoor use of LPG-fueled torches in residential occupancies for soldering, food browning and other household uses, shall be limited to torches with an LPG container capacity of 16.4 ounces in accordance with FC Chapter 61 and the rules.
314.1 General.
Indoor displays in any occupancy shall be designed and installed in accordance with FC 314.2 through 314.4.
314.2 Fixtures and displays.
Fixtures and displays of goods for sale to the public shall be arranged so as to maintain free, immediate and unobstructed access to exits as required by FC Chapter 10 and the construction codes, including the Building Code.