General Provisions
   33.001   All boards and commissions are advisory to City Council, except those administering functions jointly with other political subdivisions
Municipal Airport Commission
   33.015   Created; name
   33.016   Composition; appointment of members; Chairperson
   33.017   Term of office of Chairperson; filling vacancy in office
   33.018   Term and qualifications of Commissioners; consultations
   33.019   Policies governing; general powers and duties; area of airport
Planning Commission
   33.035   Established; title
   33.036   Composition and voting; by whom members appointed and removed
   33.037   Appointment and term of members of Commission; filling vacancies
   33.038   Oath of office
   33.039   Annual meeting; officers
   33.040   Regular and special meetings
   33.041   Adoption of rules for procedure; records and reports
   33.042   Policies governing; general powers and duties; comprehensive city plan; official map of street extensions
   33.043   Duties of City Attorney
   33.044   Plats; penalty for violation
Police Department
   33.060   Composition; number and ranks of members; organization
   33.061   Authority of police officers
   33.062   Chief of Police
   33.063   Obedience to orders; chain of command
   33.064   Rules and regulations
   33.065   Dispatch of police officers to fires, disorders and the like
Charter reference:
   Advisory boards, see Charter § 2.02
   City Council performing duties of all administrative boards and commissions other than those which function jointly with another political subdivision, see Charter § 2.02
   Board of Health, see §§ 96.15 through 96.20
   Emergency Management, see Ch. 35
Editor’s note:
   City Council Resolution 269A, adopted December 21, 1964, establishing the city housing and redevelopment authority, pursuant M.S. § 462.411 et seq. (now repealed), known as the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, is omitted from this code of ordinances. It remains in full force and effect, and is on file in the office of the City Clerk.