303.10 Flammable liquid fuel.
It shall be unlawful to store, handle or use tar kettles or asphalt melters that utilize flammable liquid as a fuel.
303.11 Roofing operations.
Roofing operations, including repairs, using open-flame devices shall comply with the requirements of FC 3317 and FC Chapters 35 and 58.
304.1 Accumulation of combustible waste.
It shall be unlawful to cause or allow rubbish and other combustible waste to accumulate in a building or structure or upon a premises.
304.1.1 Maintenance.
Roofs, courts, yards, vacant lots, alleys, parking lots, open spaces, and the space beneath a grandstand, bleacher, pier, wharf, or other similar structure, shall be regularly cleaned so as to prevent the accumulation of any rubbish, vegetation or other combustible waste.