Code Enforcement Board
32.001 Establishment
32.002 Merger of Boards
32.003 Definitions
32.004 Rules and regulations
32.005 Composition
32.006 Term
32.007 Compensation
32.008 Oath
32.009 Conflicts of interest
32.010 Officers
32.011 Filling of vacancies
32.012 Removal of members
32.013 Meetings
32.014 Records
32.015 Enforcement
32.016 Powers and duties of the Board
32.017 Hearing officers
32.018 Enforcement proceedings
32.019 Hearing, notice, and final order
32.020 Presentation of cases
32.021 Appeals; final judgement
32.022 Ordinance fine schedule
32.023 Liens; fines, charges and fees
32.024 Lienholder notification system
32.025 Lien abatement and precedence
32.026 Immediate action
Existing Structures Board
32.030 Establishment
32.031 Powers and duties
Historic Preservation Commission
32.060 Establishment
32.061 Definitions
32.062 Powers and duties
32.063 Rules and regulations
32.064 Composition
32.065 Term
32.066 Compensation
32.067 Oath
32.068 Code of ethics and conflicts of interest
32.069 Officers
32.070 Filling of vacancies
32.071 Removal of members
32.072 Meetings
32.073 Records
32.074 Adoption and amendment of guidelines
32.075 Designation of local historic districts, landmarks, or landmark sites
32.076 Certificate of appropriateness (COA)
32.077 Maintenance required
32.078 Emergency consideration
32.079 Enforcement
32.080 Appeals
32.081 Penalty
Newport Housing Authority Commission
32.095 Establishment
32.096 Powers and duties
32.097 Rules and regulations
32.098 Composition
32.099 Term
32.100 Compensation
32.101 Oath
32.102 Conflicts of interest
32.103 Officers
32.104 Filling of vacancies
32.105 Removal of members
32.106 Meetings
32.107 Records
32.108 Enforcement
32.109 Appeals
Planning and Zoning Commission
32.120 Establishment
32.121 Powers and duties
32.122 Rules and regulations
32.123 Interim regulations
32.124 Composition
32.125 Term
32.126 Compensation
32.127 Oath
32.128 Conflicts of interest
32.129 Officers
32.130 Hearing Examiners
32.131 Filling of vacancies
32.132 Removal of members
32.133 Meetings
32.134 Records
32.135 Enforcement
32.136 Appeals
Vacant Properties Review Commission
32.175 Establishment
32.176 Powers and duties
Board of Adjustment
32.200 Establishment
32.201 Powers and duties
32.202 Rules and regulations
32.203 Composition
32.204 Term
32.205 Compensation
32.206 Oath
32.207 Conflicts of interest
32.208 Officers
32.209 Filling of vacancies
32.210 Removal of members
32.211 Meetings
32.212 Records
32.213 Enforcement
32.214 Appeals
Board of Ethics
32.220 Board of Ethics
Urban Design Review Board
32.230 Establishment
32.231 Powers and duties
32.232 Rules and regulations
32.233 Composition
32.234 Term
32.235 Compensation
32.236 Oath
32.237 Conflicts of interest
32.238 Officers
32.239 Filling of vacancies
32.240 Removal of members
32.241 Meetings
32.242 Records
32.243 Enforcement
32.244 Appeals
Recreation Commission
32.245 Establishment
32.246 Powers and duties
32.247 Rules and regulations
32.248 Composition
32.249 Term
32.250 Compensation
32.251 Oath
32.252 Conflicts of interest
32.253 Officers
32.254 Filling of vacancies
32.255 Removal of members
32.256 Meetings
32.257 Records
Tree Board
32.300 Establishment
32.301 Powers and duties
32.302 Rules and regulations
32.303 Composition
32.304 Term
32.305 Compensation
32.306 Oath
32.307 Conflicts of interest
32.308 Officers
32.309 Filling of vacancies
32.310 Removal of members
32.311 Meetings
32.312 Records
32.999 Penalty
Police Department; Fire and Emergency Medical Service Department, see Ch. 33
In order to protect, promote, and improve the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens residing within the City by authorizing the creation of an administrative board with the authority to issue remedial orders and impose fines in order to provide an equitable, expeditious, effective, and inexpensive method of ensuring compliance with the ordinance in force within the City and to promote the orderly and consistent enforcement of the provisions of the code, pursuant to KRS 65.8801 through 65.8839, as may be amended, there is hereby established the Code Enforcement Board, hereinafter referred to as “the Board.”
(1995 Code, § 2.18.010) (Ord. O-99-19, passed 12-13-1999; Am. Ord. O-2016-019, passed 9-26-2016)
(A) The Board shall have the powers, duties and authority granted by the International Property Maintenance Code, 2003 Edition, as may be subsequently amended, state statute and those granted it by the code of ordinances of the City, as were originally granted to and formerly undertaken by the Existing Structures Board herein which, and as a result hereof, the Existing Structures Board shall be and is hereby merged into the Code Enforcement Board which shall act as the same.
(B) The Board shall also have the powers, duties and authority granted by the provisions of KRS 99.700 through 99.730, as may be subsequently amended, and those granted it by the code of ordinances of the City, as were originally granted to and formerly undertaken by the Vacant Properties Review Commission herein which, and as a result hereof, the Vacant Properties Review Commission shall be and is hereby merged into the Code Enforcement Board which shall act as the same.
(1995 Code, § 2.18.030) (Ord. O-99-19, passed 12-13-1999; Am. Ord. O-2012-003, passed 1-23-2012; Am. Ord. O-2016-019, passed 9-26-2016)
The following words, terms and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them herein, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
ABATEMENT COSTS. The necessary and reasonable costs for and associated with clearing, preventing unauthorized entry to, or demolishing all or a portion of a structure or premises, or taking any other action with regard to a structure or premises necessary to remedy a violation and to maintain and preserve the public health, safety and welfare in accordance with any City ordinance.
CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. Referred to herein as “the Board”, shall mean the administrative body created and acting under the authority of the Local Government Code Enforcement Board Act. KRS 65.8801 to 65.8839.
CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. A city police officer, safety officer, citation officer, or other public law enforcement officer with the authority to issue a citation.
FINAL ORDER. Any order:
(1) Issued by the Board in accordance herewith;
(2) Issued by an assigned Hearing Officer in accordance herewith;
(3) Created because a violator neither paid nor contested any citation within seven days as provided herein; or
(4) Created because a violator failed to appear at a hearing the violator requested to contest any citation as provided for herein.
IMMINENT DANGER. A condition which is likely to cause serious or life-threatening injury or death at any time.
MAYOR. The Mayor of the City of Newport unless otherwise specifically indicated.
OWNER. A natural person, association, corporation, partnership or other legal entity having a legal or equitable title in real property.
PREMISES. A lot, plot or parcel of land, including any structures upon it.
(Ord. O-2016-019, passed 9-26-2016)