Property Taxes Generally
   37.001   County assessment of property to be used
   37.002   Billing and collection of City ad valorem taxes
   37.003   Abandoned urban properties tax
Property Assessment and Reassessment Moratoriums
   37.020   Establishment; administration
Employee License Fee
   37.044   Adoption of subchapter regulations
   37.045   Definitions
   37.046   License fee required
   37.047   Computation of license fee for work or services performed inside and outside the City
   37.048   Employers to obtain license, withhold license fees and file returns
   37.049   Return to be filed by employee
   37.050   Duties of Chief Financial Officer
   37.051   Investigative powers of Chief Financial Officer
   37.052   Authority to promulgate regulations
   37.053   Information to be confidential; penalty for unauthorized disclosure; exception for disclosure to state’s Commissioner of Revenue; reciprocal agreement; publication of statistics based on confidential information
   37.054   Interest and penalty
   37.055   Use of license fees
   37.056   Exempted activities
   37.057   Refunds
   37.058   Penalty
Occupation License
   37.069   Adoption of subchapter regulations
   37.070   Short title
   37.071   Definitions
   37.072   Consolidate businesses
   37.073   Annual occupational license fee
   37.074   Purpose for which license fee imposed
   37.075   Initial applications to be filed
   37.076   Return to be filed
   37.077   Transfer of license certificates
   37.078   Secrecy of returns
   37.079   Contested returns
   37.080   Dissolution/withdrawals
   37.081   Agent of non-resident proprietor
   37.082   License fees for new business entities
   37.083   Maintenance of records and audits by City
   37.084   Refund of business license fee
   37.085   Other license taxes required to be paid
   37.086   Administration
   37.087   Revocation or suspension of license
   37.088   Revocations affecting renewals or transfers
   37.089   Voluntary surrender
   37.090   Measure of license fee; duration; pay date
   37.091   Amount of license fee
   37.092   Delinquency in payment of real, personal or employee license fee; grounds for refusal to renew or transfer license
   37.093   Penalty and interest
   37.094   Credit of occupational license fee payment requirement
Bank Franchise and Local Deposit Tax
   37.105   Tax imposed
   37.106   Property lien
   37.107   Delinquent payment
Municipal Premium License Fee
   37.120   Definitions
   37.121   Classification; tax levied; amount; partial allocation
Ambulance Service User Fee
   37.135   Establishment
   37.136   Use of revenues
   37.137   Promulgation authority
Schedule of Fees
   37.150   Schedule of fees, charges and expenses
Taxes, Fees and Charges
   37.170   Other taxes, fees and charges
Job Development Incentive Program
   37.210   Definitions
   37.211   Purposes, goals and objectives
   37.212   Creation
   37.213   Job Development Incentive Program Committee; Committee duties; Director and duties; duties of Chief Financial Officer
   37.214   Eligibility requirements
   37.215   Application and review procedure
   37.216   Events of default
   37.217   Remedies
   37.218   Bankruptcy
   37.219   Exemption from open records
Incentive Driving Entrepreneurial Accessibility Program
   37.230   Creation
   37.231   Definitions
   37.232   Purpose
   37.233   Committee and Director
   37.234   Eligibility requirements
   37.235   Application and review
   37.236   Duration
   37.237   Reimbursement submittal
   37.238   Additional provisions
   37.999   Penalty
   Appendix A:   Fees, Charges and Expenses
   Appendix B:   Cellular Antenna Tower and Small Cell System Tower Fees
   Appendix C:   Right-of-Way Usage Fees