(a)   Medical insurance, including a major medical plan, prescription drug coverage, hospitalization and maternity benefits and dental coverage, shall be provided, the cost of which shall be shared by the village and the employee. The initial share for calendar year 2002 shall be ten percent paid by employee (thru a payroll deduction) and 90 percent by the village. All full-time Police Department personnel and their immediate family shall be eligible for the coverage. Payments shall be made as provided for in such policies. The carriers and levels of coverage of such insurance may be varied from time to time and will dictate the costs to be shared by the village and the employee.
   (b)   A life insurance policy shall be provided for each employee, together with accidental death and dismemberment coverage in the same amount. A life insurance policy currently provides $5,000 coverage. Payments shall be made as provided for in such policies. The carries and levels of coverage of such insurance may be varied from time to time by the village.
   (c)   A full-time Police Department employee of the village shall, in the event of accident or injury, making it impossible for the employee to perform their duties, be entitled to all of the benefits under the Federal Family Medical Leave Act, being 29 U.S.C. §§ 2611 et seq., that is applicable to governmental bodies and an employer the size of the village. In addition, during such periods, the village will continue to pay the employee’s life insurance policy and medical insurance policy and, the employee will also receive indemnity payments for a period not to exceed 26 weeks from a carrier of weekly indemnity coverage. The indemnity plan currently provides payments of $100 per week. Payments shall be made as provided for in such policies. The carriers and levels of coverage of such insurance and indemnity plans may be varied from time to time by the village.
(Ord. 83-32, passed 6-28-1983; Am. Ord. 93-26, passed 11-15-1993; Am. Ord. 93-32, passed 12-20-1993; Am. Ord. 99-19, passed 3-16-1999; Am. Ord. 2002-05, passed 1-15-2002; Am. Ord. 2002-58, passed 12-17-2002)