244.01   Definitions
244.02   Composition
244.03   Classification [Repealed]
244.04   Payment of compensation
244.05   Workweek
244.06   Work period and overtime
244.07   Uniform allowances; revolvers
244.08   Longevity allowance
244.09   Holidays; personal leave days
244.10   Vacations
244.11   Food allowance
244.12   Sick leave
244.13   Death leave
244.14   Compensatory time
244.15   Medical insurance; life insurance
244.16   Residency requirement [Repealed]
244.17   Title of Chief of Police
244.18   Work performed in course of employment
244.19   Probation
244.20   Off-duty employment
244.21   Law Enforcement Trust Fund
244.22   Part-time police officer
244.23   CPR training
244.24   Police Clerk
244.25   Tuition reimbursement
244.26   Police and firefighter’s disability and pension contribution pick-up
   Citation tags, see §§ 404.09 and 404.10 
   Impersonating an officer, see § 606.25
   Radio communications, see § 404.08 
   Recovered property and disposition, see § 606.24
   Resisting arrest, see §§ 404.02 and 606.16 
Statutory reference:
   Peace officer training certificate, see Ohio R.C. § 109.77
   Police Pension and Disability Fund, see Ohio R.C. Chapter 742
   Police protection contracts, see Ohio R.C. § 737.04
   Stolen and unclaimed property, see Ohio R.C. §§ 737.29 et seq.