308.6.3 Installation.
All stationary and portable alcohol-fueled open-flame devices shall be installed or placed in accordance with listing requirements, manufacturer's instructions and the following fire safety requirements:
1. The device shall be installed or placed at a location protected from movement and air drafts, and at least 3 feet (914 mm) from combustible surfaces and materials, including upholstered furniture, draperies, and wood surfaces.
2. The device shall be installed or placed in a room of sufficient size and ventilation to avoid dangerous accumulations of carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, taking into consideration the capacity of the device's alcohol reservoir and rate of burning. In no event shall a device be installed or used in a room smaller than that recommended by the manufacturer's instructions.
3. Devices designed for stationary installation shall be securely affixed to the floor, wall or ceiling or in furniture to prevent movement. No devices shall be installed in or on a wall or ceiling, or in a wooden cabinet or other furniture of combustible construction, unless it is of a type for which a certificate of approval has been issued by the department.
308.6.4 Safety precautions.
Alcohol-fueled decorative devices shall be used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and the following safety precautions:
1. A lighted device shall not be left unattended. Flames shall be extinguished when the person responsible for attending to the operation of the device leaves the room or goes to sleep. The shutoff switch or device closure shall be used to ensure that the alcohol flames, which are not always readily visible, are extinguished.
2. A device shall not be fueled or moved when it is lighted or when it is not lighted but still hot.
3. A smoke alarm and a carbon monoxide alarm, or detectors, shall be installed in any room in which an alcohol-fueled decorative device is installed or used.
4. A portable fire extinguisher for household use shall be kept readily available in any room in which an alcohol-fueled decorative open-flame device is installed or used.
308.6.5 Storage of fuel.
Alcohol stored for use in alcohol-fueled decorative open-flame devices shall be stored in a tightly sealed container in a cool location, away from heat and ignition sources. Such fuel storage is limited to 1 gallon (3.8 L).
309.1 General.
Powered industrial trucks, powered industrial equipment and powered mobility devices shall be designed, operated and maintained in accordance with this section.
309.2 Powered industrial trucks.
Powered industrial trucks fueled by flammable or combustible liquids or flammable gases shall be designed and operated in accordance with FC 309.2.1 through 309.2.5.