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(Added by Ord. No. 180,881, Eff. 10/26/09.)
   (a)   Definitions. For purposes of Sections 41.20 and 41.20.1 the following terms and phrases shall have the meanings set forth herein:
   1.   Athletic Event means an event, not involving as a primary component, Expressive Activity, as that term is defined in Section 103.111(b), in which a group of people collectively engage in a sport or form of physical exercise including, but not limited to, jogging, bicycling, walking, roller skating, or running, upon any public street, sidewalk, alley or other public place, that does not comply with normal and usual traffic regulations and controls.
   2.   Certified Farmers’ Market shall have the same meaning as set forth in California Code of Regulations (Title III, Division 3, Chapter 1, Subchapter 4, Article 6.5, Direct Marketing) Section 1392.2(a) as a location approved by the County Agricultural Commissioner of that county where agricultural products are sold by producers or certified producers directly to consumers. A Certified Farmers’ Market may be operated by one or more certified producers, a non-profit organization, or a local government agency (state, county or district). For purposes of this Code, a Certified Farmers’ Market shall mean the direct marketing, as that term is used in the California Code of Regulations, of agricultural products by certified producers to consumers in accordance with the applicable provisions of the California Code of Regulations.
   3.   Charitable Event means an event, or a series of related events, involving a subject matter of interest to a significant portion of the residents of the City of Los Angeles all net proceeds of which, if any, will directly benefit a charitable organization that maintains its charitable status pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).
   4.   City of Los Angeles Special Event means an event, or series of related events, involving a subject matter of interest to a significant portion of the residents of the City of Los Angeles, that is also an event officially sponsored and produced or managed using City employees and resources by the City of Los Angeles, its operating departments, boards, commissions or bureaus, and which is a Special Event and a Non-Commercial Event.
   5.   Citywide Special Event means a Special Event involving a subject matter determined to be of interest to a significant number of City residents from three or more Council Districts, as evidenced from the active support or past attendance at the event of residents from those Council Districts. The Chief Legislative Analyst shall prepare a list of Citywide Special Events anticipated to occur during the ensuing fiscal year and submit it to the City Council for approval. The City Council may add or remove events from the list in its discretion. Events included on the list of Citywide Special Events do not thereby automatically qualify for issuance of a permit for the event. In each instance, a Special Event Permit Application, if applicable, must be filed with the Bureau of Street Services.
   6.   Commercial Event means an event that does not qualify as a “non-commercial” event as defined herein.
   7.   Community Event means an event, or a series of related events involving a subject matter of interest to a significant portion of the residents of the City of Los Angeles that promotes civic pride in the City or in a local community within the City, that is not a commercial event, all net proceeds of which, if any, will directly benefit either a charitable or non- profit organization. Community Events include Block Parties that meet these requirements.
   8.   Non-Commercial Event means a Special Event that is open to the public, or in the case of block parties to all residents living within the block party area, free of charge and without restriction, sponsored and produced by a charitable or non-profit organization, and from which no individual or other entity receives any proceeds, or benefits from those proceeds either directly or indirectly, other than as compensation for goods, equipment or services provided. At such events, advertising, sponsorship, and food and merchandise sales shall be permitted, provided all net proceeds, if any, from such activities are used for the benefit of a non-profit or charitable organization or of the charitable or non-profit sponsoring organization. The Sponsor(s) of Non- commercial events must comply with all legal requirements, including all applicable requirements regarding registering with the Police Commission for charitable solicitations. Non-Commercial Events include, but are not limited to, Charitable Events, Community Events and City of Los Angeles Special Events.
   9.   Portable Audiovisual Rigging means the temporary installation or operation of portable mechanical rigging and static rigging for the overhead suspension of portable audiovisual equipment, including audio, video, lighting, backdrops, and scenery. (Added by Ord. No. 187,964, Eff. 10/2/23.)
   10.   Rigger’s Certification means a certification issued by the Entertainment Technician Certification Program operated by the Entertainment Services and Technology Association. (Added by Ord. No. 187,964, Eff. 10/2/23.)
   11.   Special Event means an event, or series of related events, of cultural, civic, economic, social, recreational or educational nature, including Athletic Events, sponsored by an individual or individuals, a non-profit organization or community group, charitable organization or for-profit organization or group, that is: (1) held wholly or partially on property owned or maintained by the City; or (2) held on any other property, and that requires for its successful execution, the partial or complete closure of streets or sidewalks or the provision and coordination of municipal services to a degree over and above the level that the City normally provides. Special Events also include any other organized activity that involves the use of, or has a direct or indirect impact on, public property or facilities or that can reasonably be foreseen to have such an impact on, or to require a higher level of, public safety services or other municipal services, including advance planning services, than that normally provided by the City. The Police Department shall remain the permitting entity for Parades and Assemblies, as defined in Section 103.111(b) of this Code. The City may contract for permit application coordination services for City-issued permits for entertainment industry-related Special Events, such as motion picture filming, television filming and photography. The City’s contractor, and not the One-Stop Special Events Permit Office, will coordinate the processing of permit applications for permits the City issues for those types of events. In addition, the receipt, evaluation, processing and approval of City permits for those types of events shall be the responsibility of the City Council or of the City department or office to which the Council, by order, resolution or ordinance has delegated, or in the future may delegate, such authority, as provided in Sections 22.350, and following, of the Los Angeles Administrative Code and in Section 12.22 A.13. of this Code.
   12.   Sponsor means the person(s) or entity that assumes or is charged with the responsibility for, as well as the act of, producing or managing a Special Event. The Sponsor may or may not be financially responsible for the event and may or may not be responsible for conducting or carrying out the activities of the event. For purposes of this definition, a person or entity that provides only financial or in-kind support for a Special Event and has no responsibility for producing or managing the event is not a Sponsor. The terms “sponsors”, “sponsored” and similar variations shall be given a meaning consistent with this definition.
   13.   A Television Pilot is a stand-alone episode of a television series that is used to sell the show to a distributor of episodic television. At the time of its creation, the pilot is meant to be the testing ground to gauge if a series will be ordered, and is therefore a test episode of an intended television series. (Added by Ord. No. 182,757, Eff. 11/30/13.)
   (b)   Special Events Coordination.
   1.   All Parade and Assembly Permit Applications shall be submitted to the Los Angeles Police Department in accordance with applicable provisions of this Code. The Police Department shall coordinate evaluation and review of those applications, including any requests for Special Event Fee Subsidies, with the One-Stop Special Events Permit Office as necessary.
   2.   The City may contract for permit application coordination services for City-issued permits for entertainment industry-related Special Events, such as motion picture filming, television filming and photography. The City’s contractor, and not the One-Stop Special Events Permit Office, will coordinate the processing of permit applications for permits the City issues for those types of events. In addition, the receipt, evaluation, processing and approval of City permits for those types of events shall be the responsibility of the City Council or of the City department or office to which the Council, by order, resolution or ordinance has delegated, or in the future may delegate, such authority, as provided in Sections 22.350, and following, of the Los Angeles Administrative Code and in Section 12.22 A.13. of this Code.
   (c)   Events at Major Sports and Entertainment Venues. The types and levels of municipal services provided for events at major venues, including but not limited to, the Staples Center, Coliseum, Dodger Stadium, Sports Arena, Hollywood Bowl, Greek Theatre and Kodak Theatre, and for major awards shows and other similar events, shall be determined and provided solely within the discretion of the City. Applicable fees and charges, including salary costs, for all such services, equipment and materials shall not be subsidized or waived unless otherwise provided by contract. If the City determines, in its own discretion, that traffic control measures or other services are not needed at particular venues or for specific events, the City will not provide those services. Should a venue or event Sponsor wish to ensure that certain types and levels of services will be provided for purposes of an event, the venue or event Sponsor will be required to negotiate a contract with the City to clearly define the types and levels of services requested, and to provide for payment for all services beyond the normal level of services which the City in its sole discretion would have provided to meet public safety and welfare needs. The Sponsor of any event that involves the use of, or has a direct or indirect impact on, public property or facilities, or that can reasonably be foreseen to have such an impact on or to require a higher level of public safety services or other municipal services, including advance planning services, than that normally provided by the City, shall be responsible for obtaining all required permits and for payment of the costs, including all fees, charges and salary costs, for all such services.
   (d)   Tracking Special Event Expenditures. The Bureau of Street Services shall track all funds expended for Special Events by all City departments by Special Event. All City departments that incur costs and expenses for Special Events shall report on those costs and expenses on a quarterly basis to the Bureau of Street Services. The Bureau of Street Services shall report to the Board of Public Works and the City Council regarding all such expenditures within forty-give (45) days after the end of each calendar quarter.
   (e)   City Equipment Cost Recovery. In all instances, Special Event permittees shall pay the City for the repair or replacement costs, as determined by the Bureau of Street Services, for traffic control devices or equipment provided for an event and not returned within 24 hours of the event, or returned in a damaged condition, excluding reasonable wear and tear. All payments for damaged or lost equipment shall be made in a manner as determined by the Bureau of Street Services, which may, and in the case of block parties shall, include a requirement for a refundable deposit.
(Added by Ord. No. 152,435,* Eff. 5/30/79.)
   (a)   No person shall, for the purpose of obtaining gasoline, join any line, consisting of one or more motor vehicles which are assembled at or approaching a gasoline service station or other gasoline dispensing facility for the apparent purpose of obtaining gasoline, except by joining said line behind the last person or vehicle in the line. This prohibition shall not apply to any person who is obtaining gasoline in a hand-carried container of two (2) gallons or less and who approaches the gasoline service station or other gasoline dispensing facility other than in or on a motor vehicle.
   A violation of this subsection is a misdemeanor and upon conviction is punishable by a fine not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment in the county jail for not to exceed six (6) months or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Amended by Ord. No. 160,063, Eff. 7/28/85.)
   (b)   For purposes of this section, the term “gasoline” shall include any petroleum product used as a fuel for internal combustion engines.
   (c)   Every person who owns, operates, manages, leases or rents a gasoline station or other facility offering for sale, selling or otherwise dispensing gasoline to the public shall continue to have available on such premises, upon having received from the City an initial supply, witness forms, prepared by the Chief of Police and subject to the approval of the City Attorney, obtainable from the City, to be completed by witnesses to a violation of this section.
   A violation of this subsection is an infraction punishable by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars ($20).
   * This ordinance will be effective only as long as the Governor of the State of California’s proclamation of May 8, 1979, declaring a state of emergency in Los Angeles County because of the gasoline shortage remains in effect.
   No person shall camp, lodge, make or kindle a fire, wash any clothes or bedding, bathe, sleep, lay any bed or any blanket, quilt, straw or branches for the purpose of resting or sleeping thereon, or remain or loiter in the official bed of the Los Angeles River.
(Amended by Ord. No. 174,977, Eff. 12/29/02.)
   1.   Definitions. For purposes of this Section:
   (a)   Housing Authority means the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles, its authorized agent or representative.
   (b)   Occupant means a person who is listed on a lease with the Housing Authority for the particular Development in which the Housing Authority or a peace officer makes contact with a Nonresident.
   (c)   Nonresident means a person who is not an Occupant. Nonresident does not include individuals who are on the Development to carry out constitutionally protected activities or governmental duties or are participating in programs authorized by the Housing Authority; or are on public property owned by the City of Los Angeles within the Development.
   (d)   Development means any Housing Authority property used primarily for residential purposes.
   (e)   Authorization means permission for a Nonresident to enter a Development which is given either by (i) an Occupant of that Development who is 18 years or older, identifies the authorizing party and unit number and is specific for each entry into the Development in which the Occupant is listed on the lease; or (ii) the Housing Authority in written form. Authorization from an occupant allows a Nonresident to be present only in the following areas: The Occupant’s unit, common areas in the building containing the unit, access to parking for the unit, and a direct route to and from the building where the tenant’s unit is located. The preceding area limitation shall not apply if, in addition to the Authorization, the Nonresident is accompanied by an Occupant. Authorization must be given prior to the time the Housing Authority or peace officer makes contact with a Nonresident.
   2.   Entry into Developments. A Nonresident shall not enter or be present upon any Development without Authorization, where signs forbidding such entry are displayed as provided in Subsection 3. in a conspicuous and readable manner in the Development. (Amended by Ord. No. 175,716, Eff. 1/31/04.)
   3.   Posting of No Trespass Signs. At least two signs shall be conspicuously painted or posted on the outside of every Housing Authority building that is subject to this regulation. The letters and numbers on said signs shall be in black lettering at least six inches high on a white background stating:
L.A.M.C. SEC. 41.23
(Amended by Ord. No. 175,716, Eff. 1/31/04.)
   4.   Entry requiring Authorization from the Housing Authority.
   (a)   Entry into a vacant or unrented unit. Without obtaining prior Authorization from the Housing Authority, no person shall enter or be present in a vacant or unrented housing unit located in the Development; and no person shall provide access by any means, including but not limited to, keys, keycards or combinations to a vacant or unrented housing unit located in the Development. Prior Authorization from the Housing Authority may be obtained from the Development manager or designee.
   (b)   Entry by a Nonresident convicted of a crime committed in any Development. Even with Authorization from an Occupant, a Nonresident shall not enter or be present in the Development without the Authorization of the Housing Authority when, within the past five years, that Nonresident has been convicted of any violation of the law involving narcotics, prostitution, vandalism, weapons, disturbance of the peace, loitering, threat to commit a violent act, or a violent act, in any Development.
   5.   (None.)
   6.   Violations.
   (a)   A violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be a misdemeanor or an infraction.
   (b)   If any part or provision of this section, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the section, including the application of that part or provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be effected thereby and shall continue in full force and effect. To this end, the provisions of this section are severable.