General Provisions
   94.001   Names of streets
   94.002   Numbering of structures and lots
Sidewalk Construction
   94.015   Supervision of and specifications for sidewalk construction
   94.016   Permit required
   94.017   Repair of sidewalk
   94.018   Failure to comply; misdemeanor
   94.019   Special assessments
   94.020   Maintenance of public stairways by benefitting property owner(s)
Removal of Snow from Sidewalks
   94.030   Duty of owner
   94.031   City may remove
   94.032   Failure to remove snow; misdemeanor
   94.033   Notice to remove snow and ice
   94.034   Snow into streets
   94.035   Additional precautions
   94.036   Vehicle marking
   94.045   Supervision
   94.046   Permit required
   94.047   Permit fee
   94.048   Condition of issuance
   94.049   Refilling excavations
   94.050   Restoring pavements or street surfacing to former condition
   94.051   Protection of public
   94.052   Excavations near street
Use of Streets and Public Places
   94.065   Obstructing streets, sidewalks and public places
   94.066   Receiving goods and merchandise
   94.067   Materials in street; permits
   94.068   Use of sidewalks
   94.069   Clearance of overhanging projections over streets and sidewalks
   94.070   Eave pipes
   94.071   Care and maintenance of city right-of-way
   94.072   Tree care
Retaining Walls
   94.085   Property owner's duty
   94.086   Condemnation procedure
   94.087   Failure to comply; misdemeanor
   94.088   Special assessment
   94.100   Definition
   94.101   Duty of owner, manager or lessee
   94.102   Notice to cut weeds and maintain vegetation
   94.103   Failure to comply; misdemeanor
   94.104   Cost assessed
Private Driveways and Parking Areas
   94.115   Definitions
   94.116   Permits required
   94.117   Fees
   94.118   General requirements
   94.119   One- and two-family residential driveways and parking areas
   94.120   Multi-family residential driveways and parking areas
   94.121   Assembly and educational building driveways and parking areas
   94.122   Commercial driveways and parking areas
   94.123   Industrial driveways and parking areas
   94.124   Existing driveways and parking areas
Weight Restrictions on City Streets
   94.135   Maximum weight of vehicle or combination of vehicles; axles
   94.136   Formula for weight on group of consecutive axles
   94.137   Combination vehicles deemed single for weight purposes
   94.138   Maximum weight per tire; spacing of axles
   94.139   Tire width defined
   94.140   Single-trip permit for moving building or other oversize load; carrying and inspection of permit
   94.141   Enforcement; requiring driver to stop and submit to inspection of vehicle and a weighing
   94.142   Reduced load maximums; extension of period; changing restrictions
   94.143   Reduced weight maximums on specific roads; notice
   94.999   Penalty
   Snow emergency, see § 71.56