The following provisions are hereby enacted and adopted for the purpose of outlining, defining, and determining the duties, responsibilities, and activities of the Planning Commission.
   (A)   The City Council shall have, maintain, and retain control and management of the finances and all of the property including real estate and personal property used for, incident to or in connection with the Planning Commission and shall retain unto itself the obligation, power, and authority to establish, enforce, order, modify, amend and repeal all ordinances, rules and regulations for the governing of the Planning Commission whether herein created and established or otherwise defined.
   (B)   The Planning Commission, upon appointment and the direction of the City Council, shall prepare and adopt a plan of work, outlining activities proposed to be undertaken within the exercise of its powers and performance of its duties.
   (C)   The Planning Commission may revise its plan of work which shall be submitted to the City Council for final approval. Priority shall be given to projects referred by or suggestions made by the City Council.
   (D)   It shall be the function and duty of the Planning Commission to prepare and to submit to the City Council for adoption a proposed comprehensive city plan for the physical development of the city including proposed public buildings, street arrangements and improvements, public utility services, parks, playgrounds and other similar developments, the use of property, the density of population and other matters relating to the physical development of the city. Upon preparation and approval by the Commission of the proposed comprehensive city plan or any section or portion thereof, the same shall be referred by the Commission to the City Council for examination and approval. The proposed plan may be referred back by the Council to the Commission for amendment or alteration or other further action as may be required and indicated. On final acceptance of the plan or any section thereof or amendment thereto, the Planning Commission shall hold at least one public hearing thereon pursuant to notice thereof published in the official newspaper of the city once and appearing in the newspaper on a publication day at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing. At the time of hearing, appropriate changes or alterations to the plan may be made by the Planning Commission. Upon the advice of the Commission the Council may adopt the plan or any section thereof or any amendment thereto by a four-fifths vote of the total members of the City Council.
   (E)   Upon the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan or any section thereof, it shall be the duty of the Planning Commission to recommend to the City Council reasonable and practicable means for putting into effect the plan or section thereof in order that it will serve as a pattern and guide for the orderly physical development of the city and as a basis for the efficient expenditure of the funds thereof relating to the subjects of the city plan. The means shall consist of a zoning plan, the control of subdivision plats, a plan of future streets, coordination of the normal public improvements of the city, a long-term program of capital expenditures and other matters as will accomplish the purposes of this section.
   (F)   The Planning Commission may, and upon instruction of the City Council shall, prepare an official map of the platted and un-platted portions of the city and adjoining territory, or portions thereof, indicating upon the map the proposed future extension or widening of streets of the city within the existing platted or developed territory or across the un-platted territory. The Planning Commission, before recommending approving the map by the City Council, shall hold one public hearing thereon pursuant to notice thereof published in the official newspaper of the city once and appearing in the newspaper on a publication day at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing. After the public hearing, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council on the adoption of the map. The Council may adopt the map and plan or any amendment thereof or addition thereto by a four-fifths vote of the total membership of the City Council. After the map has been adopted by the Council and filed with the Register of Deeds of the county, whenever any existing street or highway is widened or improved, or any new street is opened, or lands for other public purpose are acquired by action of the city, the city shall not be required in the proceedings to pay for any building or structure placed without a permit or in violation of conditions of a permit after the filing of the map within the limits of the mapped street, outside of any building line that may have been established upon the existing street, or within any area thus reserved for public purposes.
(1973 Code, § 2-52) (Ord. 264, passed 9-19-1961; Ord. 591, passed 4-26-2021)