The owner or subdivider shall prepare and submit a preliminary plat together with any necessary supplementary information.
   (A)   Contents. The preliminary plat shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Proposed name of subdivision; names shall not duplicate or too closely resemble names of existing subdivisions;
      (2)   Location of boundary lines in relation to a known section, quarter section, or quarter- quarter section lines comprising a legal description of the property;
      (3)   Names and addresses of the record fee owner;
      (4)   Scale of plat not less than one inch to 100 feet;
      (5)   Date and north point;
      (6)   Project narrative; and
      (7)   Certificate of survey signed by a registered land surveyor and current within six months of plat application to include legal description, all public utilities including pipe size, material type, depths, location, and detail of private utilities or easements, any other easements of record.
   (B)   Existing conditions plan.
      (1)   Boundary line of proposed subdivision clearly indicated and to a close degree of accuracy;
      (2)   Existing zoning classifications for land within and abutting the subdivision;
      (3)   Location right-of -way width, and names of existing or planned streets, or other public ways, parks, and other public lands, permanent buildings and structures, easements, school districts, section and corporate lines within the plan and to a distance 350 feet beyond shall also be indicated;
      (4)   Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land, within 350 feet, identified by name and ownership, including all contiguous land owned or controlled by subdivider;
      (5)   Topographic data, including contours at vertical intervals of not more than two feet and all surface features and structures. Watercourses, marshes, rock outcrops, delineated wetlands, power transmission poles and lines, size, location, and elevation of all appurtenances of existing public utilities and all quasi-public utilities, including the name and operating authority of each utility, and other significant features shall be shown. U.S.G.S. data shall be used for all topographic mapping where feasible. (1929 sea level data shall be used for all topographic mapping.) The flood elevation of all lakes, river, and wetlands shall also be shown;
      (6)   An accurate soil survey of the subdivision prepared by a qualified person;
      (7)   Location and size of existing sewers, water mains, culverts, storm sewer, or other underground facilities within the tract and to a distance of 100 feet beyond the tract. Such data as grades, invert elevations and locations of catch basins, manholes, and hydrants shall be shown only on request;
      (8)   A survey prepared by a qualified person identifying tree coverage in the proposed subdivision in terms of type, weakness, maturity, potential hazard, infestation, vigor, density, and spacing. Deciduous trees that are less than six inches in diameter at a point five feet above natural grade, or trees that are diseased or invasive as defined by the Department of Natural Resources may be exempted from this survey; and
      (9)   Wetland data report shall be required and must consist of a wetland delineation report which identifies all wetlands, ponds, lakes, waterways, floodplains, and shorelines, and a wetland functional assessment summary. The wetland data report must be submitted with the preliminary plat.
   (C)   Proposed design features.
      (1)   A proposed grading plan showing the present and existing contours at two-foot contour interval, together with off-site existing contours depicting drainage patterns entering the proposed site, within 200 feet or more of the proposed subdivision is required unless waived by the City Engineer. If determined to be necessary by the City Engineer, one-foot contours may be required for proposed grading plans in order to ensure property drainage. High and low point elevations and emergency overflow elevations and routes shall be provided. The proposed grading plan shall demonstrate a design for the subdivision that respects the natural topography, and preserves existing trees, wetlands, and other natural features;
      (2)   Layout of proposed streets showing the right-of-way widths, centerline gradients, typical cross-sections, and proposed names of streets. The name of any street heretofore used in the county or its environs shall not be used unless the proposed street is a logical extension of an already named street, in which event the same name shall be used. Street names conform to the master street name and numbering system as adopted;
      (3)   Locations and widths of proposed streets and pathways;
      (4)   Layout, numbers, and preliminary dimensions of lots and blocks and dimensions of street frontage;
      (5)   Tabulation of the acreage of the full subdivision;
      (6)   Tabulation statement of the approximate square footage and dimensions of the individual lots;
      (7)   Minimum front and side street building setback lines. When lots are located on a curve, the width of the lot is measured at the building setback line;
      (8)   For each lot, specify building type, finished floor elevations, and lowest opening elevations.
      (9)   Areas, other than streets, alleys, pathways, and utility easements intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use, including the size of the area or areas in acres;
      (10)   Proposed location and routing of proposed sewer lines and identification of gravity mains or forcemains;
      (11)   Proposed location and routing of proposed water mains;
      (12)   A vegetation preservation and protection plan that shows those trees proposed to be removed, those to remain, the types and locations of trees, and other vegetation that are to be planted;
      (13)   A stormwater management plan and erosion and sediment control plan in accordance with the requirements of the city’s Design Manual and per zoning ordinance Chapter 4.10; and
      (14)   Open space and landscaping plan.
   (D)   Other information.
      (1)   The applicant shall supply proof of title in a form approved by the City Attorney and the legal description of the property for which the subdivision is requested and, as applicable, supply documented authorization from the owner(s) of the property in question to proceed with the requested subdivision;
      (2)   Statement of the proposed use of lots stating type of residential buildings with number of proposed dwelling units and type of business or industry, so as to reveal the effect of the development on traffic, fire hazards, and congestion of population;
      (3)   If any zoning changes are contemplated, the proposed zoning plan for the areas;
      (4)   (a)   Where the subdivider owns property adjacent to that which is being proposed for the subdivision, the Planning Commission shall require that the subdivider submit a sketch plan of the remainder of the property so as to show the possible relationships between the proposed subdivision and the future subdivision; and
         (b)   In any event, all subdivisions shall be shown to relate well with existing or potential adjacent subdivision.
      (5)   Where structures are to be placed on large lots (over 30,000 square feet), the preliminary plat shall indicate placement of structures so that lots may be further subdivided;
      (6)   Where potential subdivision and use of excessively deep (over 300 feet) lots exist, the preliminary plat shall indicate placement of structures so that lots may be further subdivided;
      (7)   A copy of all proposed private restrictions and covenants; and
      (8)   Other information as may be requested by the engineer, surveyor, or Planning Commission.