(A) Sanitary sewers shall be installed as may be required by standards and specifications approved by the City Engineer.
(B) Sanitary sewer mains and service connections stubbed in to the property line shall be installed to serve all lots in the subdivision and other such properties served by the subdivision sewer main, when the location of such plat is within an area of the city which is either being assessed for sanitary sewer service or for which such service has been authorized by the City Council.
(C) Water mains and service connections stubbed in to the property line shall be installed to serve all lots in the subdivision and other such properties served by the subdivision water main when the location of such plat is within an area of the city which is either being assessed for water service or for which such service has been authorized by the City Council.
(D) City water facilities, including pipe fittings, hydrants, and the like, shall be installed as may be required by standards and specifications approved by the City Council. Where city water facilities are not available for extension into the proposed subdivision, the Council may by ordinance grant approval for such water facilities to serve all properties within a subdivision where a complete and adequate neighborhood water distribution system is designed in conjunction with the subdivision and complete plans for the system are submitted for approval of the Council.
(E) Where city sewer and water facilities are not available for extension into proposed subdivision, the City Council may permit the use of individual water and sewer systems in accordance with appropriate state regulations.
(A) Storm drainage.
(1) A system of drainage shall be provided that will conform and implement the city’s comprehensive stormwater plan.
(2) Storm sewers, culverts, stormwater inlets, and other drainage facilities will be required where they are necessary to ensure adequate stormwater drainage for the subdivision. Where required, the drainage facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the standards and specifications as adopted by the City Council.
(B) Stormwater maintenance. Upon successful establishment of permanent erosion control facilities the subdivider shall safeguard the storm sewer system from excess siltation caused by construction until full buildout within a subdivision, including the sodding. The subdivider shall clean all storm sewers and shall also remove silt from all ponding areas which received runoff from the development as well as all temporary erosion control devices (i.e., silt fence).
(C) Lot grading. All lots shall be graded in accordance with the final grading plan. In addition, erosion control measures shall be followed to eliminate erosion. Upon completion of the grading, at least four inches of topsoil shall be applied to all exposed ground areas. And said areas shall be landscaped in accordance with the final landscape plan.
All necessary utility easements must be recorded prior to utility installation.
(A) Electricity. The subdivider shall be responsible for providing electric service to the plat. Whenever possible, a joint trench shall be utilized for small utilities (cable, fiber, gas, electric, telephone).
(B) Communications. The subdivider shall be responsible for providing phone service to the plat. Whenever possible, a joint trench shall be utilized for small utilities (cable, fiber, gas, electric, telephone).
(C) Natural gas. The subdivider shall be responsible for providing natural gas service to the plat. Whenever possible, a joint trench shall be utilized for small utilities (cable, fiber, gas, electric, telephone).
(A) Official monuments, as designated and adopted by the County Surveyor’s office and approved by the County District Court for use as judicial monuments, shall be set at each corner or angle on the outside boundary of the final plat or in accordance with a plan as approved by the City Engineer. The boundary line of the property to be included with the plat to be fully dimensioned; all angles of the boundary excepting the closing angle to be indicated; all monuments and surveyor’s irons to be indicated, each angle of the point of the boundary perimeter to be so monumented.
(B) Proper survey monumentation shall be placed at each lot corner and points of curvature and tangency along street rights-of-way. All Unites States, state, county, or other official bench marks, monuments, or triangular stations in or adjacent to the property shall be preserved in precise position and shall be recorded on the plat. All lot and block dimensions shall be shown on the plat and all necessary angles pertaining to the lots and block, as an aid to future surveys, shall be shown on the plat.
(C) To ensure that all irons and monuments are correctly in place following the final grading of a plat, a security shall be required until a certificate from the surveyor has been provided to the city verifying the placement of all monuments in accordance with this section.