(Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
(a) Any building or portion of a building in which there has been a change of occupancy or location, after July 1, 1986, to one of the following, shall be wired in accordance with this Code. (See LAMC Section 91.8203.)
1. Locations defined by CEC Division 500 or this Code as hazardous locations.
2. Occupancies defined in Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC, and which are required by Article 7, Chapter V, of the LAMC, or where the owner or designer has installed a fire alarm system.
3. Occupancies where the new occupant load exceeds the original or previous value in the building. The occupant load is determined according to the provisions of this the Los Angeles Building Code.
4. Occupancies where the proposed new load density exceeds that of the original or previously used space. Load density is determined based on the load per square foot of area under consideration for the permit.
5. Change in use or occupancy requiring a more restrictive wiring method.
Electric wiring installed under a permit issued before the effective date of this Code may be installed in accordance with the laws in effect when the permit was issued; and all work begun before the expiration of the permit may be done in accordance with such laws. (Added by Ord. No. 154,234, Eff. 9/8/80.)
Three copies of every law, ordinance, regulation, and specification, or portion thereof which is specifically referred to, or which is mentioned by title and serial designation, or by date of publication, approval or adoption in this Code, shall be kept on file and available for public inspection in the office of the Superintendent of Building. (Added by Ord. No. 154,234, Eff. 9/8/80.)
Right of entry shall be governed by the provisions of Section 98.0105 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. (Added by Ord. No. 154,234, Eff. 9/8/80.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
CEC Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the tables of Chapter 9 apply as general rules. CEC Chapters 5, 6 and 7 apply to special occupancies, special equipment or their special conditions and supplement or modify the general rules. CEC Chapter 8 covers communication systems and is not subject to the requirements of CEC Chapters 1 through 7 except where specifically referenced in CEC Chapter 8.
(Added by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
(a) When the Department determines by field verification that the extent of damage to the wiring system installation in a building, structure or area:
(i) Exceeds 50%, the entire electrical wiring system has to be reinstalled in compliance with the current code;
(ii) Is 50% or less, only the damaged wiring system has to be reinstalled in compliance with the current code.
(Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
(a) The provisions of this section shall apply to any exterior luminaire, multi-head luminaire, lamp holder or sign light source.
(b) No person shall construct, establish, create, or maintain any stationary exterior light source that may cause the following locations to be either illuminated by more than two footcandles (21.5 lx) of lighting intensity or receive direct glare from the light source. Direct glare, as used in this subsection is a glare resulting from high luminances or insufficiently shielded light sources that is in the field of view.
1. Any exterior glazed window or sliding glass door on any other property containing a residential unit or units.
2. Any elevated habitable porch, deck or balcony on any other property containing a residential unit or units.
3. Any ground surface intended for use but not limited to recreation, barbecue, or lawn areas on any other property containing a residential unit or units.
EXCEPTIONS: Subsection (b) shall not apply to:
1. Any frosted light source emitting 800 lumens or less.
2. Any other light source emitting more than 800 lumens where the light source is not visible to persons on other residential property.
3. Any new or existing tennis or paddle tennis court exterior light source which conforms to the following:
A. Tennis courts shall be lighted by a maximum of eight full cut-off, horizontally mounted 1,000 watts or less luminaires, shielded in such a manner that the light source cannot be viewable from abutting residential properties. A luminaire shall not have a light intensity of more than 7,500 cd in rural areas, and 25,000 cd in the urban areas as these areas are defined by the 2010 US Census. The luminaire shall be mounted at a height of 20 feet (6096 mm) or less above the court surface and produce not more than 50 footcandles (538 lx) of lighting intensity on the court surface.
B. Paddle Tennis Courts shall be subject to all the provisions of Subparagraph 3.A., except that the number of luminaires shall be limited to four.
C. Tennis or Paddle Tennis Court lights shall not be turned on or left on between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, and between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., Saturday and Sunday.
D. The allowed light source intensity at locations indicated in Subsection (b) shall not exceed three footcandles (32.3 lx).
4. Decorative lights with individual light sources emitting 300 lumens or less and temporarily installed between November 25 and January 15 of the next year.
5. Emergency lights or temporary lighting sources used for repair or construction as required by governmental agencies.
6. Lighting sources owned or controlled by any public agency for the purpose of directing or controlling navigation, traffic or for highway or street illumination.
7. Aircraft warning lights.
8. Any other light source which is a minimum of 2,000 feet (609.6 m) in distance from any other property with a residential unit or units.
(c) The owner of property with any existing light source shall bring such light source into compliance with this section upon receipt of written notice from the Department.
(Division and Sections Renumbered by Ord No. 154,234, Eff. 9/8/80.)
93.0201 Permit Required.
93.0202 Exceptions, Permits Not Required.
93.0203 Scope of Permit.
93.0204 Permit Applications.
93.0206 Plans and Specifications.
93.0207 Information Required on Plans or Specifications.
93.0208 Transfer of Permits and Plan Checks.
93.0209 Revocation of Permits.
93.0210 Separate Permits Required.
93.0211 Expiration of Permits.
93.0212 Investigation Fee.
93.0213 Fees Required.
93.0214 Fees for New General Use Branch Circuits.
93.0215 Fees for Adding Lighting Fixtures, and Other Loads to Existing Branch Circuits, and for Lampholding Devices.
93.0216 Fees for Motors, Transformers, Heating Appliances, Studio Effects Lighting and Miscellaneous Equipment or Appliances.
93.0217 Fees for Fire Alarm and Signaling System, Communications, Control or Signal Systems and Smoke Detectors.
93.0218 Fees for Services and Switchboard Sections.
93.0219 Fees for Busways, Power Duct, Trolley Duct, Cable Trays, Cable Bus and Similar Equipment.
93.0220 Minimum Inspection Fee.
93.0222 Fees for Gas Tube Lighting, Signs and Sign Flashers.
93.0223 Fees for Swimming Pools.
93.0224 Fee for Miscellaneous Permit.
93.0227 Fees for Changing Address.
93.0228 Fees for Moved Buildings and Structures.
93.0229 Fees for Additional Inspections.
93.0230 Special Inspections.
93.0233 Fees for Plan Checking.
93.0235 Fees for Witnessing Tests of Emergency Systems and Fire Warning Systems.
93.0240 Fees for Registration of Premises Covered by a Maintenance Certificate of Registration.
93.0242 Fees for Certificate of Qualifications.
93.0243 Inspection Fees for Off-site Inspections.
(Amended by Ord. No. 187,719, Eff. 1/23/23.)
No person shall, install, alter, reconstruct, or repair any electrical wiring unless a permit therefor has been obtained from the Department except as otherwise provided in this Code. A permit is required for solar powered, stand-alone equipment, including, but not limited to, solar powered pole-mounted luminaires.
1. A separate electrical permit shall not be required for any electrical wiring for which a combined building-mechanical permit has been obtained pursuant to LAMC Subsection
2. No person shall be subject to fine, imprisonment or payment of an investigation fee for starting or doing any electrical wiring without a permit being first obtained if a permit is obtained therefor on or before 12:00 noon on the third day the office of the Department is open for public business after the electrical wiring was started.
(a) No permit shall be required in the following cases: (Amended by Ord. No. 172,593, Eff. 6/28/99, Oper. 7/1/99.)
1. Electric wiring expressly declared to be exempt from permit requirements of this Code by any other sections of the Code or by any other provisions of the LAMC. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
2. Wiring for temporary theater sets on the theater stages or temporary motion picture or television sets on any property belonging to or under the control of the City, privately owned studios, theaters, or similar locations designed for that usage. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
3. Installation of any portable motor or other portable appliance energized by means of a cord or cable having an attachment plug end, when that cord or cable is permitted by this Code.
4. Repair or replacement of fixed motors or fixed appliances, supplied by branch circuits not exceeding 20 amperes and not exceeding 240 volts nominal, of the same type and rating in the same location where not located in an area classed as "hazardous" under CEC Article 500. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
5. Festive temporary decorative lighting in dwelling occupancies only, for a period not to exceed 90 days. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,325, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
6. Repair or replacement of current-carrying parts of any switch, contactor or control device. (Amended by Ord. No. 173,704, Eff. 1/27/01.)
7. Reinstallation of attachment plug receptacle, but not the outlets for it.
8. Replacement of any overcurrent device of the same rating and in the same location.
9. Replacement of gas tube electrodes, transformers, tubes, drivers and power supplies with the same original manufactured parts having the same size, type, capacity and ratings for electric signs, or luminaries. (Amended by Ord. No. 181,561, Eff. 3/22/11.)
10. Taping of joints.
11. Removal of electric wiring.
12. Temporary wiring for experimental purposes in suitable experimental laboratories.
13. The following electrical wiring: (Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
(i) Non-required signaling circuits supplied by an approved Class 2 limited power source, capable of supplying not more than 30 volts and 100 volt-amperes; and
(ii) Non-required communication circuits which have the power limited in accordance with CEC Section 725.121; and
(iii) Non-required amplifier output circuits which are permitted by CEC Section 640.9(C) to employ Class 2 or Class 3 wiring; and
(iv) Any non-required circuit which operates at 12.4 volts or less and does not generate, transmit, transform, utilize or control more than 25 watts or volt-amperes of electric power.
EXCEPTION: No permit is required provided the above-described wiring is not located in any of the following locations:
a. Area classified as "hazardous" under CEC Article 500; or
b. Appurtenant to a required fire alarm and signaling system as classified under CEC Article 760; or
c. Penetrating any fire-resistive wall or floor system; or
d. In a plenum, duct or other space used for environmental air including access floors.
14. Any similar repair or replacement determined by the Department not to involve any hazard to life or property.
15. Repair or replacement of like in kind luminaires in single-family dwellings. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
16. Any electric wiring, except wiring located in an area classified as "hazardous" under CEC Article 500 after the branch circuit distribution panelboards used exclusively to supply or interconnect equipment installed, owned, operated or maintained by a communication public utility and used exclusively for communication purposes, in the exercise of its communication public utility functions within the communication public utility controlled areas. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
17. The replacement of defective smoke detectors, smoke alarms or carbon monoxide alarms in a single-family dwelling when the work is performed by a contractor with a valid Certificate of Registration pursuant to LAMC Section 91.1704. A Certificate of Compliance pursuant to LAMC Subsection 91.108.12 must be filed with the City in lieu of a permit. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
18. Electric wiring in the Harbor District pursuant to Section 98.0102.1(a) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. (Added by Ord. No. 182,851, Eff. 1/3/14.)
(b) The provisions of the foregoing exceptions shall not apply to any repairs or replacements of electrical devices, apparatus, or appliances which were originally installed without a permit when such permit is required for the original installation, or when energized by, or which is a part of any hazardous or illegal wiring system.
(c) The foregoing exceptions from permit requirements shall not be deemed to allow any electric wiring to be done in a manner contrary to other provision’s of this Code.