It shall be unlawful for any firm, person, group, company, corporation, or governmental body or agency, without the express consent of the grantee, to make or possess, or assist anybody in making or possessing, any unauthorized connection, extension, or division, whether physically, acoustically, inductively, electronically or otherwise, with or to any segment of the system or receive services of the system without grantee's authorization. (Ord. 827, 8-5-2002, eff. 8-26-2002)
Any firm, person, group, company, or corporation found guilty of violating this section 9-1-13 may be fined not less than twenty dollars ($20.00) and the costs of the action nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) and the costs of the action for each and every subsequent offense. Each continuing day of the violation shall be considered a separate occurrence. (Ord. 827, 8-5-2002, eff. 8-26-2002)