The Chief of Police shall be the commanding officer of the Police Department. He or she shall be responsible for the administration, training, discipline and morale of the members of the Police Department and for their efficient and effective employment in the enforcement within the city of state law, this code and other city ordinances, for the preservation of the public peace and safety, for the prevention and suppression of crime, and for the apprehension of violators of the law. The Chief of Police shall be responsible for the maintenance and use of all property and apparatus of the Police Department; he or she shall cause all required investigations to be made and all required reports to be rendered; and he or she shall have powers and perform duties as may be prescribed by state law for his or her office and by this code and other ordinances and resolutions of the City Council.
(1973 Code, § 20-3)
Charter reference:
   Authority of Mayor, in time of public danger or emergency, and with consent of the City Council, to take command of the police to maintain order and enforce the law, see Charter § 2.06
Statutory reference:
   Responsibility of Chief of Police relating to the city lock-up, see M.S. § 642.07