No person shall receive or assist in receiving any police or fire communication by wire or radio, installed in a motor vehicle, place of business or home, and use the same or any information therein contained for his or her own gain or benefit, directly or indirectly or for the benefit or gain of another not entitled thereto, directly or indirectly. No person having received such an intercepted communication or having become acquainted with the contents, substance, purport, effect or meaning of the same, or any part thereof, knowing that the information was so obtained, shall divulge or publish the existence, contents, substance, purport, effect or meaning of the same, or any part thereof, or use the same or any information therein contained for his or her own benefit or gain, directly or indirectly, or for the benefit of another, not entitled thereto, directly or indirectly. However, this section shall not apply to the receiving, divulging, publishing or utilizing of the contents of any police or fire communication broadcast by newspapers, radio or television broadcasting stations or other public or semipublic news dissemination media for the use of the general public, nor shall this section apply to public utilities.
(Ord. 1252, passed 4-26-1954) Penalty, see §§ 408.01 and 408.02