(a) No person shall act as a guard or lookout for any building premises or establishment used for gambling, prostitution, or any other form of vice or illegal act, or where intoxicating liquors are illegally kept, sold or purchased, or for any person soliciting, offering or engaging in prostitution, gambling or any other form of vice, or illegal act, or any prostitute, or any street or sidewalk.
(b) No person shall give any signal, intended to, or calculated to warn, or give warning of the approach of any peace officer to any person in or about such building or premises or places mentioned in the preceding subsection.
It is not necessary to show that the signal was given for any persons, it is sufficient if it is given to a person in the places mentioned.
People v. Hayes, CR A 1658.
but see:
People v. Mulder, CR A 2356.
No person shall cut, break, destroy, remove, deface, tamper with, mar, injure, disfigure, interfere with, damage, tear, remove, change or alter any:
(a) part of any building belonging to this City;
(b) drinking fountain situated on any public street or sidewalk or any appliance used in or about such foundation;
(c) (1) electric lamp erected or suspended on or over any street, sidewalk or park and used in the lighting thereof, or any wire or other apparatus immediately attached to such lamp;
(2) any lamp standard or lamp pole, nor attach thereto any banner, pennant, streamer, flag, sign, picture, wire, rope or other attachment of any kind for any purpose without first obtaining a permit to do so, as required by Sec. 62.132 of this Code;
(d) parts or appurtenances of the fire alarm, telegraph system or police signal system, lamp post, street sign post, fire alarm box, police signal box, post, standard, or pole or any fixture or apparatus used about or in connection with any such post, box, standard or pole;
(e) life buoy, life preserver, life boat, rope, gang or other materials, property or apparatus owned by this City and used or intended to be used for the purpose of saving life except when necessary for that purpose;
(f) public bridge or any portion thereof;
(g) water main, pipe, conduit, hydrant, reservoir or ditch, or to tap the same without permission of the Board of Water and Power Commissioners;
(h) water meter or any box containing any pipe, stop-cock or cut-off valve of the Department of Water and Power of this City or cover the same with earth, brick, stone, mortar, debris, or building material;
(i) tree, shrub, tree stake or guard in any public street, or affix or attach in any manner any other thing whatsoever, including any guy wire or rope, to any tree, shrub, tree stake or guard except for the purpose of protecting it or unless otherwise authorized by this Code;
(j) property owned by any public utility located on any street or sidewalk;
(k) other property owned or leased by this City, the County of Los Angeles, the State of California or the United States government or any political subdivision or department thereof, and not specifically enumerated in this section;
(l) public document, notice or advertisement or any private or legal document required to be posted or exhibited in the manner and place provided by law, or any copy of any ordinance posted in any public building or place, or on private property when such public notice or ordinance is required by law to be placed or posted thereon.
No person shall throw, blow or otherwise scatter on any street, sidewalk, restaurant, café, theatre, place of amusement or other public place any snuff, or any substance which injuriously affects the olfactory nerves or which causes sneezing or coughing or otherwise injuriously affects the person.
No person shall retain any book, newspaper, magazine, pamphlet, manuscript, or other property belonging in or to, or on deposit with the Public Library or any branch reading room, or deposit station thereof operated in connection therewith, for a period exceeding thirty days after notification by the first class mail to the borrower’s address on file with said library, given after article or other property may be kept, which notice so mailed shall bear on its face a copy of this section.