317.7.2 Storage of undeployed waste air bags.
No later than the end of each workday, undeployed waste air bags shall be packaged for shipment and disposal in compliance with DOTn regulations and stored in a cool, dry and secure area, free of oil, grease, detergent, or water, at least 50 feet from any hot work area or other source of ignition. The air bag leads shall be protected from stray current by shunting them and wrapping them in electrical tape or by other approved method. Storage of more than 250 undeployed waste air bags shall require that the automotive salvage and wrecking facility be an approved air bag waste collection facility.
317.7.3 Removal of undeployed waste air bags.
Undeployed waste air bags shall be disposed of by a lawful waste hauler in accordance with EPA, DOTn and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regulations.
318.1 General.
Rooftop gardens and landscaping, including living walls, shall be designed, installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the construction codes, including the Building Code and this section.
318.2 Rooftop access and obstructions.
Rooftop gardens and landscaping subject to the rooftop access and obstruction provisions of FC 504.4 shall be designed and installed in compliance with the requirements of that section.
318.3 Maintenance of vegetation.
Rooftop gardens and landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy condition and shall not be allowed to encroach upon areas required to be kept clear. Vegetation shall be regularly pruned for these purposes and vegetation capable of being ignited shall be regularly cleared and removed from the rooftop and the building.