   (A)   (1)   No final plat shall be approved by the City Council without first receiving a report from the City Engineer certifying that the improvements described herein, together with the agreements and documents required herein, meet the minimum requirements of all applicable ordinances.
      (2)   Drawings showing all improvements as built shall be filed with the City Clerk.
   (B)   No final plat shall be approved by the City Council on land subject to flooding or containing poor drainage facilities and on land which would make adequate drainage of the streets and lots impossible. However, if the subdivider agrees to make improvements which will, in the opinion of the City Engineer, make the area completely safe for residential occupancy and provide adequate street and lot drainage and conform to applicable regulations of other agencies such as the U.S. Corps of Engineers or the Department of Natural Resources, the final plat of the subdivision may be approved.
   (C)   In addition, the plats may not be approved if the cost of providing municipal services to protect the floodplain area would impose an unreasonable economic burden upon the city.
   (D)   As a condition of final plat approval, the development agreement shall make provision in the manner hereinafter set forth for the installation, at the sole expense of the subdivider, of such improvements as shall be required by the city, which improvements may include, but are not limited to items included in division (G) below. The installation of said improvements shall be in conformity with city approved construction plans and specifications and all applicable city standards and sections of this code. The subdivider shall not commence with construction of improvements until financial assurances are provided as contained in the development agreement.
   (E)   Developer installed improvements.
      (1)   No owner or subdivider shall be permitted to start work on any improvements without providing the city a financial security, in a form acceptable to the city and consistent with city ordinance or policy as adopted by the City Council, guaranteeing the improvement will be installed in accordance with all laws, rules, regulations, and policies as approved by the city. The amount of the financial security shall be 125% of the engineer’s estimate of the total cost of the improvements to be installed, as verified by the City Engineer and set forth in the development agreement. In the event the required improvements are not completed within the specified timeline, all amounts held in the development agreement as security may be drawn upon by the city and applied by the city to the cost of completing the required improvements. If the available securities are not sufficient to complete the required improvements, the necessary additional cost to the city shall be assessed against the subdivision.
      (2)   Securities may be reduced from time to time prior to improvement acceptance upon submission of formal request by the owner or subdivider. No reduction of security shall be authorized unless the improvements associated with the reduction request have been inspected by the city and found to be in compliance with this chapter and satisfactory evidence of contractor payment has been provided.
      (3)   Prior to any public improvement being accepted by the city, the owner or subdivider shall post a maintenance bond or other security in a form acceptable to the city naming the city as obligee in an amount deemed appropriate by the City Council to insure the maintenance of the improvements for a period of 24 months from the date of acceptance or approval by the city.
      (4)   The owner or sudivider shall continue to be responsible for defects, deficiencies, and damage to improvements during development of the subdivision. No inspection approval of release or reduction of funds from the security as to any component or category shall be deemed to be city final approval of the improvements or otherwise release the owner or subdivider of its obligation relating to the completion of the improvement within the final subdivision until a release on all improvements and maintenance is issued by the City Council declaring that all improvements have in fact been constructed as required.
      (5)   The applicant shall provide to the city grading and utility as-built drawings of all improvements.
      (6)   The owner or subdivider engaged in the development of lands and properties may request city participation in the payment of the costs of certain improvements. City participation shall be negotiated with the subdivider and established by the City Council pursuant to entering into a development agreement. The Council shall on a case-by-case basis determine infrastructure impact on areas outside the subdivision. City required oversizing of infrastructure beyond the appropriate standard residential or commercial equivalent shall be eligible for funding by the city. Source of city funding shall not be a determinate of financial participation.
      (7)   Nothing in this section shall prohibit or prevent the city from establishing a fee, charge, or assessment against the subsequent subdivider/developers which benefit from the prior improvements for the purpose of maintaining or upgrading the public improvements.
      (8)   All of the required improvements to be installed under the provisions of this subchapter shall be inspected during the course of their construction by the City Engineer. All of the inspection costs pursuant thereto shall be paid by the owner or subdivider in the manner prescribed in § 152.100(C).
      (9)   The city shall have the right to install any or all of the required improvements as it may elect and upon such terms and conditions as it may deem appropriate under the circumstances.
   (F)   City installed improvements.
      (1)   Any person desiring to have improvements installed may request the city to install the improvements, if the request is accompanied by a written petition signed by 100% of the landowners pursuant to M.S. Ch. 429, as it may be amended from time to time, and a waiver of assessment appeal. Acceptance of the request shall be discretionary on the part of the City Council, based on the benefit to the property owners, and subject to the following conditions and as authorized by state law.
      (2)   (a)   Prior to the making of such required improvements, the City Council shall require the owner or subdivider to pay to the city an amount equal to a minimum of 25% and up to 100% of the estimated total cost of the improvements, including not only construction but all indirect costs.
         (b)   The actual percentage to be determined by the city in each case based on its review of the following:
            1.   The financial background of the developer;
            2.   The normalcy of the unit charge for putting in the improvement;
            3.   An evaluation of the cost recovery potential through the sale of the land;
            4.   The likelihood of success of the development; and
            5.   Developer default on any outstanding assessment payment in the past 12 months.
      (3)   This payment must be made to the city prior to the City Council adopting the resolution ordering the project.
      (4)   If approved by the City Council, the city may cause the improvements to be made and special assessments for all costs of the improvements to be levied on the benefitted land, except any land which is or shall be dedicated to the public. The total project cost, less the deposit, will be assessed 100% against the benefitted property payable in not more than ten annual installments with interest at a rate of at least 1.5% (rounded up to the nearest 0.25%) over the rate paid on bonds issued to finance the improvements or, if financed internally, over the then equivalent rate the city determined it would have to pay on bonds issued at that time; provided, however, at the entire assessment balance outstanding against a given parcel is to be paid in full prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy permit for principal use of new construction on that parcel or within 180 days after a building permit for new construction is issued, whichever comes first.
      (5)   Water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer lateral lines shall be assessed 100% against the benefitted property within the proposed subdivision. These assessments shall be made on a residential housing unit basis.
      (6)   Water, sanitary, and storm sewer trunk fees will be due at the time of platting or in cases where properties have already been platted, applicable trunk fees will be collected at such time a new building permit is issued.
      (7)   (a)   The cost of constructing permanent streets, including curb and gutter, will be 100% assessed against benefitted property based on front footage. Corner lots shall be assessed for frontage only with no charge made for the long side lot footage. Costs resulting from intersections and side lot footage shall be included in the total amount to be assessed and apportioned over the net assessable footage.
         (b)   In the case of odd-shaped lots, the footage shall be measured at the building setback line; however, in no event shall the assessable footage be less than the minimum lot width as required by the city.
      (8)   In the event a building permit is applied for prior to completion of installation of the improvements, an escrow payment to the city shall be deposited in an amount equal to 125% of the estimated total assessment.
      (9)   Upon completion of the project and determination of the actual cost to be assessed, any overcharge will be refunded and any additional cost will be due the city within 30 days of notification of the additional cost. If, for any reason, subsequent to having made the advance payment to the city the developer should withdraw from the project, the city is entitled to retain an amount equal to the city’s cost related to the project to that time, and the balance shall be refunded to the developer.
      (10)   At the request of the owner or subdivider, the city may agree to spread all of the assessments against the subdivision on a per lot or residential housing unit basis rather than on the various methods set forth in divisions (F)(5), (F)(6), or (F)(7) above.
      (11)   In all cases, the procedure for local improvements prescribed in M.S. Ch. 429, as it may be amended from time to time, shall be followed.
      (12)   The requirements of this subchapter are intended to be compatible with the assessment policy in this division (F).
   (G)   Minimum improvements.
      (1)   It is hereby the policy of the city to, as soon as practicable after the approval of the proposed plat, require the installation of all of the following improvements within the subdivision.
      (2)   In addition to those below, additional improvements may be required by development agreement:
         (a)   Trunk and lateral sanitary sewer;
         (b)   Trunk and lateral water main;
         (c)   Storm drainage facilities;
         (d)   Stormwater maintenance;
         (e)   Streets;
         (f)   Concrete curb and gutter;
         (g)   Street traffic control devices;
         (h)   Lot grading;
         (i)   Trail development;
         (j)   Sidewalk development;
         (k)   Electricity (within one-fourth mile);
         (l)   Natural gas (within one-fourth mile);
         (m)   Communications (within one-fourth mile);
         (n)   Water shut-off boxes;
         (o)   Street striping and signing;
         (p)   Streetlights;
         (q)   Landscaping;
         (r)   Monuments;
         (s)   As-built plans; and
         (t)   Easement and deeds
   (A)   The full width of the right-of-way shall be graded, including the subgrade of the areas to be paved, in accordance with standards and specifications as approved by the City Engineer.
   (B)   All streets to be paved shall be of an overall width in accordance with the standards and specifications as approved by the City Engineer.
   (C)   Curb and gutter will be constructed as required by the standards and specifications as approved by the City Engineer.
   (D)   If deemed necessary by the City Engineer and City Council, the owner or subdivider shall install street traffic control signals. The signalization shall be constructed in conjunction with the street unless the Council grants a waiver to delay signalization. In the event such waiver is granted, the owner or subdivider shall deposit with the city a sum of money equivalent to the engineer’s estimated cost of the signalization.
   (E)   Street trees and boulevard sodding shall be planted in conformance with the standards and specifications as approved by the City Engineer.
   (F)   Street signs shall be installed in conformance with the standards and specifications as approved by the City Engineer.
   (G)   Street lights shall be installed in conformance with the standards and specifications as approved by the City Engineer.
   (H)   Mailbox clusters shall in installed in conformance with the standards and specifications as approved by the City Engineer.
   (A)   Sanitary sewers shall be installed as may be required by standards and specifications approved by the City Engineer.
   (B)   Sanitary sewer mains and service connections stubbed in to the property line shall be installed to serve all lots in the subdivision and other such properties served by the subdivision sewer main, when the location of such plat is within an area of the city which is either being assessed for sanitary sewer service or for which such service has been authorized by the City Council.
   (C)   Water mains and service connections stubbed in to the property line shall be installed to serve all lots in the subdivision and other such properties served by the subdivision water main when the location of such plat is within an area of the city which is either being assessed for water service or for which such service has been authorized by the City Council.
   (D)   City water facilities, including pipe fittings, hydrants, and the like, shall be installed as may be required by standards and specifications approved by the City Council. Where city water facilities are not available for extension into the proposed subdivision, the Council may by ordinance grant approval for such water facilities to serve all properties within a subdivision where a complete and adequate neighborhood water distribution system is designed in conjunction with the subdivision and complete plans for the system are submitted for approval of the Council.
   (E)   Where city sewer and water facilities are not available for extension into proposed subdivision, the City Council may permit the use of individual water and sewer systems in accordance with appropriate state regulations.
   (A)   Storm drainage.
      (1)   A system of drainage shall be provided that will conform and implement the city’s comprehensive stormwater plan.
      (2)   Storm sewers, culverts, stormwater inlets, and other drainage facilities will be required where they are necessary to ensure adequate stormwater drainage for the subdivision. Where required, the drainage facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the standards and specifications as adopted by the City Council.
   (B)   Stormwater maintenance. Upon successful establishment of permanent erosion control facilities the subdivider shall safeguard the storm sewer system from excess siltation caused by construction until full buildout within a subdivision, including the sodding. The subdivider shall clean all storm sewers and shall also remove silt from all ponding areas which received runoff from the development as well as all temporary erosion control devices (i.e., silt fence).
   (C)   Lot grading. All lots shall be graded in accordance with the final grading plan. In addition, erosion control measures shall be followed to eliminate erosion. Upon completion of the grading, at least four inches of topsoil shall be applied to all exposed ground areas. And said areas shall be landscaped in accordance with the final landscape plan.
§ 152.105 UTILITIES.
   All necessary utility easements must be recorded prior to utility installation.
   (A)   Electricity. The subdivider shall be responsible for providing electric service to the plat. Whenever possible, a joint trench shall be utilized for small utilities (cable, fiber, gas, electric, telephone).
   (B)   Communications. The subdivider shall be responsible for providing phone service to the plat. Whenever possible, a joint trench shall be utilized for small utilities (cable, fiber, gas, electric, telephone).
   (C)   Natural gas. The subdivider shall be responsible for providing natural gas service to the plat. Whenever possible, a joint trench shall be utilized for small utilities (cable, fiber, gas, electric, telephone).
   (A)   Official monuments, as designated and adopted by the County Surveyor’s office and approved by the County District Court for use as judicial monuments, shall be set at each corner or angle on the outside boundary of the final plat or in accordance with a plan as approved by the City Engineer. The boundary line of the property to be included with the plat to be fully dimensioned; all angles of the boundary excepting the closing angle to be indicated; all monuments and surveyor’s irons to be indicated, each angle of the point of the boundary perimeter to be so monumented.
   (B)   Proper survey monumentation shall be placed at each lot corner and points of curvature and tangency along street rights-of-way. All Unites States, state, county, or other official bench marks, monuments, or triangular stations in or adjacent to the property shall be preserved in precise position and shall be recorded on the plat. All lot and block dimensions shall be shown on the plat and all necessary angles pertaining to the lots and block, as an aid to future surveys, shall be shown on the plat.
   (C)   To ensure that all irons and monuments are correctly in place following the final grading of a plat, a security shall be required until a certificate from the surveyor has been provided to the city verifying the placement of all monuments in accordance with this section.
§ 152.107 PATHWAYS.
   (A)   Trail development.
      (1)   Trail improvements shall be installed as shown on the final plat and/or master trail plan.
      (2)   All accessible bikeway/walkway trailways shall be constructed per the standard detail plats approved by the City Engineer.
      (3)   Grades and specifications shall be as approved by the City Engineer and shall meet all city, state, and federal requirements.
   (B)   Sidewalks.
      (1)   All single-family subdivisions shall have not less than a six-foot-wide concrete sidewalk on at least one side of each through street or anticipated through street to provide for safe pedestrian traffic.
      (2)   All multi-family subdivisions shall have concrete sidewalks not less than six feet wide on both sides of the main public street spine, unless otherwise approved by City Council. Sidewalks may be required on culs-de-sac.
      (3)   All sidewalks shall be located within the road right-of-way. Wherever possible, placement of the sidewalk within the right-of-way should allow for a minimum of a one-foot separation between the edge of the sidewalk and the residential property line.
      (4)   Cost of sidewalk construction within the subdivision shall be borne by the subdivider and not eligible for credit against park and trail dedication fees.
      (5)   The design must meet current standards of the city, comply with the Americans for Disabilities Act (ADA), and be shown on the preliminary plat for approval. All sidewalks required by the city shall be constructed as shown on the cities standard detail plates.
   (A)   Water shutoff boxes. The water shut-off boxes shall be adjusted at the time the final boulevard grade is established. Water shut-off boxes shall remain visible after the boulevard sod is installed.
   (B)   Easement acquisition and deed. Prior to the time of construction, the owner or subdivider shall obtain and supply all easements and deeds required for the project. At the time the project is complete and turned over to the city, all easements not dedicated on the final plat shall be deeded to the city in a separate recordable document.
   (C)   As-built plans. Upon completion of installation of all required improvements, the subdivider shall file with the city copies of plans and specifications showing all improvements as finally constructed and installed in both digital and paper form as required by the City Engineer. Such as-built drawings shall be certified to be true and accurate by the registered engineer responsible for the installation of the improvements.