General Provisions
   152.001   Short title
   152.002   Purpose
   152.003   Scope
   152.004   Conditions for recording
   152.005   Effect of provisions on other permits and agreements
   152.006   Severability
   152.007   Exceptions
   152.008   Interpretation
   152.009   Rules
   152.010   Definitions
   152.011   Amendment
   152.012   Variances
   152.025   Pre-application
   152.026   Procedure for preliminary plat
   152.027   Procedure for final plat
Data Required for Preliminary and Final Plats
   152.040   Preliminary plat
   152.041   Final plat
Subdivision Design Standards
   152.055   Conformity with other standards
   152.056   Interpretation of requirements
   152.057   Land requirements
   152.058   Blocks
   152.059   Lots
   152.060   Streets and alleys
   152.061   Easements
   152.062   Erosion and sediment control drainage
   152.063   Drainage
   152.064   Steep slopes
   152.065   Wetland systems
   152.066   Open space and landscaping
   152.067   Protected areas
   152.068   Mail and paper box locations
Parks, Open Space, and Public Use
   152.080   Dedication requirements
   152.081   Cash contribution
   152.082   Combination of land dedication and cash contribution
   152.083   Delayed dedication payment
   152.084   Purchase or condemnation of lands
   152.085   Location and configuration of dedication
Basic Required Improvements
   152.100   General
   152.101   Construction improvements
   152.102   Street improvements
   152.103   Sanitary sewer and water distribution improvements
   152.104   Grading, drainage and stormwater management
   152.105   Utilities
   152.106   Monument and survey requirements
   152.107   Pathways
   152.108   Other improvements
Registered Land Surveys and Conveyance by Metes and Bounds
   152.120   Registered land surveys
   152.121   Conveyance by metes and bounds
   152.135   Base fee per application
   152.136   Staff and consultant fee
   152.137   Payment
   152.150   Sale of lots from unrecorded plats
   152.151   Receiving or recording unapproved plats
   152.152   Misrepresentation as to construction, supervision, or inspection of improvements
   152.999   Penalty
§ 152.001 SHORT TITLE.
   This chapter shall be known as the “Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Monticello”, and will be referred to herein as “this chapter”.
§ 152.002 PURPOSE.
   (A)   In order to safeguard the best interests of the city and to assist the subdivider in harmonizing his or her interests with those of the city at large, the following chapter is adopted in order that adherence to same will bring results beneficial to both parties.
   (B)   It is the purpose of this chapter to:
      (1)   Encourage well planned, efficient, and attractive subdivisions by establishing adequate standards for design and construction;
      (2)   Provide for the health and safety and general welfare of residents by requiring the necessary services such as properly designed streets and adequate sewage and water service;
      (3)   Place the cost of improvements against those benefitting from their construction;
      (4)   Secure the rights of the public with respect to public lands and waters; and
      (5)   Make certain regulations and requirements for the platting of land within the city pursuant to the authority contained in Minnesota Statutes Annotated, including M.S. § 462.358 and M.S. Ch. 505, as they may be amended from time to time, which regulations the City Council deems necessary for the health, safety, and general welfare of this community.
§ 152.003 SCOPE.
   The provisions of this chapter relate to any division of a tract of land into two or more parcels by platting, replatting, conveyance, registered land survey, or other means, and the combination or recombination of parcels that for which compliance with the zoning ordinance would be affected.
   No plat or any subdivision shall be entitled to record in the County Register of Deeds office or have any validity until the plat thereof has been prepared, approved, and acknowledged in the manner prescribed by this chapter.
   (A)   Generally. No building permits will be considered for issuance by the city for the construction of any building, structure, or improvement to the land or to any lot in a subdivision as defined herein until all requirements of this chapter have been fully complied with.
   (B)   Private agreements. This chapter is not intended to abrogate any easement, covenant, or any other private agreement provided that where the regulations of this chapter are more restrictive or impose higher standards or requirements on an easement, covenant, or other private agreement, the requirements of this chapter shall govern.