No person shall use, operate or employ any sound amplifying system in connection with or in conjunction with or as a part of the production, staging, exhibition or projection of any show in such a manner that any voice, tone, sound wave, musical tone or vibration emitted therefrom or transmitted thereover or through the same is carried in tones or sounds audible to the human ear to a point distant more than fifty (50) feet from the property line where such show is being conducted. Provided, that where any such show is being conducted within any enclosure or structure, the exterior of such structure or enclosure shall be construed to mean the property line of the premises where the same is being conducted, for the purpose of this section.
No person, except a duly authorized officer pursuant to the authority of legal process, shall interfere with the peaceful enjoyment, use, possession or occupancy of any premises by the lawful lessee or tenant of such premises either by threat, fraud, intimidation, coercion, duress, or by the maintenance or toleration of a public nuisance, or by cutting off heat, light, water, fuel or free communication by anyone by mail, telephone or otherwise, or by restricting trade or tradespersons from or to any such tenant.
People v. Beverly Oil Company, CR A 2339.
Acts committed by co-defendant, who was president and agent of the corporation and was found not guilty; hence conviction against defendant principal reversed.
(Added by Ord. No. 161,580, Eff. 9/12/86.)
(a) If pesticides are to be used on apartments, duplexes or other multi-family dwellings, then notice shall be provided to the tenant of the premises for which the work is to be done. The clear written notice shall contain the following statements and information using words with common and everyday meaning:
1. The pest to be controlled.
2. The pesticide or pesticides proposed to be used, and the active ingredient or ingredients.
3. City law requires that you be given the following information:
Structural Pest Control Operators are licensed and regulated by the Structural Pest Control Board, and apply pesticides which are registered and approved for use by California Department of Food and Agriculture and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Registration is granted when the state finds that based on existing scientific evidence there are no appreciable risks if proper use conditions are followed or that the risks are outweighed by the benefits. The degree of risk depends upon the degree of exposure, so exposure should be minimized.
If within 24 hours following application you experience symptoms similar to common seasonal illness comparable to the flu, contact your physician or poison control center (telephone number) and your pest control operator immediately. (This statement shall be modified to include any other symptoms of overexposure which are not typical of influenza.)
For further information, contact any of the following: Your Pest Control Operator (telephone number); for Health Questions—the County Health Department (telephone number); for Application Information—the County Agricultural Commissioner (telephone number) and for Regulatory Information—the Structural Pest Control Board (telephone number and address).
(b) In the case of fumigation applications, the notice, as prescribed by Subsection (a), shall be provided at least 48 hours prior to application unless fumigation follows inspection by less than 48 hours.
In the case of general pest or termite applications, the notice, as prescribed by Subsection (a), shall be provided no later than prior to application. In either case, the notice shall be given to the tenant in at least one of the following ways:
1. First-class mail.
2. Posting in a conspicuous place on the real property.
3. Personal delivery.
The notice shall only be required to be provided at the time of the initial treatment if a contract for periodic service has been executed. If the pesticide to be used is changed, another notice shall be required to be provided in the manner previously set forth herein.
(c) The owner of the premises shall give or cause to be given the notice as prescribed in Subsection (a) of this section.
If a structural pest control operator, field representative or employee provides a notice pursuant to California Business and Professions Code Section 8538, then the owner is not required to provide the notice to the tenant as prescribed by Subsection (a) of this section.
(d) Any person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
No person shall drive any vehicle of any kind on any public street which has placed thereon or affixed thereto any sign, plate or other fixed objects which contains the words “Police,” “Police Department,” “L.A. Police Department” or “Department of Police,” or letters “L.A.P.D. Press,” or any other words or letters or group of words or letters of like or similar character or nature, unless such vehicle is owned and operated by a regularly organized department of police of a body politic, or such vehicle which though privately owned, is used by a duly authorized officer or employee of a department of police of a body politic in the performance of the officer’s or employee’s duties.
1. Any person who enters the City of Los Angeles as a stowaway on any ship or who lands in this city after having arrived herein as a stowaway, whether the person’s presence aboard was discovered prior to such entry or not; and
2. Any person who embarks as a stowaway on any ship destined for a port outside the City of Los Angeles; and
3. Any person who harbors, conceals or who knowingly assists any stowaway in avoiding detection upon any ship within this city; or who aids any person in embarking or attempting to embark as a stowaway; and
4. Any person who enters this city as a stowaway on any aircraft or who boards any such craft in this city as a stowaway, is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable as provided in Section 11.00 of this Code.
(a) No person shall, between the hours of 9:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. of the following day, perform any construction or repair work of any kind upon, or any excavating for, any building or structure, where any of the foregoing entails the use of any power driven drill, riveting machine excavator or any other machine, tool, device or equipment which makes loud noises to the disturbance of persons occupying sleeping quarters in any dwelling hotel or apartment or other place of residence. In addition, the operation, repair or servicing of construction equipment and the job-site delivering of construction materials in such areas shall be prohibited during the hours herein specified. Any person who knowingly and wilfully violates the foregoing provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor punishable as elsewhere provided in this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 158,587, Eff. 1/29/84.)
(b) The provisions of Subsection (a) shall not apply to any person who performs the construction, repair or excavation work involved pursuant to the express written permission of the Board of Police Commissioners through its Executive Director. The Executive Director, on behalf of the Board, may grant this permission, upon application in writing, where the work proposed to be done is in the public interest, or where hardship or injustice, or unreasonable delay would result from its interruption during the hours mentioned above, or where the building or structure involved is devoted or intended to be devoted to a use immediately related to public defense. The provisions of this section shall not in any event apply to construction, repair or excavation work done within any district zoned for manufacturing or industrial uses under the provisions of Chapter I of this Code, nor to emergency work necessitated by any flood, fire or other catastrophe. (Amended by Ord. No. 178,160, Eff. 2/12/07.)
(c) (Amended by Ord. No. 166,170, Eff. 9/29/90.) No person, other than an individual homeowner engaged in the repair or construction of the homeowner’s single-family dwelling shall perform any construction or repair work of any kind upon, or any earth grading for, any building or structure located on land developed with residential buildings under the provisions of Chapter I of this Code, or perform such work within 500 feet of land so occupied, before 8:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. on any Saturday or national holiday nor at any time on any Sunday. In addition, the operation, repair or servicing of construction equipment and the job-site delivering of construction materials in such areas shall be prohibited on Saturdays and on Sundays during the hours herein specified. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to persons engaged in the emergency repair of:
1. Any building or structure.
2. Earth supporting or endangering any building or structure.
3. Any public utility.
4. Any public way or adjacent earth.
(d) The provisions of Subsection (c) shall not apply to construction work done on the Metro Rail Project and the tunnel-station portions of the Los Angeles-Long Beach Rail Project between Sixth to Twelfth Streets, provided however that this construction work shall not include the utilization of soldier pile drilling, vibrating hammer driving, blasting, or any construction activities that will exceed the ambient noise levels as provided in the action of the Police Commission, pursuant to Subsection (b) above, granting a variance for this work. In addition, this construction work will be subject to all the conditions of the conditional variance granted by the Board through its Executive Director. This section shall have no force or effect upon completion of the construction work described here. (Amended by Ord. No. 178,160, Eff. 2/12/07.)
(e) The provisions of this section shall not apply to construction work done by CALTRANS to repair the collapsed sections of the Santa Monica Freeway within a one mile radius of the intersection of Interstate 10 and Fairfax Avenue. This section shall have no force and effect upon completion of the construction work herein described. (Added by Ord. No. 169,669, Eff. 5/13/94.)
(f) The provisions of this section shall not apply to construction work done by the County of Los Angeles in connection with Phases 2 and 3 of Unit 5 of the Hollyhills Storm Drain Project, including the installation of temporary bridges and any other structures necessary to regulate or direct traffic because of the storm drain construction. Unit 5 construction is within the area bounded by Beverly Boulevard, 3rd Street, La Cienega Boulevard and San Vicente Boulevard. Phases 2 and 3 involve several underground concrete structures to be built in and around the intersection of La Cienega and San Vicente Boulevards. This section shall have no force and effect upon completion of the construction work herein specified. (Added by Ord. No. 172, 091, Eff. 7/3/98.)
(g) The provisions of Subsection (c) shall not apply to construction work undertaken from March 31, 2000 to August 20, 2000 that must be done prior to the Democratic National Convention, provided however that such construction work will be subject to all conditions established by the Los Angeles Police Department Noise Enforcement Team, in 1) the downtown area bounded by Union Street on the west, Washington on the south, San Pedro on the east, and 101 Freeway on the North, including but not limited to work undertaken in compliance with construction permits issued by the Bureau of Engineering, water line improvements/installation, sewer construction, fiber optic installation, and street paving or is associated with the Convention such as installation and removal of security barriers and fencing and 2) the Windward Plaza area of Venice Beach, between 18th Place and Horizon Avenue from the western border of Ocean Front Walk to the beach, for the Venice Beach Ocean Front Walk Refurbishment Project under the direction of the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks Department. This section shall have no force and effect after August 20, 2000. (Added by Ord. No. 173,154, Eff. 4/30/00.)
(h) The provisions of Subsection (c) shall not apply to the construction work done by the City of Los Angeles in connection with the portion of the Stone-Hollywood Trunk Line from Stone Canyon Reservoir service area to the Hollywood Reservoir service area as part of the Hollywood Water Quality Improvement Project undertaken on Pico Boulevard, including all structures and operations necessary for construction and/or to regulate or direct traffic due to construction activities. This section shall have no force and effect upon completion of the construction work herein specified. (Added by Ord. No. 173,746, Eff. 1/23/01.)
(i) (None.)
(j) As determined by the Executive Director of the Board, the provisions of Subsection (c) shall not apply to major public works construction by the City of Los Angeles and its proprietary Departments, including all structures and operations necessary to regulate or direct traffic due to construction activities. The Board, through its Executive Director, pursuant to Subsection (b) will grant a variance for this work and construction activities will be subject to all conditions of the variance as granted. Concurrent with the request for a variance, the City Department that will conduct the construction work will notify each affected Council district office and established Neighborhood Council of projects where proposed Sunday and/or Holiday work will occur. (Amended by Ord. No. 178,160, Eff. 2/12/07.)
(k) Noise Variance Application Fee. Any application to the Board for a noise variance under Subsection (b) shall be accompanied by a payment of an application fee of $345.00. (Amended by Ord. No. 188,146, Eff. 4/18/24.)
No person, with intent gratuitously to avail themself of the entertainment or recreation furnished or the privileges conferred therein, shall enter any theatre, stadium, athletic club, ball park, golf course, golf club, tennis club, beach club, bathing beach or other place of amusement, entertainment or recreation for admission to which an admission fee or membership fee is charged, without first paying such admission fee or membership fee; provided, however, that any person who is a bona fide guest of a member of any club may enter such club in accordance with the rules thereof; and provided further that any person may enter any place which is within the purview of this section with the consent of the owner or manager thereof; and provided further that this section shall not be deemed to apply to the entry into any such place by a law enforcement officer acting within the scope and course of their official duties.