General Provisions
   32.01   One person may hold two or more offices concurrently
   32.02   Authority of deputies, assistants and acting city officers
   32.03   Emergency interim successors to city officers
   32.04   Limited authority to administer oaths; false swearing
City Administrator
   32.15   Chief Administrative Officer; qualifications, appointment, term and removal from office; Acting City Administrator when City Administrator absent and the like
   32.16   Powers and duties
   32.17   Administrative rules, regulations and procedures
   32.18   Ex officio member of boards and commissions, and duties relating thereto
City Clerk
   32.30   City Clerk; other officers subordinate to City Administrator generally
City Treasurer
   32.45   Treasurer
   32.60   Powers and duties
Charter reference:
   Conflicts of interest, see Charter § 12.03
   Elective officers, see Charter §§ 2.03 through 2.05, 5.13 through 5.18
   Oath of office of all officers, see Charter § 12.02
   Salaries, see Charter § 2.07
   Building and Housing Inspector, see § 150.01
   Building Official, see § 150.01
   Chief of Police, see § 33.062
   City Forester, see § 99.02
   Courtesy due to and from city officers, see § 131.22
   Director of Civil Defense, see § 35.04
   Electrical Inspector, see § 54.36
   Fire Chief, see § 91.31
   Health Officer, see § 96.01
   Impersonation, see § 131.21
   Interfering with city officers and employees, see § 131.20
   Liability of city officers and employees for acts or omissions done pursuant to this code, see § 10.07
   License officer, see § 110.02
   Plumbing Inspector, see § 112.04
   Street Commissioner, see § 92.001