(Title and Section Amended by Ord. No. 185,036, Eff. 8/14/17.)
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within the area of the Parkway as defined in Section 80.00(h) of this Code.
(Added by Ord. No. 176,861, Eff. 9/14/05.)
(a) Definitions: For the purpose of this section, the following words and phrases are defined and shall be construed as hereinafter set out, unless it shall be apparent from the context that they have a different meaning:
1. Dwelling Unit shall mean one or more rooms containing a kitchen, located in a building, and designed for occupancy by one family for living and sleeping purposes.
2. Resident shall mean a person who lives in a Dwelling Unit located in an Overnight Parking District.
3. Visitor shall mean a person who is visiting a Resident in an Overnight Parking District.
4. Guest shall mean a person who, for one night, is visiting a Resident in the Resident’s Dwelling Unit located in an Overnight Parking District.
5. Overnight Parking District shall mean an area with boundaries designated by a City Council resolution wherein the parking or standing of vehicles on certain streets or highways, or portions thereof, is prohibited or restricted between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.
6. Overnight Parking Permit shall mean a permit issued by the Department, which exempts vehicles displaying a valid permit from parking restrictions established pursuant to this section.
(b) Designation of Overnight Parking District: The Council may establish, by resolution, Overnight Parking Districts with appropriate boundaries and authorize parking restrictions to be in effect on the streets thereof between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. The resolution establishing an Overnight Parking District shall state the maximum number and type of Overnight Parking Permits that may be issued to any one Dwelling. The resolution shall also establish the fee charged for each type of Overnight Parking Permit.
(c) Types of Overnight Parking Permits: The Council may authorize, by resolution, the Department of Transportation to issue Resident Permits, and/or Visitor Permits and/or Guest Permits for an Overnight Parking District if such proposed district is a residential area lacking adequate off-street parking facilities. Motor vehicles properly displaying a valid Resident, Visitor or Guest Permit may be parked exempt from the parking restrictions established pursuant to this section in the Overnight Parking District for which the permit is issued.
1. Resident Permit:
a. Shall be issued only to a vehicle whose registration lists the resident as the owner and the vehicle’s registered address as the resident’s address in the Overnight Parking District;
b. Shall be valid on any street in the Overnight Parking District;
c. Shall be valid for a maximum period of 12 months; and
d. May be renewed annually.
2. Visitor Permit:
a. Shall be issued to a Resident of the area to be used on any vehicle owned or leased by the Resident or the Resident’s Visitor;
b. Shall be valid on any street in the Overnight Parking District;
c. Shall be valid for four (4) months; and
d. May be renewed every four (4) months.
3. Guest Permit:
a. Shall be issued to a Resident of the area to be used on any vehicle owned or leased by the Resident or the Resident’s Guest;
b. Shall be valid on any street in the Overnight Parking District; and
c. Shall be valid only for the date specified on the permit.
(d) Issuance of Permits: Parking permits for Overnight Parking Districts shall be issued by the Department of Transportation or its authorized agent.
1. Overnight Parking Permits shall be issued only to Residents of the Overnight Parking District, except that the resolution establishing an Overnight Parking District may authorize the Department to issue Visitor Permit(s) to absentee landlords for their personal use or for the use of their authorized property managers.
2. Each Resident Permit shall state or reflect thereon the particular Overnight Parking District, the license number of the vehicle for which the permit is issued, and the date on which the permit shall expire.
3. Each Visitor Permit shall state or reflect thereon the particular Overnight Parking District and the date on which the permit shall expire.
4. Each Guest Permit shall state or reflect thereon the particular Overnight Parking District and the date on which the permit is valid.
5. Applicants for Overnight Parking Permits will be required to pay all amounts owed to the City of Los Angeles for any outstanding delinquent parking citations prior to the issuance of any Resident, Visitor or Guest Permits.
(e) Posting of Overnight Parking District: Upon designation of an Overnight Parking District, the Department of Transportation shall cause appropriate signs to be erected in such district in accordance with procedures set forth in the establishing Council resolution, indicating prominently thereon the parking limitation and the period of the day for its application. Such signs shall also state that motor vehicles with valid permits shall be exempt from the restrictions. Overnight parking restriction signs may be posted on school and church frontages located within the district.
(f) Permit Parking Exemption:
1. A motor vehicle on which is properly displayed a valid Resident, Visitor or Guest Permit shall be permitted to be parked on any block within the Overnight Parking District for which it is issued, despite the parking restrictions established pursuant to this section. Except as provided below, all other motor vehicles parked within an Overnight Parking District shall be subject to the parking restrictions adopted pursuant to this section, as well as to the penalties herein provided.
2. An Overnight Parking Permit shall not guarantee or reserve to the holder thereof an on-street parking space within the designated Overnight Parking District.
3. The following vehicles shall be exempt from parking restrictions established pursuant to this section:
a. A motor vehicle, identified as owned by or operated under contract to a utility, whether privately, municipally or publicly owned, when used in the construction, operation, removal, or repair of utility property or facilities or engaged in authorized work in the designated Overnight Parking District.
b. A motor vehicle identified as owned by or operated under contract to a governmental agency, when used in the course of official government business.
(g) Rules and Regulations: The Department shall have authority to promulgate and administer rules to implement and enforce the program and to implement the issuance of Overnight Parking Permits as well as the collection and deposit of fees for these permits, consistent with this section and the direction of the Council through the resolution establishing each Overnight Parking District.
(h) Penalty Provisions:
1. Unless exempted pursuant to this section, no person shall stand or park a motor vehicle in violation of any parking restrictions established pursuant to this section.
2. No person shall falsely represent themself as eligible for an Overnight Parking Permit or furnish false information in an application for an Overnight Parking Permit to the Department.
3. No permit issued pursuant to this section shall thereafter be assigned, transferred or used for any consideration, monetary or otherwise.
4. No person shall copy, produce or create a facsimile or counterfeit Overnight Parking Permit; nor shall any person use or display a facsimile or counterfeit Overnight Parking Permit.
5. The Overnight Parking Permit or Permits of any Resident who, after a hearing, has been found by the Department to have violated any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be revoked by the Department and no new Overnight Parking Permits shall be issued to that Resident or household for a period of one year. Such Resident, upon written notification of such revocation, shall surrender the permit or permits to the Department within 15 days.
(Amended by Ord. No. 134,523, Eff. 7/17/67.)
(a) The Department shall prohibit the stopping or parking of vehicles on any of the following places:
1. Any place where the stopping or parking of vehicles is determined by the Department to constitute a hazard to traffic, life or property, or an obstruction to vehicular or pedestrian passage;
2. Any place, within 30 feet of an intersection in any business district, except that a bus may stop at a designated bus stop:
3. Any place within 25 feet of the approach to the nearest line of a crosswalk, except that a bus may stop at a designated bus stop, but not within five feet of said nearest line of a crosswalk;
4. Any place with 25 feet of any traffic signal, stop sign or other official electrical flashing device, except that a bus may stop at a designated bus stop, but not within five feet of any traffic signal, stop sign or official electrical flashing device. (Former Subdiv. 4 Deleted and Former Subdiv. 5 Renumbered by Ord. No. 177,716, Eff. 9/4/06.)
5. Any place within 15 feet of any “yield” sign, except that a bus may stop at a designated bus stop. (Former Subdiv. 6 Renumbered by Ord. No. 177,716, Eff. 9/4/06.)
6. Upon any street or portion thereof contiguous to the frontage of any elementary school, junior or senior high school where it is determined that parking will create a hazard to life and property, or a serious obstruction to vehicles or pedestrian passage. (Former Subdiv. 7 Renumbered by Ord. No. 177,716, Eff. 9/4/06.)
Authorized school buses owned by or under contract with the Board of Education or operated by or through recognized parochial school systems are excepted from the provisions of this subdivision when loading or unloading during school days and hours when approved by the Department.
7. At any designated bus stop. (Added by Ord. No. 152,426, Eff. 6/29/79; Former Subdiv. 8 Renumbered by Ord. No. 177,716, Eff. 9/4/06.)
8. Upon a bridge. (Added by Ord. No. 184,316, Eff. 6/11/16.)
The Department of Transportation is authorized pursuant to this Section to install signs that permit parking on bridges that the Department has determined are structurally capable of supporting parked vehicles, and have sidewalks and shoulders of sufficient width to permit parking without interfering with the normal movement of traffic. Parking shall not be permitted until signs are installed containing any time or other restrictions that may apply.
(b) The department shall designate such places by appropriate signs or markings, and no person shall thereafter stop or park any vehicle at such place.
(Added by Ord. No. 186,219, Eff. 8/12/19.)
(a) No person shall stop, park, or leave standing a vehicle, whether attended or unattended, except as necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a peace officer or official traffic control device, within 15 feet of a driveway that is used by an emergency vehicle owned or operated by the Los Angeles Police Department, an ambulance service care provider, or general acute care hospital, to enter or exit a police station, ambulance service provider facility, or general acute care hospital. This section does not apply to any vehicle owned or operated by LAPD, LAFD, an ambulance service provider, or general acute care hospital if the vehicle is clearly marked as a police vehicle, fire department vehicle, ambulance, or general acute care hospital vehicle.
(b) The Department of Transportation shall install appropriate curb markings or “KEEP CLEAR” pavement markings and post signs that delineate the area specified in Subsection (a).
(c) Penalties. A violation of this section shall be a civil fine in the amount of $68; with late penalty $136; with second late penalty $161.
(a) The Department is hereby authorized to install passenger loading zones at those locations where the Department determines that hazards would thereby be reduced, access to property improved, or impedance to traffic reduced. (Amended by Ord. No. 134,523, Eff. 7/17/67.)
(b) The Department of Transportation (Department) is authorized to install commercial loading zones at locations where it determines that hazards would be reduced, access to property improved, and impedance to traffic reduced. In addition, the Department is authorized to install, operate, and regulate Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Commercial Loading Zones for the exclusive use and access by zero- emission commercial delivery vehicles, including, but not limited to, light electric freight vehicles. For purposes of this subsection, ZEV means a vehicle that produces no emissions of criteria pollutants, toxic air contaminants, and greenhouse gases when stationary or operating, as determined by the California Air Resources Board. For purposes of this section, Light Electric Freight Vehicle (LEFV) means an electric bike, moped, or compact vehicle with electric assistance or drive mechanism, designed for the distribution of commercial freight, goods, or parcels, capable of a maximum speed of 28 miles per hour. LEVF’s include electric cargo bikes (E-Cargo Bikes), with two or more wheels, designed to carry up to a maximum of 770 pounds for the delivery of commercial freight, goods, or parcels. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,117, Eff. 8/7/21.)
(c) The Department is hereby authorized to install short-time parking limit zones at those locations where it determines that access to property would be improved or a more equitable distribution of available curb space would be obtained. Additionally, the Department is authorized to prescribe the longer of the two periods of time provided for below in Subsection (e)3, if it finds that factors exist which reasonably constitute an impediment to the utilization of nearby services and facilities within the shorter period of time. (Amended by Ord. No. 161,733, Eff. 12/11/86.)
(d) The Department shall install red “No Stopping” zones or signs reading “No Stopping Any Time” at places where the stopping of vehicles is prohibited under Section 80.55 of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 134,523, Eff. 7/17/67.)
(e) Time Limits for All Zones. The time limits and effective hours of passenger loading zones, short-time parking limit zones, “No Stopping” zones, and commercial loading zones shall be as follows: (Amended by Ord. No. 180,092, Eff. 9/7/08.)
1. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any passenger loading zone except for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers and their personal baggage and then only for the time necessary therefor, and in no event for more than five minutes, except for a maximum of ten minutes where signs indicating a ten minute limit are posted. Such passenger loading zones shall be in effect during all times unless limited to specified hours and/or days by posted signs. Vehicles may be towed when passenger loading zone signs include notice that vehicles may be removed. (Amended by Ord. No. 182,484, Eff. 4/28/13)
2. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in a commercial loading zone, except that commercial vehicles may stop or stand for the purpose of loading or unloading freight for the time necessary therefor, but not to exceed 30 minutes, except as provided in Section 88.01.1 of this chapter. Passenger vehicles may stop or stand for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers and their personal baggage, and then only for the time necessary therefor but in no event for more than five minutes. Such commercial loading zones shall be in effect during the hours and on the days indicated by posted signs, or if none, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day except Sunday. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,117, Eff. 8/7/21.)
Exception: ZEV Commercial Loading Zone. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle, commercial or otherwise, in a ZEV Commercial Loading Zone designated for the exclusive use by zero- emission commercial delivery vehicles. However, a zero-emission commercial delivery vehicle also may stop, stand or park in a Commercial Loading Zone. A commercial delivery vehicle in either zone, shall stop, stand or park only for the purpose of loading or unloading freight, goods, or parcels for the time necessary to do so, but not for a period exceeding 30 minutes, except in a ZEV Commercial Loading Zone for a maximum of one hour where signs indicating a one hour limit are posted, and except as provided in Section 88.01.1 of this chapter. ZEV Commercial Loading Zones shall be in effect during the hours and on days indicated by posted signs, or if none, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (Added by Ord. No. 187,117, Eff. 8/7/21.)
3. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any short-time parking limit zone for a period of time longer than that indicated by posted signs or curb markings. Such time limit shall be fifteen minutes unless the Department determines, pursuant to Subsection (c) above, that the public welfare requires a longer period, in which latter case the time limit shall be thirty minutes. Such time limits shall be in effect during the hours and on the days indicated by posted signs, or if none, between the hours of 8:00 o’clock A.M. and 6:00 o’clock P.M. on any day except Sunday.
4. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle at any time in any red “No Stopping” zone or portion of street posted with signs reading “No Stopping Any Time”, except that a bus may stop in such zone or portion of street marked or sign posted as a bus stop. Such “No Stopping” zones shall be in effect during all times unless limited to specified hours and/or days by posted signs.
(f) Markings for Zones.
1. Passenger Loading zones when designated by painted curbs shall be white and stenciled “Passenger Loading Only.”
(a) White curb zones may also be stenciled “Mailbox Deposit Only” when designated for this purpose.
2. Commercial Loading Zones when designated by painted curbs shall be YELLOW and stenciled “Loading Only.” (Amended by Ord. No. 111,487, Eff. 6/28/58.)
3. Short-time Parking Limit Zone when designated by painted curbs shall be GREEN and stenciled “15 Minutes Limit” or “30 Minute Limit,” as provided by Subsection (c) and Subdivision (3) of Subsection (e) of this section. (Amended by Ord. No. 161,733, Eff. 12/11/86.)
4. “No Stopping” Zones when designated by painted curbs shall be RED.
5. Official signs using above standard colors and legends may be posted by the Department in lieu of painting the curbs. (Amended by Ord. No. 134,523, Eff. 7/17/67.)
The 30 day period of Penal Code Section 1382 does not begin to run as of the date a citation is placed upon an illegally parked car.
People v. Miller (1954) CR A 3178.
(Amended by Ord. No. 151,833, Eff. 2/10/79, Oper. 2/25/79.)
The Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to designate parking spaces for the exclusive use of those physically handicapped persons whose vehicles display the distinguishing license plates or placards issued to disabled persons pursuant to Section 22511.5 of the Vehicle Code or to disabled veterans, as specified in Section 9105 of the Vehicle Code. Such parking spaces may be designated whenever the Department of Transportation determines that access to property would be improved for physically handicapped persons or that hazards or impedance to traffic would be reduced, and shall be indicated by blue paint on the curb or the edge of the paved portion of the street adjacent to the space. In addition to the blue paint, this space may also be indicated by signs adjacent to the parking space or by other suitable means.
(Amended by Ord. No. 171,029, Eff. 6/1/96.)
(a) Definitions: For the purpose of this section, the following words and phrases are defined and shall be construed as hereinafter set out, unless it shall be apparent from the context that they have a different meaning:
1. A commuter vehicle shall mean a motor vehicle parked in a residential area which is not owned, leased or otherwise controlled by:
a. A resident who lives in the area designated as a preferential parking district;
b. A guest visiting residents living in the area designated as a preferential parking district.
2. Resident shall mean person who lives in a dwelling unit located in a preferential parking district.
3. Absentee landlord shall mean an owner of residential property who does not live on the property. Such property shall be located in a preferential parking district.
4. Guest shall mean a person who is visiting in a dwelling located in a preferential parking district.
5. Preferential parking district shall mean a residential area with streets and boundaries designated by a City Council resolution wherein vehicles displaying a valid permit shall be exempt from parking restrictions established pursuant to this section.
(b) Designation of Preferential Parking District: Preferential parking districts may be designated or dissolved, including those created by ordinance, by a City Council resolution.
The City Council shall, upon recommendation of the Department, consider for designation as preferential parking districts those areas satisfying the criteria established in this section for said districts.
If the Council determines that the criteria, rules and procedures required in this section have been met, it may establish, by resolution, preferential parking districts with appropriate boundaries and parking restrictions. Motor vehicles displaying a valid parking permit may be parked exempt from the parking restrictions established pursuant to the authority of this section in the preferential parking district for which the permit is issued.
(c) Designation Process and Criteria: The Department shall prepare Rules and Procedures for the designation of Preferential Parking Districts setting forth the petition process, the hearing and notification processes, reporting requirements, criteria for designation of a preferential parking district and for the implementation and administration of this section. Those rules and procedures, and any substantial changes thereto, shall be effective upon approval by the City Council.
(d) Temporary Preferential Parking Districts:
1. Temporary preferential parking districts may be established by Council resolution to provide relief for residents who suffer an excessive parking impact as a result of a natural disaster such as fire, flood, earthquake, or landslide; as the result of an occurrence that creates unusual media attention; or as the result of any conditions which impact fewer than six blocks and which, in the judgment of the Council member of the District and after consultation with the Parking Administrator, deserve immediate relief until a permanent solution can be found.
2. The Council shall accept testimony and make a finding that an adverse parking impact exists prior to approving the resolution.
3. Any District established pursuant to this section, shall be limited in duration to a maximum of 12 months from the date of approval of the resolution. Such district may be renewed on an annual basis administratively by the General Manager of the Department until either a permanent solution is found or the problem ceases to exist. If a Council member requests in writing to review a temporary preferential parking district prior to the expiration of the district, the Department shall not renew the district and shall submit a written report to the City Council. (Amended by Ord. No. 182,703, Eff. 10/15/13.)
4. The Department shall post the streets included in the temporary district upon receipt of the necessary petitions.
5. Residents shall be required to purchase permits in accordance with established requirements in order to retain the district.
(e) Issuance of Permits: Parking permits for preferential parking districts shall be issued by the Department.
1. Each annual parking permit shall be designated to state or reflect thereon the particular preferential parking district, the license number of the vehicle for which the permit is issued and the date on which the permit shall expire.
2. No more than three Annual parking permits shall be issued to any one dwelling unit as defined in Section 12.03 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code except at the discretion of the Department, which discretion is consistent with the Department rules adopted pursuant to Subsection (k) hereof.
3. Parking permits may be issued only to residents of the preferential parking district.
4. Four-month Visitor permits shall be issued as provided in Subsection (m).
5. One-day Guest permits shall be issued as provided in Subsection (m).
6. Applicants for any parking permits are required to clear all unpaid parking citations prior to the issuance of new permits or renewals for Annual or Visitor Permits.
f. Posting of Permit Parking Area: Upon designation of a preferential parking district, the Department shall cause appropriate signs to be erected in the district, indicating prominently thereon the parking limitation, period of the day for its application, and the fact that motor vehicles with valid permits shall be exempt therefrom. Parking restrictions signs may be posted on school and church frontages located within the district.
g. Permit Parking Exemption:
1. A motor vehicle on which is displayed a valid Annual one-day Guest parking permit, as provided for herein, shall be permitted to be parked on any block within the preferential parking district for which it is issued without being limited by parking restrictions established pursuant to this section. A motor vehicle on which is displayed a valid four-month Visitor permit, as provided for herein, shall be permitted to be parked in a preferential parking district only on the block or blocks for which the permit is issued without being limited by parking restrictions on that block or blocks established pursuant to this section. Except as provided below, all other motor vehicles parked within a preferential parking district shall be subject to the parking restrictions adopted as provided in this section as well as the penalties provided for herein.
2. A preferential parking permit shall not guarantee or reserve to the holder thereof an on-street parking space within the designated preferential parking district.
3. The following vehicles shall be exempt from parking restrictions established pursuant to this section:
a. A motor vehicle, identified as owned by or operated under contract to a utility, whether privately, municipally or publicly owned, when used in the construction, operation, removal, or repair of utility property or facilities or engaged in authorized work in the designated preferential parking district.
b. A motor vehicle when identified as owned by or operated under contract to a governmental agency, when used in the course of official government business.
c. A vehicle which displays either a distinguishing license plate or placard issued pursuant to Sections 22511.5 or 22511.9 of the Vehicle Code.
(h) Exemption of Commercial Vehicles: No person shall without a permit therefor park or leave standing any commercial vehicle or trailer in a preferential parking district in excess of the parking restrictions authorized pursuant to this section, except
(a) while loading or unloading property; or
(b) when such vehicle is parked in connection with, or in aid of, the performance of a service to or on a property in the block in which such vehicle is parked.
(i) Application for and Duration of Permit: Except as otherwise provided, each Annual parking permit issued by the Department shall be valid for a period not to exceed one year. Permits may be renewed annually upon reapplication in the manner required by the Department. Each application for a parking permit shall contain information sufficient to identify the applicant, the applicant’s residence address or address of real property owned or leased within a preferential parking district, the license number(s) of the motor vehicle(s) for which application is made, and such other information as may be deemed relevant by the Department. Annual permits may be issued only for vehicles registered in the State of California.
(j) Annual Permit Fees: The fee for an Annual preferential parking permit shall be $34.00. The fee for an Annual preferential parking permit shall be prorated by the month for the unexpired period of the district, but in no case less than $11.50. Upon the permittee’s change of place of residence, change of vehicle or damaged permit, the permittee shall surrender the permit to the Department before a replacement permit can be issued. If the permit is lost or stolen, the Department shall be notified immediately. The Department shall collect a fee of $11.50 for replacement of lost, stolen or transferred permits and the replacement permit shall expire on the same day as the original permit. In the event a permittee moves from one preferential parking district to another preferential parking district, the Department shall collect a fee of $11.50 for the transfer of the permit. The permits so transferred shall expire on the same day as do all permits in the new district. No refund shall be made for any unused portion of the permit’s duration. (Amended by Ord. No. 180,059, Eff. 8/30/08.)
(k) Rules and Regulations: The Department shall have authority to promulgate and administer rules to implement and enforce the program and to implement the issuance of preferential parking permits and the collection of fees for these permits. These rules shall be submitted to and approved by the City Council.
(l) Penalty Provisions:
1. Unless exempted pursuant to this section, no person shall stand or park a motor vehicle in violation of any parking restrictions established pursuant to this section.
2. No person shall falsely represent themself as eligible for a parking permit or furnish false information in an application for a parking permit to the Department.
3. No permit issued pursuant to this section shall thereafter be assigned, transferred or used for any consideration, monetary or otherwise.
4. No person shall copy, produce or create a facsimile or counterfeit parking permit; nor shall any person use or display a facsimile or counterfeit preferential parking district permit.
5. The permit or permits of any person who after a hearing has been found by the Department to have violated any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be revoked by the Department and no new permit shall be issued to that person or household for a period of one year. Such person upon written notification of such revocation, shall surrender the permit or permits to the Department within 15 days. Use of a revoked parking permit shall be subject to the penalty provisions of Subsection l(1).
6. Use of a four-month Visitor parking permit on any block other than that for which the permit was issued shall be subject to the penalty provisions of Subsection l(1).
(m) Visitor and Guest Permits: Any resident eligible for an Annual preferential parking permit and whose residence has frontage or side frontage on a block posted with preferential parking restrictions may apply to the Department for a four-month Visitor preferential parking permit for the use of visitors to the person’s residence. The owners of a residence under construction and absentee landlords may purchase a maximum of two Visitor preferential parking permits for their personal use or for the use of construction service personnel. Schools and churches that have frontage onto streets posted with preferential parking restrictions shall be permitted to purchase Visitor preferential parking permits equivalent to the number of parking spaces allowable on its posted (otherwise unrestricted) frontage. Where the frontage is limited, the number of permits to be sold shall be determined by the Department of Transportation. The Department shall collect a fee of $22.50 for each permit issued. No more than two Visitor preferential parking permits shall be issued for any one dwelling at any one time. These permits shall be valid only on the block or blocks for which they are issued and for a period not to exceed four months. One Visitor preferential parking permit per year per household can be replaced at a prorated cost when lost or stolen if the applicant submits written documentation of actual loss to the Department. In addition, any resident in the district may also apply for one-day Guest preferential parking permits for the use of guests to the person’s residence for which the Department shall collect a fee of $2.50 for each permit issued. Guest preferential parking permits shall be valid on any block within a district. (Amended by Ord. No. 180,059, Eff. 8/30/08.)
(Added by Ord. No. 180,602, Eff. 4/24/09.)
(a) Definitions: For the purpose of this Section, the following words and phrases are defined and shall be construed as hereinafter set out, unless it shall be apparent from the context that they have a different meaning:
1. A Carshare Vehicle shall mean a motor vehicle that is operated as part of a regional fleet by a public or private car sharing company or organization and provides hourly or daily service.
2. The City’s Carshare Program shall mean a program whereby the Department of Transportation designates parking spaces for the exclusive use of vehicles displaying Department-issued Carshare Permits.
3. A Carshare Permit shall mean a permit issued by the Department of Transportation to a Carshare Vehicle meeting the requirements of this section, which exempts the vehicle from the parking restrictions posted pursuant to this section.
4. An Eligible Carshare Organization shall mean a public or private company or organization satisfying the criteria of this section.
(b) Designation of Spaces: The Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to designate streets or portions of streets, or Publicly Owned Off-Street Parking Facilities or portions of the Facilities, upon which parking is reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles displaying a permit issued pursuant to the provisions of Subsection (e) of this Section. No person shall park, when authorized signs are in place giving notice thereof, any vehicle or motor vehicle in a place designated for the exclusive parking of motor vehicles participating in the City’s Carshare Program. Only vehicles that have a properly displayed, City-issued Carshare Permit are exempt from this restriction. (First Sentence Amended by Ord. No. 182,187, Eff. 8/22/12.)
(c) Eligibility Criteria for Carshare Organizations: Participation in the City’s Carshare Program is limited to carshare companies or organizations that meet the following criteria:
1. Vehicle reservations are processed and paid for using an online system.
2. Carshare vehicles can be accessed where they are parked without having to go to a different physical location to execute a contract and/or pick up the keys.
3. For purposes of the Pilot Program, a Qualified Carshare Organization (QCO) shall be an organization owning or operating at least 100 vehicles as part of a regional fleet for hire by individuals for self-service operation to provide hourly or daily service, and for which the QCO provides liability insurance of at least the City required minimums. A QCO shall not include a taxi or a privately owned and operated vehicle subcontracted under a rideshare program, or a charter party carrier or other vehicle regulated, licensed or permitted by the California Public Utilities Commission. (Amended by Ord. No. 183,569, Eff. 7/9/15.)
(d) Vehicle Requirements. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,761, Eff. 10/19/18.) A Carshare Vehicle participating in the Carshare Pilot Program shall not be more than 72 inches in height or 20 feet in length. A QCO shall not place a vehicle in service in the City unless the vehicle has been preapproved by the Department, a permit for the vehicle has been obtained from the Department, and the QCO has paid all applicable fees and administrative costs as set forth in Subsection (e) and the Department’s Rules and Regulations.
(e) Issuance of Permits. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,761, Eff. 10/19/18.) The Department is hereby authorized to issue a Carshare Permit to a qualifying vehicle of an Eligible Carshare Organization participating in the City’s Carshare Program, utilizing either Fixed-Space or Free-Floating Programs as defined in the Department’s Rules and Regulations.
1. Program Fees.
a. Annual Permit Fee. $250 per each Carshare Vehicle; fee applies to both Fixed- Space and Free-Floating programs.
b. One-Time Implementation Fee. $200 per each converted space for Fixed-Space program.
c. Permit Replacement Fee. $11.50 per each replacement; fee applies to both Fixed- Space and Free-Floating programs.
2. Parking/Meter Recovery Fees.
a. Fixed-Space Program.
(i) Metered Spaces. Fees will be charged and collected from each QCO per Fixed-Space according to the table below for meters that generate $3,600 per year or less.
Zone Number | Annual Meter Revenue (Gross Range) | Monthly Tier Fee | Annual Fee for Use |
3 | $2,001 - $3,600 | $275 | $3,300 |
2 | $1,001 - $2,000 | $175 | $2,100 |
1 | < $1,000 | $75 | $900 |
(ii) Non-Metered On-Street Spaces.
(a) $75 monthly fee per each converted space from a reclaimed red zone or other non-metered curb.
(b) If the designated space is located on a block that subsequently becomes metered, the Department shall determine the monthly fee by the collected meter revenue, as specified in Subsection (e)2.a.(i).
(iii) Unmetered Off-Street City Controlled Spaces. Annually, the QCO shall pay the City for each Fixed-Space converted for use under this program in off- street City controlled parking lots and structures in the amount equal to:
(a) The monthly charge per space multiplied by the number of spaces multiplied by 12 months, where a monthly rate is available to the general public; or
(b) Where a daily rate is offered, the QCO shall pay to the City the daily rate multiplied by the number of spaces multiplied by the number of days in the year; or
(c) In a lot where only an hourly rate is charged, the QCO shall pay the City for the number of spaces multiplied by the charge per hour multiplied by the number of hours available for public use multiplied by the number of days available for public use.
b. Free-Floating Program.
(i) Initial Payment Per Vehicle: $1,500 per vehicle.
(ii) The Department will calculate the final payment by subtracting the initial $1,500 per vehicle payment from the actual meter revenue.
(f) Posting of Carshare Vehicle Parking Spaces: Upon Department of Transportation designation of streets or portions of streets, or Publicly Owned Off-Street Parking Facilities or portions of the Facilities, to be reserved for the exclusive parking of Carshare Vehicles, the Department shall cause appropriate signs to be erected in such street or Publicly Owned Off-Street Parking Facilities, indicating prominently thereon the parking restrictions and stating that motor vehicles with valid permits shall be exempt from the restrictions. The Department is further authorized to include notice, on any sign installed pursuant to this section, that vehicles left standing in violation of such sign may be removed. The provisions of this section shall not apply until signs or markings giving adequate notice thereof are in place. (First Sentence Amended by Ord. No. 182,187, Eff. 8/22/12.)
(g) Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations (EV) installed in the Public Right-of-Way as part of an EV care share Disadvantaged Communities Pilot Program Agreement, approved by City Council, shall be exempt from the provisions of Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 62.08 (Specifications and Procedures for Above Ground Facilities Installations in the Public Rights-of-Way). (Added by Ord. No. 184,724, Eff. 3/6/17.)
(h) Parking Restrictions for Free-Floating Program. (Added by Ord. No. 185,761, Eff. 10/19/18.) The Department shall issue a master citywide parking permit to a vehicle in a Free-Floating Carshare Program once all applicable fees have been paid. With this permit, the vehicle may park in any designated meter or non-metered parking space during the times when parking is legally allowed.
1. A vehicle is prohibited from parking in any colored curb space, including a parking restricted space marked with a red, blue, yellow, green or white color.
2. A vehicle is prohibited from ending the lease by leaving the vehicle in a peak hour travel lane, regardless of the time of day.
3. A vehicle is not subject to posted time, Preferential Parking district, and Overnight Parking District restrictions, unless otherwise stated in this section.
4. A violation will be subject to appropriate citations and/or tows.