(a) Notwithstanding any other Provision of this Code to the contrary, no budgetary department, bureau or office of the City shall pay any fee or charge required by this Code for any license or permit, or for the performance of any official service provided for in this Code; nor shall any fee or charge otherwise imposed by this Code be required in connection with the relocation or restoration of buildings or structures determined pursuant to Article 5 of Chapter 7 of Division 22 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code to be historical or cultural monuments, and which have been, or are in the process of being, permanently located at a site or facility approved by the City Council for the purposes of preserving, maintaining, and exhibiting such monuments. (Amended by Ord. No. 147,994, Eff. 2/21/76. )
(b) This section shall not apply to any department, bureau or office of this City which has control of its own funds, except the Library and Recreation and Parks Departments; or to fees or charges which are reimbursable from any of the following Funds: Revolving, Trust, Bond or Capital Improvement Projects.
(c) In order to receive such exemption, however, an such exempt departments, bureaus or offices shall attach to each permit or license application a written certification signed by the administrative head of the department, bureau or office that such permit or license is not to be reimbursed from a Revolving, Trust, Bond or Capital Improvement Project Fund. Provided further that any permittee or license exempt under the provisions of subsection (a) hereof because such permit or license is sought in connection with the relocation or restoration of buildings or structures determined to be cultural or historical monuments, as provided for herein, shall attach to each permit or license application a written certification by the Cultural Heritage Board that such building or structure is a cultural or historical monument and is being relocated to or improved upon a site or facility approved by the City Council for the purposes of preserving, maintaining and exhibiting such monuments. (Amended by Ord. No. 147,994, Eff. 2/21/76.)
The provisions of Section 1094.6 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California shall be applicable in the City of Los Angeles to decisions by the City, or by any officer, employee, board, commission or other agency of the City. As used in this section, “decision” means an adjudicatory administrative decision made, after hearing, suspending, demoting, or dismissing an officer or employee, revoking or denying an application for a permit or a license, or denying an application for any retirement benefit or allowance. (Added by Ord. No. 152,078, Eff. 4/22/79.)
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, no non-profit organization heretofore established to plan the Los Angeles 200th Anniversary Celebration, and formally so recognized by the City of Los Angeles, shall pay any fee or charge required by this Code for any license or permit required in connection with the Los Angeles 200th Anniversary Celebration. (Added by Ord. No. 154,677, Eff. 12/29/80.)
(Added by Ord. No. 171,464, Eff. 2/6/97.)
(a) Scope. This section shall apply to any activity or work of any Bureau or Department of the City engaged in administering or enforcing any City ordinances, State or Federal enactments or any regulations where units of distance, weight or force are used in any regulatory, enforcement, design or control activity or posting of limits.
(b) Use of Metric System of Measure Authorized.
1. Notwithstanding any provision of this Code to the contrary, commencing with the effective date of this ordinance, any Bureau or Department of the City may use the metric system of measure in enforcing any enactments, statutes, ordinances, codes or regulations subject to its jurisdiction; provided, however, that such use is not contrary to any applicable State of California or Federal regulations or enactments.
2. The metric system of measure authorized by this section is that system of units and measurements defined and described in the Federal Metric Conversion Act of 1975 (15 U.S.C. 2056) and commonly referred to as the ‘System Internationale d’Unites’.
3. It is intended that whenever any City code or ordinance contains an Imperial unit of measure that the equivalent unit in metric measure may be used and that the conversion shall be made using nationally recognized conversion factors. Where metric units are used, all metric values shall be direct conversions of the values expressed in the official enactment, ordinance, code or regulation. In the case of linear measurements, conversion shall be based on the Standard U.S. Survey Foot defined as 0.3048006 parts of a meter. Converted values may be rounded to a reasonable number of decimal places; provided however that no such rounding shall result in any increase in any fee collected or dedication or taking of land, any increase in any upper or lower limit of speed or any reduction in any standard of minimum clearance.
(c) Public Notice. Prior to commencing the use of the metric system of measure a public notice of intent to do so shall be approved by the governing officer or body of the Department. The notice shall identify the Department or Bureau proposing the use of the metric system of values and shall enumerate the provisions containing the numeric values and measurements that will be converted. The notice shall further state whether or not a dual system of measurement will be permitted. After approval by the Department, the notice shall be transmitted to the City Council which may approve or disapprove the notice by resolution. After approval by the City Council the notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation for a period not less than 30 days or for such longer period as may be applicable where a longer notice period is specified for an amendment to any code.
(Amended by Ord. No. 184,718, Eff. 3/4/17.)
The following table is a summary of fees for Bureau of Engineering services provided pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. If there is any discrepancy between the provisions of this summary and the Sections of this Code imposing the fees, the provisions of the Sections of this Code imposing the fees shall prevail. Additional charges may be imposed pursuant to the provisions of Sections 61.14 and 61.15 of this Code.
Permit / Service Description | LAMC Section | Fee |
Highway dedication investigation [1] | 12.37 F.1. | $546 |
Highway dedication processing [1] | 12.37 F.2. | $3,193 |
Survey monument bond processing [1] | 17.07 E.3. | $443 |
Private street name processing [1] | 18.09 G.2. | $4,326 |
Tentative subdivision map < 20 lots [1] [2] | 19.02 A.1.(g) | $8,240 |
Tentative subdivision map ≥ 20 lots [1] [2] | 19.02 A.1.(g) | Actual |
Modification or revision of tentative subdivision map [1] [2] | 19.02 A.1.(g) | $1,854 |
Final subdivision map < 20 lots [1] [2] | 19.02 A.2.(a) | $8,240 |
Final subdivision map ≥ 20 lots [1] [2] | 19.02 A.2.(a) | Actual |
Final subdivision map airspace subdivision [1] [2] | 19.02 A.2.(a) | Actual |
Final subdivision map Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone surcharge [1] [2] | 19.02 A.2.(b) | 50% |
Final subdivision map resubmission [1] [2] | 19.02 A.2.(c) | $824 |
Final subdivision map reversion to acreage surcharge [1] [2] | 19.02 A.2.(d) | $2,549 |
Preliminary parcel map [1] [2] | 19.02 B.1.(f) | $8,240 |
Preliminary parcel map revision or modification [1] [2] | 19.02 B.1.(f) | $824 |
Parcel map exemption [1] [2] | 19.02 B.1.(f) | $1,262 |
Certificate of compliance [1] [2] | 19.02 B.2. | $1,262 |
Final parcel map [1] [2] | 19.02 B.3.(a) | $8,240 |
Final parcel map airspace subdivision [1] [2] | 19.02 B.3.(a) | Actual |
Final parcel map Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone surcharge [1] [2] | 19.02 B.3.(b) | 50% |
Final parcel map resubmission [1] [2] | 19.02 B.3.(c) | $824 |
Final parcel map reversion to acreage surcharge [1] [2] | 19.02 B.3.(d) | $1,854 |
Final parcel map waiver [1] [2] | 19.02 B.3.(e) | $1,262 |
Private street map [1] [2] | 19.02 C.1.(c) | $6,304 |
Private street map revision or modification [1] [2] | 19.02 C.1.(c) | $630 |
Flood hazard compliance basic review [1] [2] | 19.07 A. | $273 |
Elevation certificate processing [1] [2] | 19.07 A. | $273 |
Floodproofing certificate processing [1] [2] | 19.07 A. | $273 |
Letter of map change / conditional letter of map change processing [1] [2] | 19.07 A. | $273 |
Flood hazard compliance additional review up to 16 hours [1] [2] | 19.07 B. | $149/hour |
Flood hazard compliance additional review more than 16 hours [1] [2] | 19.07 C. | Actual |
[1] A surcharge of 7% or $1, whichever is greater, will be added to the listed fee pursuant to LAMC Section 61.03.
(Added by Ord. No. 186,325, Eff. 11/11/19.)
As of the effective date of this ordinance, the City shall review and take action regarding any Redevelopment Plan Amendment or land use approval or entitlement pursuant to Section 11.5.14 and other applicable provisions of this Code. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this Code, the Community Redevelopment Law, the Redevelopment Regulations, or any applicable specific plan, supplemental use district, or other land use regulation adopted by the City, the City shall not be required to consult with or provide notice to the former Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles (CRA/LA) or the CRA/LA, a Designated Local Authority Successor to the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles (CRA/LA-DLA). In addition, CRA/LA-DLA shall have no further authority or responsibility to perform related land use functions including, but not limited to: preparing staff reports pertaining to land use decisions; making findings; making interpretations; imposing conditions; making recommendations; reviewing, granting or denying land use approvals or entitlements; hearing appeals; and/or amending Redevelopment Regulations.
(Added by Ord. No. 182,610, Eff. 8/2/13.)
11.2.01 Purpose and Intent.
11.2.02 Definitions.
11.2.03 Issuance of Administrative Citation.
11.2.04 Administrative Fines.
11.2.05 Service Procedures.
11.2.06 Contents of Administrative Citation.
11.2.07 Satisfaction of the Administrative Citation.
11.2.08 Appeal of the Administrative Citation.
11.2.09 Administrative Hearing.
11.2.10 Right to Judicial Review.
11.2.11 Failure to Pay Administrative Fines and Costs.
11.2.12 Deposit of Monies Collected.
11.2.13 Severability.