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SEC. 92.0402. GENERAL.
   (Amended by Ord. No. 158,169, Eff 8/3/83.)
   (a)   Definition. A device consisting of a power driven endless belt provided with steps or platforms and handholds attached to it for the vertical transportation of personnel.
   (b)   Installation and Limitation of Use. The installation of new manlifts is hereby prohibited, and any presently existing manlifts shall be removed from use not later than May 23, 1984 unless expressly excepted in this section.
   EXCEPTIONS: The installation of manlifts in flour mills is not prohibited. The requirement of removal from use not later than May 23, 1984 is not applicable to flour mills, borax silos, parking structures, or electric generating stations, provided that any manlift in such facility is completely enclosed by a fence, and access gates thereto are locked so as to prevent unauthorized and untrained personnel from using the device, and provided further that the City has authority to enter the premises in order to insure that the fence and locked gates are provided and properly maintained. (Amended by Ord. No. 182,846, Eff. 1/3/14.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 182,851, Eff. 1/3/14.)
   1   General Administrative Provisions
   2   Permits, Plans and Fees
   3   Enforcement
   4   Approved Equipment
   5   Registration
   6   Definitions and Requirements for Electrical Installations
   7   Requirements for Installation Methods and Materials
93.0101   Title.
93.0102   Purpose.
93.0103   Scope.
93.0104   Prohibited Acts.
93.0105   Interpretation.
93.0106   Other Limitations.
93.0107   Distracting, Confusing or Nuisance Lighting Viewed from Public Streets, Highways or Other Public Thoroughfares Used by Vehicular Traffic.
93.0108   Exempted from Code.
93.0109   Existing Construction.
93.0110   Relocated Buildings.
93.0111   Change of Occupancies.
93.0112   Effective Date.
93.0113   Referred Documents – Copies.
93.0114   Right of Entry.
93.0115   Code Arrangement.
93.0116   Fire Damaged Wiring System.
93.0117   Outdoor Lighting Affecting Residential Property.
SEC. 93.0101. TITLE.
   (Amended by Ord. No. 187,719, Eff. 1/23/23.)
   This article shall be known as the "Los Angeles Electrical Code" a portion of the "Los Angeles Municipal Code". Wherever the word "Code" is used in this article, it shall mean the "Los Angeles Electrical Code" and whenever "LAMC" is used, it shall refer to the "Los Angeles Municipal Code". References to the "CEC" and the "CBSC" shall mean the 2022 "California Electrical Code" and the 2022 "California Building Standards Codes" respectively. Whenever the word "City" is used, it shall mean the "City of Los Angeles". Whenever the word "Department" is used, it shall mean the "Department of Building and Safety".
SEC. 93.0102. PURPOSE.
   (a)   The purpose of this Code is to reduce the personnel hazard and the fire hazard from electrical causes. To accomplish this, the requirements set forth herein are intended to provide a minimum standard for electrical installations in the City of Los Angeles.
   (b)   Whenever compliance with the provisions of this Code fail to reduce the demonstrable hazards due to electrical causes to an acceptable level and the hazard is such that the time required to effect a change through normal processes would not be in the common interest, the Superintendent of the Department may require additional safeguards to meet the intent and purpose of this Code.
SEC. 93.0103. SCOPE.
   (Amended by Ord. No. 172,593, Eff. 6/28/99, Oper. 7/1/99.)
   The provisions of this Code shall apply to all electrical systems or equipment installed, used, maintained, rented, leased, or offered for sale or distributed for use in the City of Los Angeles, except those electrical systems and equipment exempted from the provisions of this Code.
   It is the intent of this Code to place jurisdiction of electrical wiring on the supply side of service points with the electric utility or serving agency.
   (Amended by Ord. No. 185,198, Eff. 11/22/17.)
   No person shall install, operate or maintain electrical systems or equipment which do not comply with all of the applicable provisions of this Code.