No person shall maliciously construct, erect, build, plant, cultivate or maintain any fence or wall or any hedge or similar growth unnecessarily exceeding six (6) feet in height, for the purpose of annoying the owners or occupants of adjoining property.
Malice must be shown to sustain a conviction of constructing or maintaining a spite fence.
People v. Hughes, CR A 167.
(See also as to fences: Comprehensive Zoning Plan.)
(a) No person shall dump, pour or spill any oil, salt or salt water or other deleterious matter upon any tree space in any street, or keep or maintain upon any sidewalk within ten (10) feet of any such tree or tree space on any street, any receptacle from which oil or salt water leaks or drips, or pour oil or salt water onto any parking or concrete gutter so as to injure any tree on any street.
(b) Trees – Piling Material On: No person shall pile building material or other material, about any tree, plant or shrub in a street in any manner that will in any way injure such tree, plant or shrub.
No person shall use, operate or employ any sound amplifying system in connection with or in conjunction with or as a part of the production, staging, exhibition or projection of any show in such a manner that any voice, tone, sound wave, musical tone or vibration emitted therefrom or transmitted thereover or through the same is carried in tones or sounds audible to the human ear to a point distant more than fifty (50) feet from the property line where such show is being conducted. Provided, that where any such show is being conducted within any enclosure or structure, the exterior of such structure or enclosure shall be construed to mean the property line of the premises where the same is being conducted, for the purpose of this section.