(Added by Ord. No. 175,573, Eff. 11/24/03.)
A. Definitions.
“Controlled substance” means a drug, substance or immediate precursor that is listed in any schedule in California Health and Safety Code Sections 11054, 11055, 11056, 11057 or 11058.
“Driver” means any person who drives or is in physical control of a vehicle.
“Vehicle” means any transportation device which requires the driver to have in their immediate possession a valid driver’s license for the appropriate class of vehicle being driven.
B. Abatement of Nuisance Vehicle by Seizure and Forfeiture.
1. Any vehicle used to illegally acquire or attempt to illegally acquire any controlled substance is declared a nuisance and the vehicle shall be enjoined and abated as provided in this section.
2. Any person or the person’s servant, agent, or employee who owns, leases, conducts or maintains any vehicle used for any of the purposes or acts set forth in this section is responsible for creating a public nuisance.
C. Title to Vest in the City. All right, title and interest in any vehicle described in Subsection B. shall vest in the City upon commission of the act giving rise to the nuisance under this section.
D. Seizure of Vehicle.
1. A peace officer may seize a vehicle subject to forfeiture under this section upon the issuance of an order by a court having jurisdiction of the vehicle. Seizure without court order may be made in any of the following circumstances:
(a) The seizure is incident to an arrest or search under a search warrant;
(b) There is probable cause to believe the vehicle was used in violation of this section.
2. A peace officer seizing a vehicle under this section shall complete a receipt in accordance with Penal Code Section 1412 and deliver it to the person from whose possession the vehicle was seized.
3. An immediate investigation shall be made by the public agency making the seizure as to any potential claimant to a seized vehicle whose right, title, interest, or lien is of record in the Department of Motor Vehicles of this or any other state or appropriate federal agency. The public agency shall send a notice of seizure within two business days of the vehicle’s seizure, to all potential claimants whose right, title, interest or lien did not arise subsequent to the date and time of seizure of the vehicle, if that person or entity was not previously given a notice of seizure.
4. The public agency seizing the vehicle shall provide any potential claimants discovered as a result of the investigation set out in D.3. with the opportunity for a post-seizure hearing to determine the validity of the seizure. The post-seizure hearing shall be conducted within two business days of the request for the hearing. The public agency may authorize its own officer or employee to conduct the hearing if the hearing officer is not the same person who directed the seizure of the vehicle. Failure of the potential claimant to request or attend a scheduled hearing within the appropriate time frame shall satisfy the post-seizure requirement.
(a) The notice of seizure shall include the following:
(i) the name, address and telephone number of the agency providing the notice;
(ii) the authority and reason for the seizure;
(iii) a statement that in order to receive their post-seizure hearing, the potential claimant shall request the hearing in person, in writing, or by telephone within ten calendar days of the date of the notice; and
(iv) the time in which a claim of interest in the vehicle seized or subject to forfeiture is required to be filed.
5. A vehicle seized pursuant to this section, where appropriate may be held as evidence in any proceeding brought by the City Attorney or District Attorney.
E. Forfeiture and Notice of Intended Forfeiture of Vehicle.
1. The City Attorney may, pursuant to this section, order the forfeiture of vehicles seized under this section.
2. If the City Attorney determines that the factual circumstances warrant forfeiture of the vehicle described in Subsection B., the City Attorney shall serve a notice of intended forfeiture upon any person who has an interest in the seized vehicle. The notice shall be served as soon as practicable, but in any event within 30 calendar days of the seizure of the vehicle subject to forfeiture.
3. The notice of intended forfeiture shall be served as follows:
(a) By personal delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, upon any person who has an interest in the seized vehicle as determined pursuant to Subsection D.3.
(b) In the event that the person entitled to service refuses to accept certified return receipt mail or cannot be personally served, service may be made by substituted service. Substituted service may be accomplished by any one of the following methods:
(i) By leaving a copy during usual business hours at the recipient’s business with the person who is apparently in charge, and by thereafter mailing by first class mail a copy to the recipient where the copy was left;
(ii) By leaving a copy at the recipient’s dwelling or usual place of abode, in the presence of a competent member of the household and thereafter mailing by first class mail a copy to the recipient at the address where the copy was left.
(c) If the person entitled to service lives out of state and will not accept certified return receipt mail, then service may be made by first class mail.
(d) If the person entitled to notice cannot be located, or service cannot be effected as set forth in this subsection, service may be made by publication in a Los Angeles newspaper of general circulation. Service shall be deemed sufficient when it is accomplished pursuant to Government Code Section 6063.
F. Claim Opposing Forfeiture and Court Proceedings.
1. A person claiming an interest in the vehicle seized pursuant to Subsection B. must within ten calendar days from the date of the notice of intended forfeiture or within 30 calendar days from the date of first publication of the notice of intended forfeiture, file with the Superior Court of the county in which the vehicle was seized, a Claim Opposing Forfeiture, verified in accordance with Section 446 of the Code of Civil Procedure, stating the lien holder’s interest in the vehicle. An endorsed copy of the claim shall be served upon the City Attorney within ten calendar days of the filing of the claim.
2. If a verified claim is filed in accordance with this section, the forfeiture proceeding shall be set for hearing within 30 calendar days from the date the claim is filed with the court. The City Attorney shall file a petition for forfeiture with the court within ten calendar days of service of the claim upon the City Attorney. A copy of the petition shall be served upon the claimant.
3. The hearing shall be before the Superior Court of Los Angeles County. The provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply to proceedings under this section unless otherwise inconsistent with the provisions or procedures set forth in this section. However, in proceedings under this section, there shall be no joinder of actions, coordination of actions, except for forfeiture proceedings, or cross-complaints, and the issues shall be limited strictly to the questions related to this section. Trial shall be by court or jury.
4. With respect to vehicles described in Subsection B. for which forfeiture is sought and as to which forfeiture is contested, the City Attorney shall have the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the vehicle was used as set forth in Subsection B.
5. Upon proof that the vehicle was used for any of the purposes set forth in Subsection B., the court shall declare the vehicle a nuisance and order that the vehicle be forfeited, sold, and the proceeds distributed as set forth in Subsection G. The court may make a different distribution of the proceeds, if the court finds that the claimant did not know that the vehicle was used for a purpose that constitutes a violation of this section
6. If no claims are timely filed, the City Attorney shall prepare a written declaration of forfeiture of the vehicle to the City. A written declaration of forfeiture signed by the City Attorney under this section shall be deemed to provide good and sufficient title to the forfeited vehicle. The proceeds from the disposal of the vehicle declared forfeited by the City Attorney shall be distributed in accordance with Subsection G. The City Attorney ordering forfeiture pursuant to this section shall provide a copy of the declaration of forfeiture to any person who received notice of the forfeiture proceedings.
G. Disposal of Vehicle and Distribution of Proceeds.
1. In all cases where vehicles seized pursuant to this section are forfeited to the City, the vehicles shall be sold, or if cash is paid as settlement in lieu of forfeiture of the vehicle, the proceeds of sale or settlement shall be distributed and appropriated as follows:
(a) To pay costs associated with the towing, storage and release of any vehicle seized under this section.
(b) To pay costs associated with the sale of the vehicle.
(c) To the lien holder of the vehicle, if any, up to the amount of the lien holder’s interest in the vehicle.
2. The remaining funds shall be distributed as follows:
(a) To the City Attorney for all expenditures other than personnel costs, made or incurred by the Office in connection with the enforcement of this section, including but not limited to, costs for equipment, investigation, supplies, litigation, insurance and liability resulting from enforcement of this section and costs of publication of the notices set forth in Subsection E.
(b) To local law enforcement for all expenditures other than personnel costs, made or incurred by the Department in connection with enforcement of this section, including but not limited to, costs for equipment, investigation and supplies related to enforcement of this section.
(c) To the general fund.
3. For budgeting purposes, funds attributable to this ordinance shall not be considered anticipated revenue into the general fund.
H. Stolen Vehicles. A vehicle that has been reported stolen, prior to a seizure under this section shall not be subject to forfeiture unless the identity of the registered owner cannot be reasonably ascertained or the registered owner fails to redeem the vehicle within 60 days of the seizure. The registered owner of the vehicle may claim the vehicle upon payment of tow, storage and release charges, provided the vehicle is not subject to any holds for traffic or parking violations and the vehicle registration is current.
I. Recovery of Monetary Loss. Nothing in this section shall preclude an owner of a vehicle who suffers a monetary loss from the forfeiture of a vehicle under this section from recovering the amount of the actual monetary loss from the person who committed the act giving rise to forfeiture under this section.
(Amended by Ord. No. 175,848, Eff. 4/24/04.)
A. Definitions.
Driver means any person who drives a motor vehicle.
Exhibition of speed means a willful act of showing off or displaying a dangerous or imprudent speed in a vehicle on a highway where the presence of another person is known to the driver or may reasonably be anticipated by the driver. In order to constitute an exhibition of speed under this section, there must be spectators present at the event.
Highway means a way or place of whatever nature, which is used by the public for vehicular travel. It does not include a facility which is specifically designed and legally maintained for the purposes of speed contests or exhibitions of speed.
Speed contest means a contest where a vehicle is raced on a highway against another vehicle, a clock, or other timing device. In order to constitute a speed contest under this section, at least two vehicles must be assembled or spectators must be present at the event. An event where the time to cover a prescribed route of more than 20 miles is measured, but where the vehicle does not exceed the speed limit is not a speed contest.
Vehicle means any transportation device that requires the driver to have in their immediate possession a valid driver’s license for the appropriate class of vehicle being driven and which transportation device is equipped with a motor.
B. Abatement of Nuisance Vehicle by Seizure and Forfeiture.
1. Any vehicle used in a speed contest is declared a nuisance and the vehicle shall be enjoined and abated as provided in this section.
2. Any vehicle used in an exhibition of speed is declared a nuisance and the vehicle shall be enjoined and abated as provided in this section.
3. Any person or the person’s servant, agent, or employee who owns, leases, conducts or maintains any vehicle used for any of the purposes or acts set forth in this section is responsible for creating a public nuisance.
C. Title to Vest in the City. All rights, title and interest in any vehicle described in Subsection B. shall vest in the City upon commission of the act giving rise to the nuisance under this section.
D. Seizure of Vehicle.
1. A peace officer may seize a vehicle subject to forfeiture under this section upon the issuance of an order by a court having jurisdiction of the vehicle. Seizure without court order may be made in any of the following circumstances:
(a) The seizure is incident to an arrest or search under a search warrant;
(b) There is probable cause to believe the vehicle was used in violation of this section.
2. A peace officer seizing a vehicle under this section shall complete a receipt in accordance with Penal Code Section 1412 and deliver it to the person from whose possession the vehicle was seized.
3. An immediate investigation shall be made by the public agency making the seizure as to any potential claimant to a vehicle whose right, title, interest, or lien is of record in the Department of Motor Vehicles of this or any other state or appropriate federal agency. If the public agency finds that any person, other than the registered owner, is the legal owner, and the ownership did not arise subsequent to the date and time of arrest or seizure of the vehicle or notification of the forfeiture proceedings, it shall, within two business days of the vehicle’ s seizure, send a notice of seizure to the legal owner at the legal owner’s address appearing on the records of the Department of Motor Vehicles of this or any other state or any appropriate federal agency.
4. The public agency seizing the vehicle shall provide any potential claimants discovered as a result of the investigation set out in D.3. with the opportunity for a post-seizure hearing to determine the validity of the seizure. The post-seizure hearing shall be conducted within two business days of the request. The public agency may authorize its own officer or employee to conduct the hearing if the hearing officer is not the same person who directed the seizure of the vehicle. Failure of either the registered or legal owner, or the registered or legal owner’s agent, to request or attend a scheduled hearing within the appropriate time frame shall satisfy the post-seizure requirement.
The notice of seizure shall include the following:
(i) the name, address and telephone number of the agency providing the notice;
(ii) the authority and reason for the seizure;
(iii) a statement that in order to receive their post seizure hearing, the owners, or their agents, shall request the hearing in person, in writing, or by telephone within ten calendar days of the date of the notice; and
(iv) the time in which a claim of interest in the vehicle seized or subject to forfeiture is required to be filed.
(v) A vehicle seized pursuant to this section, where appropriate, may be held as evidence in any proceeding brought by the City Attorney or District Attorney.
E. Forfeiture and Notice of Intended Forfeiture of Vehicle.
1. The City Attorney may, pursuant to this section, order the forfeiture of vehicles seized under this section.
2. If the City Attorney determines that the factual circumstances warrant forfeiture of the vehicle described in Subsection B., the City Attorney shall serve a notice of intended forfeiture upon any person who has an interest in the seized vehicle. The notice shall be served as soon as practicable, but in any event within 30 calendar days of the seizure of the vehicle subject to forfeiture.
3. The notice of intended forfeiture shall be served as follows:
(a) The notice of intended forfeiture shall be served by personal delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, upon any person who has an interest in the seized vehicle as determined pursuant to Subsection D.3.
(b) In the event that the person entitled to service refuses to accept certified return receipt mail or cannot be personally served, service may be made by substituted service. Substituted service may be accomplished by any one of the following methods:
(i) By leaving a copy during usual business hours at the recipient’s business with the person who is apparently in charge, and by thereafter mailing by first class mail a copy to the recipient where the copy was left;
(ii) By leaving a copy at the recipient’s dwelling or usual place of abode, in the presence of a competent member of the household and thereafter mailing by first class mail a copy to the recipient at the address where the copy was left.
(c) If the person entitled to service lives out of state and will not accept certified return receipt mail, then service may be made by first class mail.
(d) If the person entitled to notice cannot be located, or service cannot be made as set forth in this subsection, service may be made by publication in a Los Angeles newspaper of general circulation. Service shall be deemed sufficient when it is accomplished pursuant to Government Code Section 6063.
F. Claim Opposing Forfeiture and Court Proceedings.
1. A person claiming an interest in the vehicle seized pursuant to Subsection B. must within ten calendar days from the date of the notice of intended forfeiture or within 30 calendar days from the date of first publication of the notice of intended forfeiture, file with the Superior Court of the county in which the vehicle was seized, a Claim Opposing Forfeiture, verified in accordance with Section 446 of the Code of Civil Procedure, stating their interest in the vehicle. An endorsed copy of the claim shall be served upon the City Attorney within ten calendar days of the filing of the claim.
2. If a verified claim is filed in accordance with this section, the forfeiture proceeding shall be set for hearing within 30 calendar days from the date the claim is filed with the court. The City Attorney shall file a petition for forfeiture with the court within ten calendar days of service of the claim upon the City Attorney. A copy of the petition shall be served upon the claimant.
3. The hearing shall be before the Superior Court of Los Angeles County. The provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply to proceedings under this section unless otherwise inconsistent with the provisions or procedures set forth in this section. However, in proceedings under this section, there shall be no joinder or coordination of actions, except for forfeiture proceedings, or cross-complaints, and the issues shall be limited strictly to the questions related to this section. Trial shall be by court or jury.
4. With respect to vehicles described in Subsection B. for which forfeiture is sought and as to which forfeiture is contested, the City Attorney shall have the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the vehicle was used as set forth in Subsection B.
5. Upon proof that the vehicle was used for any of the purposes set forth in Subsection B., the court shall declare the vehicle a nuisance and order that the vehicle be forfeited and the proceeds upon sale distributed as set forth in Subsection G. The court may make a different distribution of the proceeds, if the court finds that the claimant did not know that the vehicle was used for a purpose that constitutes a violation of this section.
6. If no claims are timely filed, the City Attorney shall prepare a written declaration of forfeiture of the vehicle to the City. A written declaration of forfeiture signed by the City Attorney under this section shall be deemed to provide good and sufficient title to the forfeited vehicle. The proceeds from the disposal of the vehicle declared forfeited by the City Attorney shall be distributed in accordance with Subsection G. The City Attorney ordering forfeiture pursuant to this section shall provide a copy of the declaration of forfeiture to any person who received notice of the forfeiture proceedings.
G. Disposal of Vehicle and Distribution of Proceeds.
1. In all cases where vehicles seized pursuant to this section are forfeited to the City, the vehicles shall be sold or destroyed. The proceeds of sale shall be distributed and appropriated as follows:
(a) To pay costs associated with the towing, storage and release of any vehicle seized under this section;
(b) To pay costs associated with the sale of the vehicle; and
(c) To the lien holder of the vehicle, if any, up to the amount of their interest in the vehicle.
2. The remaining funds shall be distributed as follows:
(a) To the City Attorney for all expenditures other than personnel costs, made or incurred by the Office in connection with the enforcement of this section, including but not limited to, costs for equipment, investigation, supplies, litigation, insurance and liability resulting from enforcement of this section and costs of publication of the notices set forth in Subsection E.
(b) To local law enforcement for all expenditures other than personnel costs, made or incurred by the Department in connection with enforcement of this section, including but not limited to, costs for equipment, investigation and supplies related to enforcement of this section.
(c) To the general fund.
3. A vehicle may be destroyed only if the condition of the vehicle warrants destruction and there are no lien holders or claimants who did not know that the vehicle was used for a purpose that constitutes a violation of this section.
4. A forfeited vehicle shall not be sold to the person who was the driver of the vehicle at the time the vehicle was seized.
5. In lieu of forfeiture, a settlement may be negotiated, in which case the proceeds of the settlement shall be distributed and appropriated as follows:
(a) To the City Attorney for all expenditures other than personnel costs, made or incurred by the Office in connection with the enforcement of this section, including but not limited to, costs for equipment, investigation, supplies, litigation, insurance and liability resulting from enforcement of this section and costs of publication of the notices set forth in Subsection E.
(b) To local law enforcement for all expenditures other than personnel costs, made or incurred by the Department in connection with enforcement of this section, including but not limited to, costs for equipment, investigation and supplies related to enforcement of this section.
(c) To the general fund.
6. For budgeting purposes, funds attributable to this ordinance shall not be considered anticipated revenue into the general fund.
H. Stolen Vehicles. A vehicle that has been reported stolen, prior to a seizure under this section shall not be subject to forfeiture unless the identity of the registered owner cannot be reasonably ascertained or the registered owner fails to redeem the vehicle within 60 days of the seizure. The registered owner of the vehicle may claim the vehicle upon payment of tow, storage and release charges, provided the vehicle is not subject to any holds for traffic or parking violations and the vehicle registration is current.
I. Recovery of Monetary Loss. Nothing in this section shall preclude an owner of a vehicle who suffers a monetary loss from the forfeiture of a vehicle under this section from recovering the amount of the actual monetary loss from the person who committed the act giving rise to forfeiture under this section.
(Added by Ord. No. 175,575, Eff. 11/29/03.)
A. Definitions.
“Authorized public officer” means a public officer authorized under Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 61.07(a).
“Bulky item” means any discarded furniture, home or industrial appliance or abandoned vehicle or a part of an abandoned vehicle.
“Driver” means any person who drives a motor vehicle.
“Hazardous waste” means any waste as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 25117.
“Illegal dumping” means the wilful throwing, dropping, placing or depositing of a bulky item, hazardous waste or solid waste on public or private property not designated for that dumping or disposal purpose. “Illegal dumping” does not include the discarding, dropping, or scattering of small quantities of waste matter ordinarily carried on or about the person, including, but not limited to, beverage containers and closures, packaging, wrappers, wastepaper, newspapers, and magazines and including waste matter that escapes or is allowed to escape from a container, receptacle, or package.
“Solid waste” means all putrescible and non- putrescible solid, semisolid and liquid wastes, including garbage, trash, refuse, paper, rubbish, ashes, industrial wastes, demolition and construction wastes, dewatered, treated or chemically fixed sewage sludge, which is not hazardous waste, manure, vegetable or animal solid and semisolid wastes, and other discarded solid and semisolid wastes. Solid waste does not include hazardous waste.
“Vehicle” means any transportation device that requires the driver to have in their immediate possession a valid driver’s license for the appropriate class of vehicle being driven and which transportation device is equipped with a motor.
B. Abatement of Nuisance Vehicle by Seizure and Forfeiture.
1. Any vehicle used for the purpose of illegal dumping is a nuisance and the vehicle shall be enjoined and abated as provided in this section.
2. Any vehicle used to transport any bulky item, any hazardous waste or solid waste for the purpose of illegal dumping is a nuisance and the vehicle shall be enjoined and abated as provided in this section.
3. Any person or the person’s servant, agent, or employee who owns, leases, conducts or maintains any vehicle used for any of the purposes or acts set forth in this section is responsible for creating a public nuisance.
C. Title to Vest in the City. All rights, title and interest in any vehicle described in Subsection B. shall vest in the City upon commission of the act giving rise to the nuisance under this section.
D. Seizure of Vehicle.
1. A peace officer or authorized public officer may seize a vehicle subject to forfeiture under this section upon the issuance of an order by a court having jurisdiction of the vehicle. Seizure without court order may be made in any of the following circumstances:
(a) The seizure is incident to an arrest or search under a search warrant;
(b) There is probable cause to believe the vehicle was used in violation of this section.
2. A peace officer or authorized public officer seizing a vehicle under this section shall complete a receipt in accordance with Penal Code Section 1412 and deliver it to the person from whose possession the vehicle was seized.
3. An immediate investigation shall be made by the public agency making the seizure as to any potential claimant to a seized vehicle whose right, title, interest, or lien is of record in the Department of Motor Vehicles of this or any other state or appropriate federal agency. The public agency shall send a notice of seizure within two business days of the vehicle’s seizure, to all potential claimants whose right, title, interest or lien did not arise subsequent to the date and time of seizure of the vehicle, if that person or entity was not previously given a notice of seizure.
4. The public agency seizing the vehicle shall provide any potential claimants discovered as a result of the investigation set out in D.3. with the opportunity for a post-seizure hearing to determine the validity of the seizure. The post-seizure hearing shall be conducted within two business days of the request for the hearing. The public agency may authorize its own officer or employee to conduct the hearing if the hearing officer is not the same person who directed the seizure of the vehicle. Failure of the potential claimant to request or attend a scheduled hearing within the appropriate time frame shall satisfy the post-seizure requirement.
(a) The notice of seizure shall include the following:
(i) the name, address and telephone number of the agency providing the notice;
(ii) the authority and reason for the seizure;
(iii) a statement that in order to receive their post-seizure hearing, the potential claimant shall request the hearing in person, in writing, or by telephone within ten calendar days of the date of the notice; and
(iv) the time in which a claim of interest in the vehicle seized or subject to forfeiture is required to be filed.
5. A vehicle seized pursuant to this section, where appropriate may be held as evidence in any proceeding brought by the City Attorney or District Attorney.
E. Forfeiture and Notice of Intended Forfeiture of Vehicle.
1. The City Attorney may, pursuant to this section, order the forfeiture of vehicles seized under this section.
2. If the City Attorney determines that the factual circumstances warrant forfeiture of the vehicle described in Subsection B., the City Attorney shall serve a notice of intended forfeiture upon any person who has an interest in the seized vehicle. The notice shall be served as soon as practicable, but in any event within 30 calendar days of the seizure of the vehicle subject to forfeiture.
3. The notice of intended forfeiture shall be served as follows:
(a) By personal delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, upon any person who has an interest in the seized vehicle as determined pursuant to Subsection D.3.
(b) In the event that the person entitled to service refuses to accept certified return receipt mail or cannot be personally served, service may be made by substituted service. Substituted service may be accomplished by any one of the following methods:
(i) By leaving a copy during usual business hours at the recipient’s business with the person who is apparently in charge, and by thereafter mailing by first class mail a copy to the recipient where the copy was left;
(ii) By leaving a copy at the recipient’s dwelling or usual place of abode, in the presence of a competent member of the household and thereafter mailing by first class mail a copy to the recipient at the address where the copy was left.
(c) If the person entitled to service lives out of state and will not accept certified return receipt mail, then service may be made by first class mail.
(d) If the person entitled to notice cannot be located, or service cannot be effected as set forth in this subsection, service may be made by publication in a Los Angeles newspaper of general circulation. Service shall be deemed sufficient when it is accomplished pursuant to Government Code Section 6063.
F. Claim Opposing Forfeiture and Court Proceedings.
1. A person claiming an interest in the vehicle seized pursuant to Subsection B. must within ten calendar days from the date of the notice of intended forfeiture or within 30 calendar days from the date of first publication of the notice of intended forfeiture, file with the Superior Court of the county in which the vehicle was seized, a Claim Opposing Forfeiture, verified in accordance with Section 446 of the Code of Civil Procedure, stating their interest in the vehicle. An endorsed copy of the claim shall be served upon the City Attorney within ten calendar days of the filing of the claim.
2. If a verified claim is filed in accordance with this section, the forfeiture proceeding shall be set for hearing within 30 calendar days from the date the claim is filed with the court. The City Attorney shall file a petition for forfeiture with the court within ten calendar days of service of the claim upon the City Attorney. A copy of the petition shall be served upon the claimant.
3. The hearing shall be before the Superior Court of Los Angeles County. The provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply to proceedings under this section unless otherwise inconsistent with the provisions or procedures set forth in this section. However, in proceedings under this section, there shall be no joinder of actions, coordination of actions, except for forfeiture proceedings, or cross-complaints, and the issues shall be limited strictly to the questions related to this section. Trial shall be by court or jury.
4. With respect to vehicles described in Subsection B. for which forfeiture is sought and as to which forfeiture is contested, the City Attorney shall have the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the vehicle was used as set forth in Subsection B.
5. Upon proof that the vehicle was used for any of the purposes set forth in Subsection B., the court shall declare the vehicle a nuisance and order that the vehicle be forfeited, sold, and the proceeds distributed as set forth in Subsection G. The court may make a different distribution of the proceeds, if the court finds that the claimant did not know that the vehicle was used for a purpose that constitutes a violation of this section
6. If no claims are timely filed, the City Attorney shall prepare a written declaration of forfeiture of the vehicle to the City. A written declaration of forfeiture signed by the City Attorney under this section shall be deemed to provide good and sufficient title to the forfeited vehicle. The proceeds from the disposal of the vehicle declared forfeited by the City Attorney shall be distributed in accordance with Subsection G. The City Attorney ordering forfeiture pursuant to this section shall provide a copy of the declaration of forfeiture to any person who received notice of the forfeiture proceedings.
G. Disposal of Vehicle and Distribution of Proceeds.
1. In all cases where vehicles seized pursuant to this section are forfeited to the City, the vehicles shall be sold, or if cash is paid as settlement in lieu of forfeiture of the vehicle, the proceeds of sale or settlement shall be distributed and appropriated as follows:
(a) To pay costs associated with the towing, storage and release of any vehicle seized under this section.
(b) To pay costs associated with the sale of the vehicle.
(c) To the lien holder of the vehicle, if any, up to the amount of the lien holder’s interest in the vehicle.
2. The remaining funds shall be distributed as follows:
(a) To the City Attorney for all expenditures other than personnel costs, made or incurred by the Office in connection with the enforcement of this section, including but not limited to, costs for equipment, investigation, supplies, litigation, insurance and liability resulting from enforcement of this section and costs of publication of the notices set forth in Subsection E.
(b) To local law enforcement for all expenditures other than personnel costs, made or incurred by the Department in connection with enforcement of this section, including but not limited to, costs for equipment, investigation and supplies related to enforcement of this section.
(c) To the general fund.
3. For budgeting purposes, funds attributable to this ordinance shall not be considered anticipated revenue into the general fund.
H. Stolen Vehicles. A vehicle that has been reported stolen, prior to a seizure under this section shall not be subject to forfeiture unless the identity of the registered owner cannot be reasonably ascertained or the registered owner fails to redeem the vehicle within 60 days of the seizure. The registered owner of the vehicle may claim the vehicle upon payment of tow, storage and release charges, provided the vehicle is not subject to any holds for traffic or parking violations and the vehicle registration is current.
I. Recovery of Monetary Loss. Nothing in this section shall preclude an owner of a vehicle who suffers a monetary loss from the forfeiture of a vehicle under this section from recovering the amount of the actual monetary loss from the person who committed the act giving rise to forfeiture under this section.
(Added by Ord. No. 180,465, Eff. 2/8/09.)
(a) Definitions. As used in this section:
(1) “Gang Injunction” means a court order, in the form of a preliminary or permanent injunction, issued against an identified criminal street gang as an unincorporated association or organization, the provisions of which seek to enjoin the gang’s nuisance activities in a delineated geographic area known as the “Safety Zone”.
(2) “Gang Member” means a member of a “criminal street gang” as that term is defined in Penal Code section 186.22, subdivision (t).
(3) “Legal Owner” means the “legal owner” of a vehicle as defined in Vehicle Code section 370.
(4) “Registered Owner” means the “registered owner” of a vehicle as defined in Vehicle Code section 505.
(5) “Safety Zone” means a geographic area delineated in any gang injunction within which a gang’s nuisance activities are to be enjoined.
(6) “Vehicle” means any transportation device that would require a driver of the vehicle to have in their immediate possession a valid driver’s license for the appropriate class of vehicle.
(b) Circumstances in Which Vehicle Becomes Nuisance Subject to Seizure and Forfeiture. A vehicle used in any of the following circumstances is a nuisance that shall be enjoined and abated as provided in this section:
(1) Any vehicle used within the City by one or more gang members for the purpose of the commission of any of the offenses listed in Penal Code section 186.22, subdivision (e), except for the offenses listed in subdivision (e)(4) (relating to the sale, transportation and manufacture of controlled substances).
(2) Any vehicle used within a Safety Zone in which a gang member who is subject to and has notice of the Gang Injunction is:
(A) Present with another known gang member in violation of the Gang Injunction; or
(B) Present and in actual or constructive possession of graffiti tools in violation of the Gang Injunction; or
(C) Present and transporting, concealing, or storing a firearm or any ammunition, the possession of which would be a violation of the Gang Injunction.
(c) Title to Vest in the City. All right, title and interest in any vehicle used in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b) shall vest in the City upon commission of the act giving rise to the nuisance.
(d) Seizure of Vehicle.
(1) A peace officer may seize a vehicle for forfeiture upon the issuance of an order by a court having jurisdiction of the vehicle.
(2) A peace officer may seize a vehicle for forfeiture without a court order when:
(A) The seizure is incident to an arrest or a search conducted pursuant to a search warrant; or
(B) There is probable cause to believe that the vehicle is being used in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b).
(3) A peace officer seizing a vehicle under this section shall complete a vehicle report and deliver it to the person from whose possession the vehicle was seized.
(e) Post-Seizure Investigation and Notice to Registered and Legal Owners.
(1) Upon seizure of a vehicle under this section, the seizing agency shall immediately conduct an investigation as to any registered owner and any legal owner of record with the Department of Motor Vehicles of this or any other state or appropriate federal agency.
(2) If the agency finds that any person is the registered or legal owner, and that such ownership or interest did not arise subsequent to the date and time of seizure of the vehicle or notification of the forfeiture proceedings, the agency shall send the following to each such person at their address, as it appears in the records of the Department of Motor Vehicles of this or any other state or any appropriate federal agency, within three (3) business days of the vehicle’s seizure:
(A) A Notice of Seizure, which shall include the name, address and telephone number of the agency providing the notice as well as the authority and reason for the seizure; and
(B) Information about the availability of a post-seizure hearing, which shall include a statement that in order to receive a post-seizure hearing, the owner, or the owner’s attorney or agent, must request the hearing in person, or in writing, or by telephone within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the Notice; and
(C) Information about how to file a claim, which shall include the time in which a claim of interest in the vehicle seized or subject to forfeiture is required to be filed; and
(D) A claim form.
(f) Post-Seizure Hearing.
(1) When requested, the post-seizure hearing shall be. conducted within three (3) business days of the seizing agency’s receipt of the request for such a hearing. The agency may authorize its own officer or employee to conduct the hearing as long as the hearing officer is not the same person who seized or directed the seizure of the vehicle. The hearing also may be conducted by a City Attorney hearing officer designated to conduct such hearings.
(2) The vehicle shall be retained upon a determination of probable cause that the vehicle was used in one or more of the circumstances described in subsection (b).
(3) Failure of either the registered owner or legal owner, or their attorney or agent, to request or attend a scheduled post-seizure hearing within the appropriate time frame shall satisfy any post-seizure hearing requirement.
(4) Notwithstanding a determination of probable cause, the hearing officer has the authority and discretion to direct return of the vehicle to the registered owner pending further action under this section, upon payment of towing, storage and release charges, if the hearing officer is satisfied, considering all reliable and available information, that:
(A) The registered owner is not a gang member; and
(B) The registered owner was not operating or present in or around the vehicle at the time of the violation resulting in its seizure; and
(C) The registered owner did not authorize or negligently permit the vehicle to be used in one or more of the circumstances described in subsection (b); and
(D) The vehicle was not previously seized, impounded, or reportedly used in furtherance of any criminal activity while in the possession or control of the registered owner; and
(E) The registered owner relies upon the vehicle for legitimate transportation purposes.
(g) Notice to Interested Persons of Intended Forfeiture of Vehicle.
(1) If the City Attorney determines that the factual circumstances described in subsection (b) warrant forfeiture of the vehicle, the City Attorney shall serve a Notice of Intended Forfeiture upon any person who has an interest in the seized vehicle as determined pursuant to subsection (e). The Notice shall be served as soon as practicable, but in any event within thirty (30) calendar days of the seizure of the vehicle subject to forfeiture.
(2) The Notice of Intended Forfeiture shall be served by personal delivery, or by certified mail return receipt requested, to the address on record with the Department of Motor Vehicles, or any other address a person entitled to receive service under subsection (e) designates in writing to the City Attorney.
(3) In the event that a person entitled to service under this section cannot be personally served, or the certified return receipt is not received by the City Attorney within ten (10) business days of mailing, substitute service may be accomplished by either of the following methods:
(A) By leaving a copy of the Notice at the address on record with the Department of Motor Vehicles and any other address a person entitled to receive service under subsection (e) designates in writing to the City Attorney, and by mailing a copy to the recipient at the address where the copy was left and any other address designated in writing to the City Attorney; or
(B) By first class mail, if the person entitled to service resides out of state.
(4) Service of the Notice of Intended Forfeiture shall be deemed complete if the recipient acknowledges receipt of the Notice verbally or in writing, or the certified return receipt is received by the City Attorney, or upon completion of personal or substitute service.
(h) Filing of Claims Opposing Forfeiture and Court Proceedings Thereon.
(1) A person claiming an interest in a vehicle seized pursuant to subsection (d) must, within ten (10) calendar days from the date of personal service or mailing of the Notice of the Intended Forfeiture, file with the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles a Claim Opposing Forfeiture, verified in accordance with Code of Civil Procedure section 446. The Claim shall describe the person’s interest in the vehicle. A copy of the Claim shall be served upon the City Attorney.
(2) If a verified Claim is filed in accordance with this section, the forfeiture proceeding shall be set for hearing within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the Claim is filed with the court.
(3) The City Attorney shall file a Petition for Forfeiture within ten (10) calendar days of being served with the Claim. The Petition for Forfeiture shall identify the vehicle to be forfeited, state the date and place of the seizure, describe the factual and legal basis for the forfeiture, and state the estimated value of the vehicle.
(4) All discovery shall be completed on or before the fifth calendar day before the hearing date, which date may be extended in the court’s discretion.
(5) The hearing shall be before the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles. The provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply to such proceedings unless otherwise inconsistent with the provisions or, procedures set forth in this section. A proceeding under this subsection is a summary proceeding and there shall be no joinder of actions, coordination of actions, or cross-complaints. The issues to be determined shall be limited strictly to those related to this section. Trial shall be by court or jury.
(i) Contested Forfeiture of Vehicle.
(1) Where forfeiture pursuant to this section is contested, the City Attorney shall have the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the vehicle was used in one or more of the circumstances described in subsection (b).
(2) Upon proof that the vehicle was used in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), the court shall:
(A) Declare the vehicle a nuisance; and
(B) Order that the vehicle be forfeited and sold, and that the proceeds from the sale be distributed in accordance with subsection (n); or
(C) If the vehicle was returned to the registered owner pursuant to subsection (f)(4), that it be seized, forfeited and sold, and that the proceeds from the sale be distributed in accordance with subsection (n).
(j) Return to Innocent Owner. Notwithstanding that a vehicle seized under this section may have been used in one or more of the circumstances described in subsection (b), the vehicle shall not be subject to forfeiture and shall be returned to the registered owner, upon payment of towing, storage and release charges, if the registered owner establishes by a preponderance of the evidence that all of the following circumstances exist:
(1) The registered owner was not operating or present in or around the vehicle at the time of the violation resulting in its seizure; and
(2) The registered owner did not know that the vehicle was to be used in one or more of the circumstances described in subsection (b); and
(3) The registered owner was not negligent in allowing the vehicle to be used in one or more of the circumstances described in subsection (b).
(k) Detention In Lieu of Forfeiture.
(1) Notwithstanding that a vehicle seized under this section may have been used in one or more of the circumstances described in subsection (b), the court may, in lieu of forfeiture, order that the vehicle be detained for a period of not less than thirty (30) days and not more than one-hundred-twenty (120) days, if the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that:
(A) The vehicle is the only vehicle available to members of the registered owner’s household; and
(B) Forfeiture of the vehicle would cause significant hardship to a household member who relies upon the vehicle for transportation for legitimate purposes; and
(C) If released to the registered owner, the vehicle is unlikely to be used in further violation of this section in the future.
(2) If the court orders the vehicle detained pursuant to this subsection, the registered owner may reclaim the vehicle upon expiration of the detention period and payment of tow, storage and release charges.
(l) Stolen Vehicles. A vehicle that has been reported stolen prior to its seizure under this section shall not be subject to forfeiture under this section, unless the identity of the registered owner cannot be reasonably ascertained, or the registered owner fails to redeem the vehicle within sixty (60) days of the seizure. The registered owner of the vehicle may claim the vehicle, upon payment of tow, storage and release charges, provided the vehicle is not subject to any holds for traffic or parking violations and the vehicle registration is current.
(m) Uncontested Forfeiture of Vehicle.
(1) Where forfeiture pursuant to this section is not contested, the City Attorney shall have the authority to declare the vehicle forfeited under this section.
(2) If no Claims are timely filed, the City Attorney shall prepare a written Declaration of Forfeiture of the vehicle to the City. A written Declaration of Forfeiture signed by the City Attorney or the City Attorney’s duly authorized designee shall be deemed to vest good and sufficient title to the forfeited vehicle in the City. The proceeds from the disposal of the vehicle declared forfeited by the City Attorney shall be distributed in accordance with subsection (n)(1). The City Attorney shall mail or otherwise provide a copy of the Declaration of Forfeiture to any person who received notice of the forfeiture proceedings pursuant to this section.
(n) Disposal of Vehicle and Distribution of Proceeds.
(1) In any case in which a vehicle seized pursuant to this section is forfeited to the City, the vehicle shall be sold, unless a settlement is reached with the registered owner of the vehicle. All proceeds from the sale, or if cash is paid as settlement in lieu of forfeiture of the vehicle, shall be distributed and appropriated in the order of priority listed below:
(A) To pay costs associated with the towing, storage and release of the vehicle; and then
(B) To pay costs associated with the sale of the vehicle; and then
(C) To the legal owner of the vehicle, if any, up to the amount of the legal owner’s interest in the vehicle; and then
(D) To the City’s general fund.
(2) In a contested forfeiture proceeding pursuant to subsection (i), the court may make a different distribution of the proceeds in the interest of justice, including a distribution to a person or entity other than a registered or legal owner of the vehicle who can prove by clear and convincing evidence an interest in the vehicle, up to the amount of that person’s provable interest, but only if such person or entity has provided the court with proof of their claimed interest before the court makes a final disposition regarding the vehicle.
(3) For budgeting purposes, funds attributable to this ordinance shall not be considered anticipated revenue to the general fund.
(o) Recovery of Monetary Loss. Nothing in this section shall preclude a vehicle owner or lienholder who suffers a monetary loss from the forfeiture of a vehicle under this section from recovering the amount of the actual monetary loss from the person or persons who committed the act giving rise to the forfeiture.
(Added by Ord. No. 180,724, Eff. 7/16/09.)
(A) Definitions. As used in this section:
1. “City” means the City of Los Angeles.
2. “Property” means any real property located in the City of Los Angeles, including all buildings, structures and other improvements thereon.
(B) Nuisance.
1. Definition of Nuisance. A Property used for the purpose of knowingly manufacturing, selling, or possessing for sale any of the following is a public nuisance which may be restrained, enjoined, abated, and prevented pursuant to the provisions of this Section.
(a) Any counterfeit of a mark, or goods containing any counterfeit of a mark, registered with the California Secretary of State or registered on the Principal Register of the United States Patent and Trademark office; or
(b) Any recording or audiovisual work where the cover, box, jacket, or label fails to accurately disclose the information regarding the manufacturer and the author, artist, performer, producer, programmer, or group, as proscribed by California Penal Code section 653w.
2. Maintaining Nuisance. No person shall knowingly conduct, permit or maintain the nuisance defined in Subsection B.1. of this Section on any Property. Each day such nuisance continues to exist shall be a new and separate offense.
3. Action to Abate Nuisance. The City Attorney may bring and maintain a civil action in the name of the City of Los Angeles in the superior court to abate and prevent a public nuisance as defined in Subsection B.1. of this Section and to restrain and enjoin the person or persons conducting, maintaining or permitting the public nuisance from further conducting, maintaining, or permitting such public nuisance.
4. Notice of Nuisance. If the Property owner is not the person conducting, maintaining or permitting the nuisance, at least 30 days before an action is filed against a Property owner, the Property owner shall be notified that the Property is being used in violation of subsection B.1. This requirement is satisfied if the City Attorney sends a notice by certified or registered mail with return receipt requested to the Property owner.
5. In Rem Jurisdiction. The City Attorney may name as a defendant, in any action brought under this Section, the Property where the public nuisance is being conducted, or maintained or permitted, by describing it by the assessor’s parcel number and street address. The City Attorney shall cause a summons to be affixed to the principal door or entrance of the Property, or other visible, conspicuous place thereon, and thereafter mails the summons by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the owner of the Property as reflected on public records on file with the Los Angeles County Recorder.
(C) Pre-Judgment Remedies.
1. Temporary Restraining Order or Injunction. If the existence of the nuisance in the action is shown to the satisfaction of the court, either by verified complaint or affidavit, the court may allow a temporary restraining order or injunction to abate and prevent the continuance or recurrence of the nuisance.
2. Closure.
(a) The City Attorney may seek a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction to close all or part of the Property pending trial when a prior order or injunction has not resulted in abatement of the nuisance. The duration of the order shall be in the court’s discretion but in no event shall the closure exceed one year. The City Attorney may seek an order further directing that the property owner or person in control of the Property is to padlock the Property and provide the keys to the Los Angeles Police Department or the Department of Building and Safety upon a request by that department.
(b) The City Attorney may seek a pre-judgment closure order directing that if the Property is not closed as ordered by the court, the Department of Building and Safety may close it and board and secure it. The order further may direct the Police Department and the victim of the activity referenced in B.1.(a) or (b) or its agent, to enter the property in order to prepare a report regarding personal property situated at the Property. The report may consist of photographs of the personal Property.
(c) The City Attorney shall send the pre- judgment closure order to the Property owner and the person in control of the Property. If the Property owner or the person in control of the Property fails to comply, the Department of Building and Safety may, when requested by the Los Angeles Police Department, barricade, padlock, fence or secure the Property by whatever means necessary to secure compliance.
(d) When the Department of Building and Safety closes a Property pursuant to this section, the Department shall post a warning placard or sign in a conspicuous place near the entrance. A warning placard or sign posted pursuant to this section shall not be removed, defaced, covered or hidden from view in any manner. The placard or sign shall read substantially as follows:
3. Defendant’s Remedies.
(a) If the Property owner files a bond in an amount equal to the full assessed value of the Property ordered to be closed and submits proof to the court that the nuisance has been abated and will not be created, maintained, or permitted for such period of time as the Property has been directed to be closed, the court may vacate the pre-judgment closure order. Proof that the nuisance will not be created, maintained, or permitted in the future, shall include, but not be limited to, a written statement setting forth the proactive steps the owner will take to ensure that no such nuisance shall recur on the Property.
The provisions of Section 995.010 et seq. of the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply to any bond posted under this subsection.
(b) The City Attorney shall request that any order vacating a pre-judgment closure order include a provision authorizing the Police Department to periodically and without notice, inspect the Property that is the subject of an action pursuant to this section during the pendency of the action, for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the public nuisance has recurred on the Property.
(D) Judgment.
1. Permanent Injunction. If the existence of the nuisance in the action is established to the satisfaction of the court, the court may enter a judgment which includes a permanent injunction enjoining the nuisance.
2. Closure.
(a) The City Attorney may seek a permanent injunction that includes closure of all or part of the Property. The duration of the order shall be in the court’s discretion but in no event shall the closure aspect of the order exceed one year. The order may further direct that the Property owner or person in control of the Property is to padlock the Property and provide the keys to the Police Department or the Department of Building and Safety upon a request by that department.
(b) The closure order may direct that if the Property is not closed as ordered by the court, the Department of Building and Safety may close it and board and secure it. The order may further direct the Police Department to enter the Property in order to prepare a report regarding personal property situated at the Property. The report may consist of photographs of the personal property.
(c) The City Attorney shall send the closure order to the Property owner and the person in control of the Property. If the Property owner or the person in control of the Property fails to comply, the Department of Building and Safety may, when requested by the Los Angeles
Police Department, barricade, padlock, fence or secure the Property by whatever means necessary to secure compliance.
(d) When the Department of Building and Safety closes a Property pursuant to this section, the Department shall post a warning placard or sign in a conspicuous place near the entrance. A warning placard or sign posted pursuant to this section shall not be removed, defaced, covered or hidden from view in any manner. The placard or sign shall read substantially as follows:
3. Defendant’s Remedies.
(a) If the owner files a bond in the amount equal to the full assessed value of the property ordered to be closed and submits proof to the court that the nuisance has been abated and will not be created, maintained, or permitted for such period of time as the Property has been directed to be closed, the court may vacate the closure order. Proof that the nuisance will not be created, maintained, or permitted in the future, shall include, but not be limited to, a written statement setting forth the proactive steps the owner will take to ensure that no such nuisance shall recur on the Property. The provisions of Section 995.010 et seq. of the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply to any bond posted under this subsection.
(b) The City Attorney may seek an order that includes a provision authorizing the Police Department to periodically and without notice, inspect the Property that is the subject of an action pursuant to this section, for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the public nuisance has recurred on the Property.
4. Sale of Chattels. The City Attorney may seek an order of abatement directing the seizure and removal from the Property of all fixtures and moveable property used in the creation and/or maintenance of the public nuisance and directing the sale by the sheriff of such personal property in the manner provided for the sale of chattels under execution. For removing and selling the fixtures and moveable property, the sheriff’s office shall be entitled to charge and receive the same fees as the sheriff’s office would for levying upon and selling like property upon execution. The net proceeds of any such sale, after the sheriff’s expenses have been paid, shall be used to first defray all the lawful expenses incurred by the City, including, but not limited to, fees and costs of the removal and sale, allowances and costs of keeping the Property closed, and costs of the City’s action. The balance, if any, shall be paid to the owner of the chattels.
5. Civil Penalty. If a defendant has conducted, maintained or permitted a public nuisance as defined in this section, the civil penalty shall not to exceed $1,000 for each counterfeit of a mark registered with the California Secretary of State or registered on the Principal Register of the United States Patent and Trademark office, or for any recording or audiovisual work where the cover, box, jacket, or label fails to accurately disclose the information regarding the manufacturer and the author, artist, performer, producer, programmer, or group, as proscribed by California Penal Codes section 653w, that is knowingly manufactured, sold, or possessed for sale on the Property. Upon recovery, such penalties shall be paid to the City of Los Angeles.
In assessing the amount of the civil penalty under this section, the court may consider any one or more of the relevant circumstances presented by any of the parties to the action, including, but not limited to, the following: the nature and seriousness of the misconduct, the number of violations, the persistence of the misconduct, the length of time over which the misconduct occurred, and the defendant’s assets, liabilities, and net worth.
(E) Costs of Abatement. In any action to abate a nuisance pursuant to this Section, the owner of the Property upon which the nuisance is found to exist shall be liable for all costs of abatement incurred by the City, including but not limited to, administrative costs and all costs incurred in the physical abatement of the nuisance. In addition to the penalties herein provided, upon entry of a second or subsequent judgment pursuant to this section that issues within a two-year period, the court may order the owner to pay treble the costs of abatement.
(F) Violations.
1. Violation of Order or Injunction. A violation or disobedience of any provision of an order or injunction issued pursuant to this section is a misdemeanor.
2. Failure to Comply with Closure Order. A Property owner or person in control of the Property who fails to comply with any pre-judgment closure order or closure order shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
3. Defacement or Removal of Placard or Sign. Any person who defaces, covers, hides, or removes any placard or sign posted pursuant to subsection C.2.(d) or D.2.(d) of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
4. Entry Onto or Occupation of Closed Property. Any person who enters, remains, occupies or is present in a Property that has been posted pursuant to subsection C.2.(d) or D.2.(d) of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. This prohibition shall not apply to public officers or public employees acting in the performance of their official duties. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to the contrary, a police officer with the Los Angeles Police Department shall have the authority to enter any building posted by the Department pursuant to this division, and arrest anyone entering the posted Property without authorization.
(G) Nonexclusive Remedies. The remedies provided in this section are cumulative and non-exclusive and they shall not exclude the City’s use of any other remedy provided by law for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the people of the City of Los Angeles.
(Title Amended by Ord. No. 145,691, Eff. 5/2/74.)
42.00 Regulation of Soliciting and Sales in Streets.
42.00.1 Sales from Ice Cream Trucks.
42.01 Street – Sidewalk – Pedestrians Building Setback.
42.02 Street – Sidewalk – Adjacent Property – Soliciting Trade.
42.03 Selling of Tickets of Admission to Places of Public Assemblage in Public Places and Places Open to the Public Prohibited – Exceptions.
42.04 Street – Sidewalk – Soliciting Patronage.
42.05 Street – Sidewalk – Soliciting Patronage Transportation.
42.06 Railroad – Stage Depot – Soliciting Patronage.
42.07 Common Carrier – Soliciting Patronage on.
42.08 Street – Sidewalk – Soliciting Patronage Prohibited in Area.
42.09 Soliciting Patronage – Manner of.
42.10 Solicitors of Patronage – Interference With.
42.11 Hotel – Loitering.
42.11.1 Depots – Stations – Airports – Loitering about Prohibited.
42.12 Alms – Soliciting in Buildings.
42.13 Sidewalk and Park Vending Program.
42.14 Soliciting – Use of City Name.
42.14.1 Soliciting on City Property.
42.15 Vending and Excessive Noise on Beaches Prohibited.
42.19 Magazine Subscriptions – Sales for Future Delivery – Where Solicitation Prohibited.
42.20 Food and Drink Establishments – Annoyance of Customers Forbidden.
(a) In this section, unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires: (Amended by Ord. No. 182,813, Eff. 12/10/13.)
“Business” shall mean any enterprise, profession or trade conducted or engaged in with the object of gain, benefit or advantage, whether direct or indirect, to any person. The term shall include operations of subsidiary or independent entities conducted for the benefit of others whether or not at any profit to themselves, nonprofit businesses and trade associations.
“Donation” shall mean a gift; a voluntary act which is not required and does not require anything in return.
“Food” shall mean any type of edible substance or beverage.
“Goods or Merchandise” shall mean any items that are not Food.
“Handcrafts” shall mean objects made either by hand or with the help of devices used to shape or produce the objects through such methods as weaving, carving, stitching, sewing, lacing, and beading, including objects such as jewelry, pottery, silver work, leather goods and trinkets. Most handcrafts have more than nominal utility apart from any communicative value they possess. Most commonly, handcrafts do not communicate a message, idea or concept to others, and are often mass produced or produced with limited variation. Handcrafts do not include visual arts.
“News racks” shall mean any self-service or coin-operated box, container, storage unit or other dispenser installed, used, or maintained for the display and sale of newspapers, news periodicals or other news publications.
“Newsstand” shall mean any stand, shelter, case, cabinet, box or other structure installed, used, or maintained for the display, sale or storage of newspapers, news periodicals or other news publications which is attended by the owner or the owner’s employee while making sales therefrom.
“Parkway” shall mean that area between the edge of the roadway and the adjacent property line excluding that area occupied by the sidewalks. Parkway shall also include any area within a roadway which is not open to vehicular travel.
“Perform, Performing, Performance or Performances” shall mean to engage in any of the following activities in the street: playing musical instruments; singing; dancing; acting; pantomiming; puppeteering; juggling; reciting; engaging in magic; creating visual art in its entirety; presenting or enacting a play, work of music, work of art, physical or mental feat, or other constitutionally protected entertainment or form of expression. The terms Perform, Performing, Performance or Performances shall not include:
(i) The provision of personal services such as massage or hair weaving, cutting or styling;
(ii) The completion or other partial creation of visual art;
(iii) The creation of visual art which is mass produced or produced with limited variation; or
(iv) The creation of handcrafts.
“Performer” shall mean a person who performs. Performer includes the employers, employees and agents of a performer. Indicia of being a performer include, but are not limited to, setting up performance equipment, staging or orienting the performance towards the public, performing in the same location for an extended period of time, performing in public over multiple days, seeking voluntary contributions through the passing around of a hat or leaving open an instrument case or other receptacle, and soliciting donations after a performance.
“Person or Persons” shall mean one or more natural persons, individuals, groups, businesses, business trusts, companies, corporations, joint ventures, joint stock companies, partnership, entities, associations, clubs or organizations composed of two or more individuals (or manager, lessee, agent, servant, officer or employee of any of them), whether engaged in business, nonprofit or any other activity.
“Roadway” shall mean that portion of a street improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel.
“Sidewalk” shall mean any surface in the public right-of-way provided for the exclusive use of pedestrians.
“Street” shall mean all that area dedicated to public use for public street purposes and shall include, but not be limited to, roadways, parkways, alleys and sidewalks.
“Ticket” shall mean a ticket, license, voucher, coupon or any other indicia of a transaction granting admission or permission to enter or access an activity, an event, a tour or a place of business.
“Vend or Vending” shall mean to sell or barter food, goods, merchandise or services, or to require someone to pay a fee or to set, negotiate, or establish a fee before providing food, goods, merchandise or services, even if characterized by the vendor as a donation.
“Vendor” shall mean a person who vends. Vendor includes the employers, employees, and agents of a vendor.
(1) Persons can engage in traditional expressive speech and petitioning activities, and can Vend the following expressive items: newspapers, leaflets, pamphlets, bumper stickers, patches and/or buttons.
(2) Persons can Vend the following items, which have been created, written or composed by the Vendor: books, audio, video or other recordings of their Performances, paintings, photographs, prints, sculptures or any other item that is inherently communicative and is of nominal value or utility apart from its communication. Although an item may have some expressive purpose, it will be deemed to have more than nominal utility apart from its communication if it has a common and dominant non-expressive purpose. Examples of items that have more than nominal utility apart from their communication and thus are subject to the Vending ban under the provision of this section include, but are not limited to, the following: housewares, appliances, articles of clothing, sunglasses, auto parts, oils, incense, perfume, crystals, lotions, candles, jewelry, toys, and stuffed animals.
(3) Performers can Perform.
(4) Any Vendor conducting lawful Vending under Subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2), above, must comply with applicable tax and licensing requirements.
(5) Penalty. Any violation of this Subsection (b) shall be punishable pursuant to Section 42.13 D. of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,900, Eff. 12/6/18.)
(c) Street Sales of Tickets in Conjunction with Operation of a Business Prohibited. (Amended by Ord. No. 182,813, Eff. 12/10/13.) Except as otherwise allowed by law, no Person upon any Street shall sell, exchange or provide Tickets in connection with the operation of a Business.
(d) Reserved. (Deleted by Ord. No. 182,813, Eff. 12/10/13.)
(e) Streets News Venders. (Amended by Ord. No. 145,691, Eff. 5/2/74.)
(1) No person shall sell or offer for sale any newspaper, magazine, periodical, news publication or other printed matter while upon the roadway of any street within the City of Los Angeles provided, however, that persons engaged in selling or offering for sale or disposing of newspapers, news periodicals or other news publications may sell, offer for sale, solicit the purchase of and advertise the same upon any portion of the sidewalk or parkway, subject to Subsections (f), (g), (h) and (j) of this section where applicable.
(2) No person, under the age of 10 years, shall sell or offer for sale any newspaper, magazine, periodical, news publication or other printed matter while upon any portion of a street. This subsection shall not prohibit persons, except as otherwise prohibited by law, from soliciting the sale of or delivery of newspapers, magazines, periodicals, news publications and other printed matter to residences or places of business fronting upon a street.
(f) Streets – News Racks. (Amended by Ord. No. 176,339, Eff. 1/19/05.)
(1) Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in the following subsections shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
(A) “Equivalent newsrack” means any newsrack that is of the same size and dimensions of the specified newsrack.
(B) If “demand warrants” or “warranted demand” means the measured stack height needed to meet the newspaper publisher’s or distributor’s peak daily distribution at the requested newsrack location, as proven to the Board by the newspaper publisher or distributor, exceeds (14) inches.
(C) “Individual newsrack” means and includes a newsrack designed with a single enclosed compartment to accommodate at any one time the display, sale, or free distribution of like copies of a single newspaper or other publication, or which has more than one (1) compartment and complies with the dimensions of an individual newsrack as provided in Subsection (7)(B).
(D) “Newsrack” or “News Rack” means any unstaffed, self-service, free, or coin-operated box, container, storage unit or other dispenser located in or upon, or projecting onto, or over, any part of the public right-of-way, and which is installed, used or maintained for the display, sale, or free distribution of newspapers and other publications.
(E) “Modular newsrack” means a newsrack which is designed with separate enclosed compartments to accommodate at any one time the display, sale or free distribution of multiple distinct and separate newspapers or other publications, and which exceeds the dimensions of an individual newsrack as provided in Subsection (7)(B).
(F) “Modular newsrack provider” means the person or other legal entity that is authorized under Subsection (4)(A)(7) to place and maintain modular newsracks upon the public right-of-way.
(G) “Publisher” means the person or other legal entity selling, displaying, or distributing free newspapers or other publications in a newsrack.
(H) “News-Stand/Kiosk” means any stand, shelter, or other structure installed, used, or maintained for the display, sale or storage of newspapers, news periodicals or other news publications.
(I) “Public right-of-way” means any public street, sidewalk, parkway, alley or other location owned or otherwise controlled by the City for the benefit of the general public.
(J) “Block face” means the sidewalk on one side of a street, between one intersection and the immediately adjacent intersection.
(2) Purpose and Criteria. The purpose of the following Subsections is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens and visitors to the City through the regulation of placement, type, appearance, and maintenance of newsracks on public rights-of-way so as to:
(A) Provide for pedestrian and driver safety and convenience.
(B) Restrict unreasonable interference with the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, including, but not limited to, ingress into and egress from any residence or place of business, or from the street to the sidewalk, or from the sidewalk to the street by persons exiting or entering parked or standing vehicles.
(C) Provide for the safety of the general public and property during emergency conditions.
(D) Provide reasonable access for the use and maintenance of poles, posts, traffic signs and/or signals, hydrants, mailboxes, and access to locations used for public transportation purposes.
(E) Allow for the placement and maintenance of modular newsracks in the modular newsrack areas, as determined by the City Council, to be placed in locations throughout the city which afford easy, convenient service to pedestrians, but do not obstruct or interfere with access to abutting properties, and which do not impede or endanger pedestrian, bicycle, or vehicular traffic.
(F) Relocate and/or replace or remove newsracks which result in visual blight and/or are not installed according to this code on the public rights-of-way or which block or interfere with the aesthetics of store window displays, adjacent businesses, landscaping, street furniture, public or private, and other improvements as well as to allow the removal of abandoned newsracks.
(G) Maintain and protect the values of surrounding properties, and ensure that the aesthetics and historical attributes of adjacent businesses are not compromised by the unregulated placement of newsracks in the public right-of-way.
(H) Reduce unnecessary exposure of the public to personal injury or property damage.
(I) Maintain and preserve freedom of the press to distribute periodicals and newspapers.
(J) Reduce visual blight and improve the aesthetic appearance of the City’s streets and sidewalks for the merchants, citizens and visitors to the City by coordinating the uniform color of all newsracks with the color of the City’s extensive multi-million dollar street furniture program; and in Specific Plan Areas, Streetscape Plan Areas or other Special Planning Districts, which have a standard streetscape color, to allow for a uniform newsrack color from a limited palate of colors in order to coordinate the color of newsracks with their streetscape.
(3) Compliance Phase In.
(A) The provisions of this subdivision shall apply to all newsracks, whether installed and maintained prior to or after the effective date of this ordinance which in whole or in part rests upon, in, or over any dedicated sidewalk, right-of-way or parkway. Those newsracks installed prior to the effective date of this revised ordinance shall be brought into compliance with the all provisions of this code, except uniform color, as this revised ordinance is implemented by Street Services, area by area, within the City. In no event shall compliance be later than 12 months after the effective date hereof, except that, if the City’s implementation schedule takes longer than 12 months, then compliance by the publishers shall follow the City’s implementation schedule. If a publisher chooses not to come into compliance with the uniform color requirement of this ordinance at the time it obtains a valid permit and legally places its newsracks as required by the City’s implementation schedule, then compliance with the uniform color requirement must be accomplished no later than 24 months after the effective date of this ordinance. However, Publishers experiencing financial hardship, solely due to compliance with LAMC § 42.00(f) as it applies to uniform color, may request the Board to approve one 12-month extension allowing them a total of 36 months to come into full compliance with the uniform color requirement of the Newsrack Ordinance, if evidence of financial hardship is proven to the satisfaction of the Board. Any newsrack not brought into compliance within the aforementioned time period shall be deemed to be in violation of LAMC § 42.00(f).
(4) Permit Required. No person shall install or maintain any newsrack upon any public right-of-way without first applying for and receiving a permit from the City’s Board of Public Works, herein after referred to as “Board”. A permit will not be issued unless the application is completed in full, the requested installation meets all the appropriate placement criteria as set forth below, and the application is accompanied by the appropriate permit fee for the type of newsrack, single, pedestal, or modular, for each individual newsrack installation requested. Any permit granted pursuant to the provisions of this code shall only be valid as to the specific location specified in the permit application. Where application is made for the installation of two or more single newsracks, a separate permit shall be required for each individual newsrack. Upon this revised ordinance taking legal effect in the City of Los Angeles, any owner of a newsrack currently existing on any City right-of-way must apply for a permit pursuant to this ordinance within the time specified by the Board of Public Works in its Rules and Regulations for the implementation of this ordinance. Any newsrack which is not the subject of a valid permit application as required by the City’s implementation Rules and Regulations will be deemed to be in violation of § 42.00(f) of this code and subject to removal from the right-of-way as set forth herein.
(A) Permit Application. Permit applications shall be in writing and on forms as provided by the Board. The permit application shall include the following information:
(1) The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant who is the owner and/or principal responsible for the newsrack.
(2) The name, address, and telephone number of a responsible person whom the City may notify or contact at any time concerning the applicant’s newsrack(s).
(3) The specified number of newsracks and the detailed proposed location for each one, shown on a drawing of the location, or GIS/Address based program provided by applicant which is compatible with the City’s GIS program and which indicates all existing buildings, existing newsracks at the location and general vicinity, and all other possible obstructions within 20 feet of the proposed location of the newsrack.
(4) Names of newspaper(s) or periodical(s) to be placed in each newsrack. One or more newspapers or periodicals may be dispensed from a single newsrack if the newsrack is manufactured for this purpose.
(5) Type or brand of newsrack, including an illustration and description of the newsrack and mount, if other than a single pedestal, size of base plate and whether the newsrack will have a coin-box attachment, or equivalent.
(6) A sworn statement under penalty of perjury, executed by an officer, director, or authorized agent of the applicant, agreeing that the applicant shall not sell, assign, or transfer by any method, the permit for the newsrack location to any other publisher, distributor, entity or individual.
(7) The Board, with Council approval, may designate areas of the City where only modular newsracks may be installed and maintained by a City vendor such as the City Hall Historical District, (the east block face on Spring Street between Temple Street and 1st Street, the south block face of Temple Street between Spring Street and Main Street, the west block face of Main Street between Temple Street and 1st Street, and the north block face of 1st Street between Spring Street and Main Street). No application for an individual newsrack permit may be submitted in a modular newsrack area. Upon the effective date of this ordinance, the total number of compartments in modular newsracks in any designated modular newsrack area, shall be substantially equivalent to the highest total number of individual newsracks known to have been legally maintained on the public right-of-way in the modular newsrack areas at any one time during the year preceding the introduction of this amended ordinance but in no event more than the total number of newsracks allowed by subparagraph (F)(4) below.
(8) Such other information as, from time to time, may be required by the Board.
(B) Expiration – Renewal. Unless earlier revoked, newsrack permits issued pursuant to the provisions of this code shall expire on the 30th day of August following the date upon which each such permit is granted. Such permits may thereafter be renewed annually upon the payment of the fee hereinafter prescribed. Applications for renewal shall be made at least 30 days prior to the expiration of any permit issued, and must be accompanied by a permit renewal fee as set forth in Subsection (4)(C), below. Application for permit renewal and payment must be either presented in person to the Bureau of Street Services, via the Internet (if available), or mailed via certified mail, postmarked no later than 30 days prior to the date of permit expiration. Failure to renew an existing newsrack permit before its expiration will require the payment of a late renewal penalty as set forth in Subsection (4)(C), below, or the loss of the placement of the said rack at the subject location.
(C) Fees. The Board shall establish all fees, in accordance with the level of enforcement deemed appropriate by the Council, and shall only be used to defray the total expenses of operation of the newsrack program including: permitting, inspection, administration, and enforcement, required by this Ordinance as set forth in the preceding and following sections of this code. The Initial Permit Fee, the Renewal Permit Fee, the Site Inspection Fee, the Site Re-Inspection Fee, Late Renewal Penalty Fee, Impound Fees, and the Bar Code Decal Replacement Fee shall be determined and adopted from time to time by the Board.
(D) Insurance.
(1) Requirement – Content. As a condition of the City granting any person or persons one or more permits to maintain a newsrack or newsracks in the public right-of-way, any such permittee shall be required to maintain a policy of general liability insurance, naming the City of Los Angeles, the Board of Public Works and its employees, agents etc. as “Additional Insureds” for the specific purpose of indemnifying and holding harmless the City of Los Angeles, its officers, boards, employees, etc. from and against any and all losses, costs, damages, expenses, or liability, whatsoever, which may result from or arise out of the granting of a permit, and/or the installation and/or the maintenance of any newsrack or newsracks for which the permittee shall be responsible for paying any and all losses or damages that may be sustained by any person or persons as a result of, or which may be caused by or arise out of the installation and/or maintenance of the permitted newsrack or newsracks. The policy of insurance shall be maintained in its original amount by the permittee at permittee’s expense at all times during the period for which the permittee holds a valid permit or permits. Should said policy be called upon to satisfy any liability for damages covered by said policy, the policy must be of such a nature that the original amount of coverage is restored after any payment of damages by the policy. In the event that two or more permits are issued to one permittee, the permittee shall only be required to maintain a single policy of insurance covering all such permits held by the permittee in the amount set forth below for the number of newsracks maintained by the permittee.
(2) Required Limits of Liability Insurance. The Board shall be responsible, from time to time, for adopting the limits of liability insurance required to be maintained by newsrack permittees under this code. The Board shall receive a recommendation from the City’s Risk Manager prior to setting the limits of liability insurance based on the number of racks that each permittee maintains in the City’s right-of-way.
(E) Every person who installs, uses or maintains any newsrack which in whole or in part rests upon, in, or over any dedicated sidewalk or parkway shall have the person’s name, address and telephone number affixed thereto at a place where such information may be easily seen, in addition to a bar code decal issued by the Board for that specific newsrack.
(5) Prohibited Where Vehicles Permitted. No person shall install or maintain any newsrack which projects onto, into or over any part of the roadway of any public street, or which rests, wholly or in part, upon, along or over any portion of such roadway.
(6) Unlawful Obstructions. No person shall install, use or maintain any newsrack:
(A) Within 5 feet of any marked crosswalk;
(B) Within 5 feet of the curb return of any unmarked crosswalk;
(C) Within 5 feet of any fire hydrant, fire call box or other emergency facility;
(D) Within 5 feet ahead and 45 feet to the rear of any sign marking a designated bus stop. No newsrack shall be installed within the marked bus zone;
(E) Within 5 feet of any bus bench.
(F) Within 10 feet of any transit shelter.
(G) In front of an entrance to a business, including the curb area directly across from such entrance where the distance between the entry door and the newsrack is less than 10 feet;
(H) In any location used, marked or posted for public utility purpose, public transportation purpose or government use;
(I) Where placement unreasonably interferes with the use of poles, posts, traffic signs or signals, mail boxes or other objects legally permitted, but in no event shall the newsrack be closer than one foot from such objects;
(J) Where placement interferes with the reasonable use or utility for display purposes of any display window of any building abutting the sidewalk or parkway, but in no event within 4 feet of such window;
(K) Within 5 feet of any area improved with lawn, flowers shrubs, trees or street tree well;
(L) Within 5 feet of any driveway or driveway apron;
(M) Within 4 feet of any outdoor dining areas or patio dining areas;
(N) Within 20 feet of both sides of buildings officially designated Los Angeles Historical or Cultural Monuments. If there is a block in which all buildings have been so officially designated, then the Board, in consultation with the Cultural Heritage Commission, shall determine siting on such block face for up to four (4) newsracks. An owner of a building which has been designated as a Historical or Cultural Monument may petition the Board of Public Works to allow newsracks on the sidewalks in front of their building if the placement of such newsracks will not interfere with Historic or Cultural nature of the building. The Board shall listen to evidence from all interested parties and make its determination based on the totality of the evidence.
(O) Within 20 feet of both sides of visual public art work created, funded or managed through the City’s Municipal Art Program including, but not limited to, murals, sculptures and fountains.
(P) Where placement impedes the flow of pedestrian traffic by reducing the clear space to less than 6 feet or, impedes access to or the use of abutting property, including, but not limited to, residences and places of business.
(Q) Notwithstanding any other paragraph of this subdivision, no person shall install, use or maintain any newsrack where placement endangers the safety of persons or property.
(R) No newsrack shall be installed within 4 feet from any permanently installed structure in the public Right-of-Way, which is not otherwise specifically identified in this subdivision.
(S) Within one foot of any utility cover, vent screen or other object that is flush mounted with the sidewalk, except that if the owner or person in control of the below grade sidewalk installation needs additional space for emergency or non-routine maintenance of the installation, any newsrack(s) which interferes with such maintenance may be requested to be temporarily removed to accommodate the required maintenance and then be reinstalled.
(T) Within 4 feet to the front and 10 feet to the rear of any parking meter and where there are no parking meters on the curb, 10 feet from the front of any marked parallel parking place.
(7) Size, Appearance, Placement, Installation and Construction of Newsracks.
(A) Every newsrack shall be maintained in a neat and clean condition and be in good repair at all times.
(B) All newsracks shall be permanently mounted, except as provided in Subsection (7)(C), in accordance with specifications established by the Board as provided in Subsection (9) and adopted from time to time as revisions become necessary, including but not limited to: style, construction, coating, material and fabrication. Specifications for a newsrack shall be:
(1) Street tube pedestal, at least four inches by three inches in height;
(2) Overall height shall not be less than 46 inches and shall not exceed 52 inches; the overall width shall not be less than 20 inches and shall not exceed 30 inches; and the overall depth shall not be less than 12 inches and shall not exceed 20 inches.
(3) All newsracks shall be primarily constructed of metal and shall be “Ivy Green” in color (Tiger RAL 607 SM, Glossy, Code 28-50081), except as provided in § 42.00(f)(17) “Specific Plan/Street Scape Plan Areas”.
(C) Special Purpose Sidewalks; No Permanent Attachments. Each individual newsrack which is permitted to be placed on a special purpose sidewalk, such as terrazzo, brick, glass prism implanted, or where basements are located under the sidewalk, shall be on legs and shall be mobile and not affixed to the sidewalk in any way.
(D) Pedestals. No pedestals shall be maintained on a public right-of-way unless there is attached thereto a newsrack case as provided herein.
(E) Removal of Newsracks; Repair of Sidewalks. Upon the removal of any newsrack, the person so removing shall be responsible for the repair of any resulting condition, including filling in of any holes left in the sidewalk and/or the removal of any bolts or other devices used to affix the newsrack to the sidewalk such that there are no obstructions sticking above the grade of the sidewalk. Such work is to be done to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works.
(F) Newsrack Location.
(1) Newsracks shall only be situated near a curb with the back of said newsrack situated not less than 18 inches nor more than 24 inches from the edge of the curb. If it is physically impossible to situate a newsrack near a curb, then the Board may authorize the placement of up to four (4) newsracks adjacent to the wall of a building on that block. If the newsrack is placed adjacent to the wall of a building, the back of said newsrack shall be situated parallel to and not more than 6 inches from such wall. No newsrack shall be installed, used or maintained on any sidewalk or parkway opposite a newsstand or other newsrack.
(2) Except as otherwise provided by this code, no newsrack placed on the public right-of-way shall be chained, bolted or otherwise attached to any property or to any permanently fixed object.
(3) Not more than four newsracks shall be placed immediately adjacent to each other. Any such group of up to four newsracks shall be separated by a space of not less than 48 inches from any other individual newsrack or group of newsracks.
(4) Not more than 16 newsracks shall be placed within 200 ft. of the same block face. However, the Board may establish a number greater or less than 16 in any specific block face by conducting an engineering study. In cases where a block face is longer than 200 ft., for every additional 50 ft. of block face greater than 200 ft., an additional four (4) newsracks may be installed.
(5) Not more than one permit for installation of a newsrack shall be issued for each publication on one side of a block or within 200 ft. of the same block face, whichever is less. One publication includes: differing geographic editions of the same publication (Orange County edition; Valley edition, etc.); and daily and Sunday editions of the same publication. In cases where a block face is longer than 200 ft., and there is space to legally install additional news- racks, then a permit for one publication to install a second newsrack on the same block face may be issued by the Board.
(6) Newsracks shall not be permitted on the public right-of-way adjacent to any property that is zoned exclusively for single- family residential use (R-1).
(G) Priorities Related to Placement of Newsracks.
(1) In determining in what order newsrack permittees may select their location on a particular block face during implementation of this revised newsrack ordinance, and in particular where there are more requests for newsrack spaces on any one block face than there are legal spaces available, the Board of Public Works shall, pursuant to its authority under paragraph (9) below, develop a content neutral criteria for determining the placement of newsracks applicable to each block face.
(2) Once this revised newsrack ordinance has been fully implemented citywide, all subsequent newsrack permits shall be issued on a first come first served basis.
(8) Unlawful Use. No newsrack shall be used for advertising signs or publicity purposes. External lettering is restricted to the following:
(A) If the newsrack is situated next to the curb, the side parallel to the curb, next to the lanes of traffic, may have external lettering replicating the publication masthead style and color, for the permitted publication in the subject newsrack, in a total area not to exceed 144 square inches.
If an individual newsrack is used to distribute more than one publication, each publication distributed in that newsrack shall be entitled to have external lettering replicating the publication masthead style and color for the permitted publications in the subject newsrack. However, the total area for all such publication mastheads on that newsrack shall not exceed 144 square inches.
(B) The side of the newsrack facing pedestrian traffic, except in Specific Plan/Streetscape Plan Areas, as identified in Section (17), may have a “Rack Card”, with a total area not to exceed 238 square inches, which exclusively advertises the newspaper or periodical being dispensed, and shall not include any third party advertising. This “Rack Card” shall be located in the area immediately below the hood on the front access side of the newsrack.
(C) Other than as permitted in this section, no other lettering or advertising of any kind shall be permitted anywhere else on the newsrack, including the mount.
(9) Authority of the Board of Public Works to Promulgate Rules and Regulations for the Permitting, Installation and Maintenance of the Newsracks in the Public Right-of-Way. Consistent with the intent and requirements of LAMC § 42.00(f), et seq., the Board may adopt rules and regulations to administer the installation, placement, maintenance, size and material used for construction of newsracks. The Board may adopt any other rule and/or regulation for the protection of public safety, welfare, or property relative to permitting, installation, and maintenance of newsracks. Prior to adoption of any rules and/or regulations, the Board shall hold a public hearing. Once any rules and/or regulations are adopted, they shall be kept posted in the Board office and a copy thereof shall be furnished to any applicant for a newsrack permit.
(10) Noncompliance With LAMC § 42.00(f), et seq.; Tagging of Newsracks. Except as provided in Subsection (12) hereof, whenever any newsrack is found to be in violation of any Subsection of LAMC § 42.00(f), the Board shall cause a notice tag to be attached to said newsrack specifying the date and nature of the violation, and shall E-mail or fax to the permittee a copy of the violation. Permittee shall within ten (10) calendar days from the date on which the tag was attached, either cause the violation to be corrected or request a hearing pursuant to Subsection (13) hereof. If a hearing is requested, staff will not remove the non compliant newsrack until a final determination by the Board. However, if a newsrack installed within the City right-of-way has no visible evidence that it has been properly permitted (no City issued bar code decal, no visible contact information for the owner or no other evidence that would indicate that a valid permit for the newsrack had been issued) staff may confiscate the offending newsrack and follow the procedures in subparagraph (11) (B) below. There is hereby created a presumption that any newsrack within the City’s right-of-way that does not have a city bar code decal, or visible identification and contact information for the owner of the newsrack, has been installed without a valid permit.
(A) A newsrack may be tagged for any violation of any requirement of LAMC § 42.00(f) including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Where its installation, use or maintenance unreasonably interferes with or impedes the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
(2) Where its installation, use or maintenance interferes with the use of poles, posts, traffic signs or signals, hydrants, mailboxes or other objects legally permitted;
(3) Where its installation, use or maintenance unreasonably obstructs, interferes with or impedes access to or the use of abutting property, including, but not limited to, residences, places of business, or legally parked or stopped vehicles;
(4) When such newsrack does not have a name, address and telephone number affixed in a place where such information may be easily seen and the designee of such newsrack cannot be otherwise identified;
(5) When a newsrack is found in the public right-of-way which does not have a visible, city issued, bar code decal present indicating the correct permit number of the newsrack or the newsrack has no valid permit at all; and
(6) When a newsrack is found in the public right-of-way which is not maintained in a neat and clean condition and in good repair, in accordance with the following Maintenance Specifications:
(a) The newsrack permittee shall maintain all newsracks and the sidewalk surface immediately under and adjacent (within 2 feet) to the newsracks in a safe, clean, attractive and sanitary condition and in good order and repair, as determined by the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Services (BOSS). The permittee shall make routine inspection and maintenance calls on each newsrack once a week. Such inspection and maintenance calls may be incorporated with delivery of newspapers or other publications. The permittee shall make more frequent calls if conditions warrant. At each maintenance call, the permittee shall clean, wash and remove all graffiti, stickers, posters, litter, dust, dirt and weeds at each newsrack. The newsrack shall be maintained in a continual good and working condition.
(b) Maintenance. Permittee shall respond to a request to secure a site or to perform maintenance within 24 hours of notification, but in no event more than 72 hours. The permittee shall use cleaning methods and procedures that have been demonstrated and approved and are environmentally safe, utilizing acceptable industry practices.
(c) Repair and Replacement. The Permittee shall commence necessary repairs within one week when any damage or vandalism is found by BOSS. If the newsrack damage or vandalism is of an emergency or hazardous nature, the permittee will repair, replace, remove or secure the site within 24 hours of notification. If the newsrack is totally destroyed because of an accident, the Permittee will remove the newsrack and appurtenant structures within 24 hours, including repair of any damage to the public right-of- way, returning the site to its former condition prior to the newsrack installation.
(d) Graffiti Removal. Permittee will upon notification by BOSS, or upon inspection, remove graffiti within 24 hours from any newsrack.
(11) Impounding of Newsracks.
(A) Notwithstanding the Department’s right to tag newsracks in violation of any Subsection on LAMC § 42.00(f), the Department may cause any newsrack to be impounded:
(1) When the newsrack poses an immediate danger to persons or vehicles;
(2) Where its installation, use or maintenance endangers the safety of persons or property;
(3) When pursuant to Subsection (10), a tag has been attached to a newsrack and a written notice, such as fax, letter or E-mail has been sent to the owner, operator, or responsible person for the newsrack and the designee has neither caused the violation specified on said tag to be corrected nor requested a hearing pursuant to Subsection (14), hereof within the time permitted;
(4) When a hearing and appeal, if filed, have resulted in a final determination that the violation(s) specified on the tag attached to such newsrack has in fact occurred, and the designee has failed to correct such violation(s) within ten (10) calendar days from the date of said determination;
(5) When a request for a hearing or appeal has been withdrawn, such request shall be deemed withdrawn, either by actual withdrawal or by the failure of the designee to fully comply with Subsection (14) of this code;
(6) When such newsrack has been abandoned; and
(7) When such newsrack has been installed on the City’s right-of-way without first applying for and receiving a permit as required by this code.
Pursuant to this Subsection, a newsrack shall be deemed abandoned when it does not contain the newspaper or other publication specified therefor for more than four (4) consecutive days for a daily publication, eight (8) consecutive days for a weekly publication, sixteen (16) consecutive days for a biweekly publication, or thirty-four (34) days for a monthly publication. A newsstand shall be deemed abandoned if it is not open for a period of more than seven (7) consecutive days.
(B) Standard impound procedures: Within forty-eight (48) hours after removal of any newsrack, the Board shall notify the owner in writing, fax or E-mail of the removal and the reason for removal where ownership information is posted on the newsrack either through the City bar code decal or the required owner contact information. If ownership information is not readily available because there is no City bar code decal, or ownership identification information posted on the newsrack, or no newspaper or periodical in the newsrack with contact information, the City shall make every reasonable effort to comply with the notification procedure of this subsection. When notification is possible, the notice shall also inform the owner of the right to request, either in writing or in person, within five (5) business days of the date of the postmark of such written notice, a hearing by the Board or its designee pursuant to Subsection (14), to determine whether such removal was proper.
(12) Return of Impounded Newsracks.
(A) Any newsrack, together with its contents, which has been impounded pursuant to Subdivision (11) hereof, shall be returned to the permittee:
(1) Upon receipt of an impound fee as determined herein; or
(2) Upon a determination after hearing by the Board or its designee, pursuant to Subsection (14) hereof, that the newsrack should not have been impounded and should be returned to the permittee;
(B) In the event a hearing has not been requested pursuant to Subsection (14) within the time permitted following the impoundment of any newsrack, an impound fee as set forth herein shall be imposed upon the permittee and shall be paid before the impounded newsrack is returned.
(C) The fees herein shall be determined and adopted by the Board in order to collect sufficient money to defer the complete cost of the City’s newsrack permitting and enforcement program as set forth in this code. The fees shall be adjusted from time to time by the Board to reflect any change in the cost of permitting and enforcement. At no time shall the fees adopted by the Board recover more than the actual cost of the program.
(13) Sale or Disposal After Impoundment. The Department may sell or otherwise dispose of any newsrack, together with its contents, and retain the proceeds, pursuant to California Government Code Section 50050 et seq., from any such sale or other disposition, and any monies contained in said newsrack at the time of its impoundment, provided that either:
(A) No hearing has been requested pursuant to Subsection (14) within the time permitted;
(B) A hearing and an appeal, if filed, have resulted in a final determination that said newsrack was properly impounded, and fees assessed pursuant to Subsection (12) have not been received within thirty (30) days from the date of the final determination.
(14) Hearings.
(A) Request for Hearing. Any newsrack permittee may file a written request with the Department for a hearing, in person or by certified mail, for the purpose of demonstrating that a newsrack should not have been impounded, or that a violation as specified on the tag attached to a newsrack pursuant to Subsection (10) hereof has not in fact occurred.
(B) Notice of Hearing. Within two (2) working days from the date on which the request for hearing is received, the Department shall set a hearing date and shall notify the designee by certified mail of the date, time and place of said hearing. Said hearing shall occur within ten (10) working days of the date of mailing the notice unless the person requesting the hearing wishes to have the hearing at a later date, and both parties agree on the date.
(C) Conduct of Hearing. At the time set for such hearing, or at the date to which such hearing is continued, the Board or its designee shall receive all evidence relevant to the occurrence or non-occurrence of the specified violation(s), the compliance or noncompliance with any of the provisions of this Subsection, and any other relevant information. Such hearing need not be conducted according to technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses. Oral evidence shall be taken only on oath or affirmation.
(D) Decision after Hearing. Within ten (10) working days after the conclusion of the hearing, the Board or its designee shall find and determine, from the facts adduced at said hearing, whether the newsrack should have been tagged and/or impounded, and whether said newsrack shall be returned except upon receipt of fees as specified in Subsection (12). The decision of the Board or its designee shall be in writing and shall contain findings of fact, a determination of the issues presented, and the amount of the fee, if any, to be imposed.
(E) Notice of Decision. The Department shall send to the designee, by certified mail, a copy of its decision and order.
(15) No Criminal Sanctions. Notwithstanding any provision of Subsection 11.00 (m) of this Code, no person shall be subject to the imposition of criminal liability for any violation of LAMC § 42.00(f).
(16) No Newsrack Areas – Regional Historic or Cultural Significance.
(A) No newsrack shall be installed in an area deemed by the City Cultural Heritage Commission and the City Council to be of municipal or regional historic significance or regional cultural significance, including any of the following locations:
(1) On the Hollywood Walk of Fame (both sides of Hollywood Boulevard between La Brea Avenue and Gower Street, and both sides of Vine Street between Yucca Street and Sunset Boulevard);
(2) On the sidewalks immediately contiguous to the restored City Hall (the east block face on Spring Street between Temple Street and 1st Street, the south block face of Temple Street between Spring Street and Main Street, the west block face of Main Street between Temple Street and 1st Street, and the north block face of 1st Street between Spring Street and Main Street);
(3) El Pueblo de Los Angeles (Olvera Street, the east block face of Main Street between Cesar Chavez Avenue and Aliso Street, the south block of Cesar Chavez between Main Street and Alameda Street, the west block face of Alameda Street between Cesar Chavez Avenue and Aliso Street, and the north block face of Aliso Street between Main Street and Alameda Street);
(4) On the sidewalks immediately contiguous to Disney Hall (the east block face of Hope Street between 1st Street and Upper 2nd Street; the west south block face of 1st Street between Hope Avenue and Grand Avenue; the west block face of Grand Avenue between 1st Street and Upper 2nd Street; and the north block face of Upper 2nd Street between Hope Avenue and Grand Avenue); or
(5) On the sidewalks on the block faces immediately to the west and east of the Music Center and Dorothy Chandler Pavilion (the west block face of Grand Avenue between 1st Street and Temple Street; and the east block face of Hope Street between 1st Street and Temple Street).
(6) On the Venice Boardwalk (both sides of Ocean Front Walk between Navy Street on the north and Venice Pier/ Washington Boulevard on the south).
(7) On the sidewalks of the Westwood Village Broxton Avenue Promenade (both sides of Broxton Avenue between Le Conte Avenue and Kinross Avenue).
(B) In the event an area of the City which is deemed by the City Cultural Heritage Commission and the City Council to be of municipal regional historic significance, such an area may apply to the Board for designation as an area where no newsracks shall be installed, subject to the approval of the City Council.
(17) Specific Plan/Streetscape Plan Areas. Specific Plan Areas, Streetscape Plan Areas, or other Special Planning Districts approved by the Planning Department, which
include a standard streetscape color, may request a uniform newsrack color other than Ivy Green, from the Board, with Council input, and if granted, the color shall be one of the following three colors: black (RAL 9017 “Grotto Black”), blue (Benjamin Moore No. 805 “Westwood Blue”) or gray (Marine Silver 38/90010).
(18) Severability. If any section or subsection of this ordinance is deemed to be void or unenforceable, such shall be severed from the whole and the remaining portions of the ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
(g) Streets – Newsstands. (Amended by Ord. No. 145,691, Eff. 5/2/74.)
(1) No person shall install, use or maintain any newsstand which projects onto, into or over any part of the roadway of any public street, or which rests, wholly or in part, upon, along or over any portion of the roadway of any street.
(2) No person shall install, use or maintain any newsstand which in whole or in part rests upon, in or over any sidewalk or parkway when such installation, use or maintenance endangers the safety of persons or property, or when such site or location is used for public utility purposes, public transportation purposes or other governmental use, or when such newsstand unreasonably interferes with or impedes the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, the ingress into or the egress from any residence or place of business, or the use of poles, posts, traffic signs or signals, hydrants, mailboxes, or other objects permitted at or near said locations.
(3) Any newsstand which in whole or in part rests upon, in or over any sidewalk or parkway, shall comply with the following standards:
(A) No newsstand shall exceed five feet in height, seventy-five inches in width and three feet in depth, except that if erected parallel and adjacent to the wall of a building, it shall not extend over that area of the sidewalk or parkway by more than twenty inches, shall not exceed a length of fifty feet, or a height of eight feet. (Amended by Ord. No. 161,043, Eff. 5/3/86.)
(B) Except for a newsstand erected adjacent to the wall of a building, no newsstand shall be placed less than twelve inches nor more than eighteen inches from the edge of the curb.
(C) No newsstand shall be placed or maintained on the sidewalk or parkway opposite another newsstand.
(D) No seat, chair, rack, case, canopy, awning, overhang, or other object shall be attached to the exterior of any newsstand, nor shall any such object when attached to any part of a newsstand be permitted to extend beyond its exterior wall.
(E) No newsstand shall be so placed that the clear space for the passage of pedestrians upon the sidewalk and parkway is reduced to less than six feet.
(F) Newsstands shall be soundly constructed of wood, metal or other suitable permanent material, painted in a manner and color as prescribed by the Board of Public Works, and maintained at all times, in a clean, neat and attractive condition and in good repair and, as to the Central Traffic District, as defined in Section 80.00 of this Code, such newsstands shall be of design and construction approved by the Department of Cultural Affairs. (Amended by Ord. No. 161,043, Eff. 5/3/86.)
(G) No newsstand shall be used for advertising signs or publicity purposes other than that dealing with the display, sale or purchase of newspapers or new periodicals.
(H) No newsstand shall be placed within three feet of any area improved with lawn, flowers, shrubs or trees or within three feet of any display window of any building abutting the street or in such manner as to impede or interfere with the reasonable use of such window for display purposes.
(I) No newsstand shall be utilized for the sale, or offer for sale, nor for the display for sale, of any article or item other than newspapers, magazines, periodicals and other similar newsprint publications. (Added by Ord. No. 161,043, Eff. 5/3/86.)
(J) Newsstands, in the Central Traffic District, as defined by Section 80.00 of this Code, shall be open and utilized for business at least six hours a day, five days a week and the holder of the permit shall be present at the newsstand and operating it by themself seventy-five percent (75%) of the time it is open, or thirty (30) hours a week, whichever is less. Waivers of such requirement may be granted by the Board of Public Works for good cause. (Added by Ord. No. 161,043, Eff. 5/3/86.)
(4) Every person placing or maintaining a newsstand on the streets of the City of Los Angeles shall have affixed thereto in a place readily visible to the public a telephone number or postal box number where the owner may be reached.
(5) (Amended by Ord. No. 161,043, Eff. 5/3/86.) No person shall install, use or maintain any newsstand which in whole or in part rests upon, in, or over any dedicated sidewalk or parkway in the Central Traffic District, as defined by Section 80.00 of this Code, without first applying for and obtaining a permit from the Department. The issuance of such permit shall be subject to the provisions of this subdivision.
(A) Forms for Permit – The Department shall prescribe and make available permit application forms. The applicant shall submit to the Department a completed form, on which the following information shall have been entered:
(i) The name, address and telephone number of the applicant;
(ii) The name, address and telephone number of the person whom the applicant designates to be notified concerning the applicant’s newsstand;
(iii) The requested location for the newsstand.
(B) Issuance of Permit – Upon proper application, the Department may, upon the payment of the fee provided below, issue a newsstand permit to the applicant in accordance with the provisions of this Subdivision (5). Such permit shall not be assignable nor shall more than one permit be issued to any one person. No more than two newsstands shall be allowed on any one block. As used herein “block” shall mean one side of a street between two consecutive intersecting streets.
(C) The Board shall enact regulations for the selection of permittees taking into consideration the length of time a newsstand has been operated by the applicant at a particular location, whether there has existed a business license for such newsstand, the number of violations an applicant has incurred in the operation of their newsstand and such other factors the Board deems appropriate.
(D) Validity of Permit – Permits shall be valid from the issuance date until the May 31st following such date, and may be renewed annually thereafter. Such permits shall be issued initially for a period not to exceed one year and renewals thereof shall be for a maximum of one year periods thereafter.
(E) Permit Fee – There shall be a permit fee for new, and renewal, permits in the amount of twenty-five (25) dollars for each newsstand. Whenever any permit is issued after May 31st, the amount of such fee shall be prorated on a quarterly basis. The permit fee may be increased by the Board if so justified by an increase in the cost of regulation.
(F) Permit Decals – The Department shall issue to each permittee a permit decal for the newsstand covered by the permit. Permittees shall cause the decal to be affixed to the front face of the newsstand so as to be visible from the sidewalk.
(6) Prior to the issuance of a permit by the Department, the applicant shall furnish to the Department a certificate, in a form satisfactory to the Department and City Attorney, that the applicant has then in force public liability and property damage insurance, naming the City as an additional insured, in an amount and type as determined by the Board, subject to reasonable availability. The evidence of insurances filed shall include a statement by the insurance carrier that thirty (30) days notice will be given to the City Attorney before any cancellation of coverage. The City shall be named as an additional insured on any such insurance policy. Such insurance shall be maintained throughout the permit period. (Added by Ord. No. 161,043, Eff. 5/3/86.)
(7) Any newsstand installed, used or maintained in violation of this subsection shall be removed subject to the provisions of Subdivisions (7) through (12) of Subsection (f) of this section. In addition any violation of this subsection shall subject the applicant and/or violator to the imposition of criminal liability. (Added by Ord. No. 161,043, Eff. 5/3/86.)
(8) Upon the cessation and abandonment of operations of any newsstand the person holding the permit, or if no one is presently holding a permit the last one to hold a permit for the newsstand, shall be responsible for the removal of such newsstand. If the newsstand is not so removed the City shall so remove it pursuant to Subsection (f) hereof and assess the most recent holder of the permit for the costs incurred. (Added by Ord. No. 161,043, Eff. 5/3/86.)
(9) Violation of any provision of this subsection may result, after due notice and hearing, in the revocation of the permit by the Board. (Added by Ord. No. 161,043, Eff. 5/3/86.)
(h) Freeway On-Ramps and Off-Ramps – Sales Prohibited. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, no person on any street, or other public property of whatever nature or description, shall, within fifty feet of the roadway of any freeway on-ramp or off-ramp, distribute, deliver, sell, offer for sale or solicit the sale of any newspapers, magazines, periodicals, circulars, handbills or other printed matter or any goods, wares or merchandise regardless of type, nature, kind or description. (Amended by Ord. No. 145,691, Eff. 5/2/74.)
(i) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the installation and maintenance of any bench installed and maintained in accordance with Article 8 of Chapter VI of this code, nor to the operation and maintenance of searchlights, generators and floodlights in accordance with the restrictions and requirements of Division T of Chapter VIII of this Code. Nor shall the provisions of this section prohibit the putting of business notices, signs or emblems upon ordinary business or carrier vehicles. Nor shall the provisions of this section apply to temporary selling activities and advertising related thereto conducted pursuant to a permit granted under Subsection (j) hereof. (Amended by Ord. No. 145,691, Eff. 5/2/74.)
(j) Permit for Temporary Selling Activities Board of Public Works. (Amended by Ord. No. 145,691, Eff. 5/2/74.)
(1) The Board of Public Works may issue upon written application, made upon a form prescribed by the Board, a permit authorizing temporary selling activities and advertising relative thereto, on sidewalks, parkways and roadways, provided that as to roadways such permit’s issuance will, in addition to this section’s requirements, be governed by the provisions of Section 41.20 of this Code, in connection with a community civic event sponsored and conducted by a nonprofit organization formed for charitable, educational, civic, veteran, philanthropic or other benevolent purposes, under the following conditions: (Amended by Ord. No. 150,706, Eff. 5/13/78.)
(A) “Community civic center” means the sponsoring and conducting by a nonprofit organization of a civic, artistic, cultural, charitable, educational, veteran or benevolent activity of community interest. The Board shall require reasonable proof of the nonprofit status of the sponsoring organization and a sufficient showing of community interest, which showing shall consist of furnishing the Board with names and addresses of at least 100 persons who will support the activity, at least 50% of which either reside or work in the location specified in the application for permit where the activity is to take place.
(B) Each permit shall be valid for a period of three consecutive days only, two of which days shall be a Saturday or Sunday. (Amended by Ord. No. 158,731, Eff. 2/25/84.)
(C) Each application for a permit must be accompanied by a fee and must be presented to the Board not less than 40 nor more than 180 days before the commencing date of the proposed permit activities; provided that the Board may waive these time requirements if it determines such waiver to be in the public interest. The fee herein shall be determined and adopted in the same manner as provided in Section 12.37-I, 1 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code for establishing fees. (Amended by Ord. No. 165,675, Eff. 5/11/90.)
(D) No person or sponsoring organization shall fail to keep the permit, at all times, at the place where the selling activities are being conducted, nor fail, upon demand therefor, to exhibit such permit to any public officer.
(E) No selling or advertising activities shall be conducted in the roadway or within two feet of the curb of any sidewalk unless authorized by the Board of Public works. (Amended by Ord. No. 150,706, Eff. 5/13/78.)
(F) (Amended by Ord. No. 173,283, Eff. 6/26/00, Oper. 7/1/00.) Nor may such selling activities take place without an Information Card, written Notice of Intention, or professional fund-raiser’s license if the activity is such that one would be required under Article 4, Chapter 4 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
(G) The application for such permit shall contain:
1. The name of the applicant, the sponsoring organization, the event chairperson and the addresses and telephone numbers of each.
2. The location and outside perimeter of the selling area, indicated upon a map of the area.
3. The date and times at which the selling activities are to take place.
4. A description of the selling activity which will be conducted.
5. A list of all persons who will be engaging in temporary selling activities at any time during the dates and times for which a temporary selling permit is granted. However this list may be furnished after the application has been submitted, so long as it is not furnished later than one week before the event is to take place.
6. An agreement to comply with the terms of the permit.
(2) Sponsoring organizations may be granted a temporary selling permit if the organization meets the following requirements:
(A) That the title of any real property in the City of Los Angeles owned by such organization is vested in the name of such organization, if it be a corporation, or else in the name or names of a responsible trustee or trustees under a declaration of trust or other written instrument setting forth the rights of said organization therein; and recorded in the records of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County.
(B) That the declared purposes for which such organization is organized are charitable, educational, civic, community service, veteran, benevolent or other philanthropic purposes, and not for the pecuniary profit of the members of the organization thereof or any of them.
(C) That for three months prior to its application for a temporary selling permit said organization has faithfully complied with the following provisions with reference to its accounts, namely: All funds received by it, and all disbursements made by it, have been entered upon the books of its treasurer or other financial officer, receipts have been given or tendered for all money or other property donated to it, whenever required by law or ordinance; all expenditures other than petty cash to a reasonable amount have been made by checks signed by at least two officers of such organization; that the bank book of such organization has been balanced and reconciled with the books of account at reasonable intervals.
(D) That no monies of said organization are on loan directly or indirectly to any officer, director, trustee, employee or member thereof, and that the organization has not invested any monies constituting part of its permanent endowment funds except in securities legal as investments for savings banks within the State of California, and has not diverted funds donated to it from an source to purposes other than those for which they were donated. (Amended by Ord. No. 156,941, Eff. 8/20/82.)
(E) That the work for which such organization has been formed has been faithfully performed.
(F) That the bylaws and other written rules and regulations of such organization define the powers and duties of the officers of such organization, and that a copy of the Articles of Incorporation, if it be a corporation, and a copy of the bylaws and other written rules and regulations of such organization have been filed with the Department of Public works.
(G) That within one year prior to its application such organization has not violated any law or ordinance applicable to it.
(3) The Board shall cause such application to be investigated and shall grant the permit if it determines: that the proposed activities will not disrupt to an unreasonable extent the movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic or create a hazard to the public; that the proposed activities are not of a size or nature that require the diversion of so great a number of police personnel to regulate such activities that it prevents reasonable police protection for the City or for the council district where the temporary selling activity is to take place; that the concentration of persons, equipment and materials is not so great in the selling area that it would prevent proper fire, police and ambulance protection; that the applicant agrees to be responsible for cleanup necessitated by the proposed activities and the Board may, in its discretion, require a cleanup deposit to guarantee that cleanup takes place. (Amended by Ord. No. 160,175, Eff. 8/24/85.)
(4) The Board shall further condition the granting of such permit upon the permit applicant filing with the Board a policy of public liability insurance in which the City has been named as insured or co-insured with the permittee. The policy of insurance shall insure the City and its officers and employees against all claims arising out of or in connection with the issuance of the permit or the operation of the permittee, the permittee’s agents or representatives pursuant to the permit. The policy of insurance shall provide coverage no less than $100,000 per occurrence of bodily injury and $25,000 per occurrence of property damage.
(5) The Board shall adopt uniform rules and regulations so as to carry out the purposes of this subsection and shall condition the granting of permits upon compliance therewith and also with such other conditions as the Board may deem necessary to impose for the proper protection of persons and property.
(k) The provisions of this section shall not prohibit sales that are otherwise permitted under the terms of Section 80.73 of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 150,561, Eff. 3/19/78.)
(l) Permit for Flower Vending Booths. (Added by Ord. No. 159,008, Eff. 7/1/84.)
(1) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the sale of flowers from a flower vending booth operated pursuant to a permit granted by the Board of Public Works.
(2) The Board may issue a revocable permit for the installation and operation of a flower vending booth on a sidewalk pursuant to the one year pilot flower vending booth demonstration program authorized by the City Council in the downtown area.
(3) The issuance of any such permit does not preclude the requirements of any other permits or approval for any such installation.
(m) (Repealed by Ord. No. 185,900, Eff. 12/6/18.)
(Added by Ord. No. 176,830, Eff. 8/27/05.)
(a) Definitions.
“Ice cream truck” shall mean a motor vehicle engaged in the curbside vending or sale of frozen refrigerated desserts, confections or novelties commonly known as ice cream, prepackaged candies, prepackaged snack foods, or soft drinks, primarily intended for sale to children under 12 years of age.
“Dispense or dispensing” shall mean peddling, hawking, displaying for sale, soliciting the sale of, offering or exposing for sale, selling or giving away.
“School” shall mean any elementary school, middle school, junior high school, four-year high school, senior high school, continuation high school, or any branch thereof.
“Street” shall mean all that area dedicated to public use for public street purposes and shall include, but not be limited to roadways, parkways, alleys and sidewalks.
(b) Sales from Ice Cream Truck. No person shall dispense any item, other than food, from an ice cream truck on a street.
(c) Hours of Sales. No person shall dispense any item, including food, from an ice cream truck on a street during the following hours: From 8:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. during the months of April through October and from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. during the months of November through March.
(d) Sales near Schools. No person shall dispense any item, at any time, including food, from an ice cream truck parked or stopped within 500 feet of the property line of a school between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on regular school days.
(e) Minors in Vehicle. No person shall permit a person under sixteen (16) years of age to ride in or on an ice cream truck unless the person in control of the ice cream truck is the parent or guardian of the minor.
(f) Penalties. A violation of any of the provisions of this section is a misdemeanor. Violations set forth in this section are cumulative to, and in addition to, any other violations of state or local law. For a second or subsequent violation of subsection (b), the court shall, in addition to any other penalties, order that the ice cream truck involved in the second or subsequent violation be impounded for 30 days if at the time of the second or subsequent violation, the vehicle was registered to the violator.