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Kent Overview
Codified Ordinances of Kent, OH
Codified Ordinances
TITLE ONE - Zoning Code
CHAPTER 1101 Title, Interpretation and Conflict
CHAPTER 1102 Definitions
CHAPTER 1103 Zoning Districts, Land Use and Zoning Map
CHAPTER 1104 Supplemental Zoning District Standards
CHAPTER 1105 Conditions Applicable to Specific Land Uses
CHAPTER 1106 General Provisions
CHAPTER 1107 Parking, Loading, and Access Management
CHAPTER 1108 Landscaping, Buffering, and Screening
CHAPTER 1109 Signs
CHAPTER 1110 Nonconformities
CHAPTER 1111 Administrative Boards and Commissions
CHAPTER 1112 Administrative Procedures
CHAPTER 1113 Violations, Penalties and Enforcement
TITLE SEVEN - Subdivision Regulations
TITLE NINE - Water Resource Management
This district is established to encourage single family residential development at high densities in areas of existing development of such density and thereby providing a more orderly and efficient extension of public facilities.
(b) Permitted Principal Uses
(c) Conditionally Permitted Uses
(1)   Accessory Buildings (Section 1106.10)
(2)   Home Businesses, Limited
(3)   Single-Family Dwellings
(4)   Two-Family Dwellings
(1)   Assisted Living Facility (Section 1105.03)
(2)   Bed and Breakfast (Section 1105.11)
(3)   Cemeteries (Section 1105.15)
(4)   Child Day Care Facilities (Section 1105.16)
(5)   Child Day Care Homes, Type A & B (Section 1105.17)
(6)   Home Occupations (Section 1105.27)
(7)   Multifamily Dwellings (Section 1105.40)
(8)   Recreational Facilities, Outdoor (Section 1105.49)
(9)   Religious Institutions (Section 1105.50:Section 1105.23)
(10)   Residential Facilities (Section 1105.51)
(11)   Schools, Public and Private (Section 1105.56)
(12)   Temporary Structures (Section 1106.15)
(13)   Utilities & Associated Structures (Section 1105.65)
Where there is a discrepancy between Section 1103.07 and this table, this table will prevail.
(d) Specially Permitted Uses
Dimensional Regulations
Lot and Building Height Standards
Min. Lot Area
Single-Family Dwelling: 8,000 sq. ft.
Two-Family Dwelling: 12,000 sq. ft.
Multifamily Dwelling:
• 18,000 sq. ft. for the first 3 dwelling units, plus
•5,000 sq. ft. for each dwelling unit over 3
Max. Density
8 dwelling units per acre
Min. Lot Frontage
50 ft.
Minimum Usage Open Space for Multifamily only
At least 30% of the actual lot area must be devoted to usable open space
Max. Building Height
35 ft.
Front Yard Setbacks
35 ft.
Side Yard Setbacks
10 ft.
Rear Yard Setbacks
30 ft.
Additional Regulations
(1)   Minimum Front Yard Setback Variances. The required front yard setback, on a lot where the new construction or alteration of a building is being considered, may be modified without a variance when the Zoning Inspector determines all of the following standards are met:
A.   That the average front yard setback of at least two (2) existing front yards on lots within two hundred (200) feet of the lot in question and within the same block and on the same side of the street is less than the minimum front yard setback prescribed in the applicable zoning district;
B.   The modified minimum front yard setback must not be less than the average front yard depth of the lots identified in Subsection (a), above, and
C.   The modified minimum front yard setback must not be less than twenty (20) feet in any district.
(2)   Home Businesses, Limited. A Limited Home Business is a permitted use in any residential dwelling. The Zoning Inspector must review each application as it is submitted to the Community Development Department to determine whether the proposed use is consistent with the Zoning Code. If all of the standards are met, the Zoning Inspector will issue a letter of approval outlining the restrictions on the Limited Home Business.
(Ord. 2021-057. Passed 6-16-21.)
This district is established to encourage high density residential development in areas served with central sewer and water, readily accessible to arterial streets and community facilities necessary to support such a density. This District permits single family, two family and multifamily dwellings.
(b) Permitted Principal Uses
(c) Conditionally Permitted Uses
(1)   Accessory Buildings (Section 1106.10)
(2)   Home Businesses, Limited
(3)   Single-Family Dwellings
(4)   Two-Family Dwellings
(1)   Apartment Complexes (Section 1105.02)
(2)   Assisted Living Facility (Section 1105.03)
(3)   Bed and Breakfast (Section 1105.11)
(4)   Cemeteries (Section 1105.15)
(5)   Child Day Care Facilities (Section 1105.16)
(6)   Child Day Care Homes, Type A & B (Section 1105.17)
(7)   Home Occupations (Section 1105.27)
(8)   Homeless/Emergency Shelters (Section 1105.28)
(9)   Hospitals (Section 1105.29)
(10)   Multifamily Dwellings (Section 1105.40)
(11)   Parking Lots and Garages (Not Accessory to a Use) (Section 1105.45)
(12)   Recreational Facilities, Outdoor (Section 1105.49)
(13)   Religious Institutions (Section 1105.50:Section 1105.23)
(14)   Residential Facilities (Section 1105.51)
(15)   Rooming and Boarding Houses (Section 1105.54)
(16)   Schools, Public and Private (Section 1105.56)
(17)   Temporary Structures (Section 1106.15)
(18)   Utilities & Associated Structures (Section 1105.65)
Where there is a discrepancy between Section 1103.07  and this table, this table will prevail.
Specially Permitted Uses
(e) Dimensional Regulations
Lot and Building Height Standards
Min. Lot Area
Single-Family Dwelling: 6,000 sq. ft.
Two-Family Dwelling: 10,000 sq. ft.
Multifamily Dwelling:
• 10,000 sq. ft. for the first 3 dwelling units, plus
• 1,500 sq. ft. for each unit thereafter through 10, plus
•1,000 sq. ft. for units 11 through 20, plus
• 800 sq. ft. for units 21 through, but not to exceed, 36.
Max. Density
36 dwelling units per acre
Min. Lot Frontage
40 ft.
Minimum Usage Open Space for Multifamily only
At least 30% of the actual lot area must be devoted to usable open space
Max. Building Height
60 ft.
Front Yard Setbacks
(Multifamily see (F)(4)
30 ft.
Side Yard Setbacks
(Multifamily see (F)(3)
10 ft.
Rear Yard Setbacks
(Multifamily see (f)(4)
30 ft.
Additional Regulations
Architectural Review Requirements.
The location of some projects may be subject to review for a Certificate of Appropriateness issued by the Architectural Review Board.
Minimum Front Yard Setback Variances (currently Section 1161.03).
The required front yard setback, on a lot where the new construction or alteration of a building is being considered, may be modified without a variance when the Zoning Inspector determines all of the following standards are met:
A.   That the average front yard setback of at least two (2) existing front yards on lots within two hundred (200) feet of the lot in question and within the same block and on the same side of the street is less than the minimum front yard setback prescribed in the applicable zoning district;
B.   The modified minimum front yard setback must not be less than the average front yard depth of the lots identified in Subsection (a), above, and
C.   The modified minimum front yard setback must not be less than twenty (20) feet in any district.
Minimum Side Yard Setback of Multifamily Dwellings.
Ten (10) feet, except that where the property abuts a residential district of lower density or a public right-of-way which abuts a residential district of lower density, the minimum side yard requirement is ten (10) feet plus one foot for each two (2) feet in building height in excess of twenty (20) feet above grade.
Minimum Front Yard Setback and Rear Yard Setback of Multifamily Dwellings.
Thirty (30) feet plus one for each two (2) feet of building height in excess of two (2) stories above grade.
Additional Height for Inclusion of Parking Garage.
A building is permitted to exceed the maximum building height by up to fifteen (15) feet if a parking structure is provided underneath seventy-five percent (75%) of the building's footprint.
Home Businesses, Limited.
A Limited Home Business is a permitted use in any residential dwelling. The Zoning Inspector must review each application as it is submitted to the Community Development Department to determine whether the proposed use is consistent with the Zoning Code. If all of the standards are met, the Zoning Inspector will issue a letter of approval outlining the restrictions on the Limited Home Business.
(Ord. 2021-057. Passed 6-16-21.)
(a) Purpose.
The purpose of this district is to encourage residential development at high densities and allowing compatible commercial and office activities integrally designed into the neighborhood.
(b) Permitted Principal Uses
(c) Conditionally Permitted Uses
(1)   Accessory Buildings (Section 1106.10)
(2)   Banks and Financial Institutions (Excluding Drive-Through Facilities)
(3)   Home Businesses, Limited
(4)   Single-Family Dwellings
(5)   Two-Family Dwellings
(1)   Assisted Living Facility (Section 1105.03)
(2)   Banquet Halls (Section 1105.09)
(3)   Bar, Tavern, Night Club, Saloon, and Similar Establishments (Section 1105.10)
(4)   Bed and Breakfast (Section 1105.11)
(5)   Business, Non-retail (Section 1105.13)
(6)   Business, Retail (Section 1105.14:)
(7)   Child Day Care Facilities (Section 1105.16)
(8)   Child Day Care Homes, Type A & B (Section 1105.17)
(9)   Drive-Thru Convenience and Beverage (Section 1105.21)
(10)   Funeral Homes (Without Crematories) (Section 1105.25)
(11)   Home Occupations (Section 1105.27)
(12)   Homeless/Emergency Shelters (Section 1105.28)
(13)   Hospitals (Section 1105.29, Section 1105.30 )
(14)   Medical Marijuana, Dispensaries (Section 1105.34)
(15)   Multifamily Dwellings (Section 1105.40)
(16)   Open Air Markets/Farmers Markets (Section 1105.43)
(17)   Outpatient Addiction Services Facilities (Section 1105.44)
(18)   Parking Lots and Garages (Not Accessory to a Use) (Section 1105.45)
(19)   Recreational Facilities, Indoor (Section 1105.48)
(20)   Recreational Facilities, Outdoor (Section 1105.49)
(21)   Religious Institutions (Section 1105.50:Section 1105.23)
(22)   Residential Facilities (Section 1105.51)
(23)   Restaurants (Section 1105.52)
(24)   Rooming and Boarding Houses (Section 1105.54)
(25)   Schools, Public and Private (Section 1105.56)
(26)   Temporary Structures (Section 1106.15)
(27)   Testing/Experimental/Research Facilities (Section 1105.61)
(28)   Utilities & Associated Structures (Section 1105.65)
Where there is a discrepancy between Section 1103.07 and this table, this table will prevail.
Specially Permitted Uses
Dimensional Regulations
Lot and Building Height Standards
Min. Lot Area
Single-Family Dwelling: 6,000 sq. ft.
Two-Family Dwelling: 10,000 sq. ft.
Multifamily Dwelling:
• 10,000 sq. ft. for the first 3 dwelling units, plus
• 1,500 sq. ft. for each unit thereafter through 10, plus
•1,000 sq. ft. for units 11 through 20, plus
• 800 sq. ft. for units 21 through, but not to exceed, 36.
Commercial: None Specified
Max. Density
36 dwelling units per acre
Min. Lot Frontage
40 ft.
Minimum Usage Open Space for Multifamily only
At least 30% of the actual lot area must be devoted to usable open space
Max. Building Height
60 ft.
Front Yard Setbacks
(Multifamily see (F)(5)
30 ft.
Side Yard Setbacks
(Multifamily see (F)(4)
10 ft.
Rear Yard Setbacks
(Multifamily see (f)(5)
30 ft.
Additional Regulations
The architectural design of commercial uses must be developed with consideration given to the purposes of this district, and commercial uses must be so designed as to minimize possible disruptive effects on the character of properties abutting residential uses.
Architectural Review Requirements.
The location of some projects may be subject to review for a Certificate of Appropriateness issued by the Architectural Review Board.
Parking for commercial uses is in addition to what is required for the multifamily dwellings. Parking areas must be designed to separate parking oriented to commercial enterprises from parking oriented to the multifamily portions of the structure.
Minimum Side Yard Setback of Multifamily Dwellings.
Ten (10) feet, except that where the property abuts a residential district of lower density or a public right-of-way which abuts a residential district of lower density, the minimum side yard requirement is ten (10) feet plus one foot for each two (2) feet in building height in excess of twenty (20) feet above grade.
Minimum Front Yard Setback and Rear Yard Setback of Multifamily Dwellings.
Thirty (30) feet plus one for each two (2) feet of building height in excess of two (2) stories above grade.
Additional Height for Inclusion of Parking Garage.
A building is permitted to exceed the maximum building height by up to fifteen (15) feet if a parking structure is provided underneath seventy-five percent (75%) of the building's footprint.
Home Businesses, Limited.
A Limited Home Business is a permitted use in any residential dwelling. The Zoning Inspector must review each application as it is submitted to the Community Development Department to determine whether the proposed use is consistent with the Zoning Code. If all of the standards are met, the Zoning Inspector will issue a letter of approval outlining the restrictions on the Limited Home Business.
(Ord. 2021-057. Passed 6-16-21.)
(a) Purpose.
The purpose of this district is to encourage commercial development in the areas which have the necessary access to public services and traffic arteries along with residential development where residents can take advantage of close proximity to commercial uses.
(b) Permitted Principal Uses
(c) Conditionally Permitted Uses
(1)   Accessory Buildings (Section 1106.10)
(2)   Banks and Financial Institutions (excluding Drive-Through Facilities)
(3)   Banquet Halls
(4)   Bar, Tavern, Night Club, Saloon, and Similar Establishments
(5)   Business, Non-retail
(6)   Business, Retail
(7)   Drive-Thru Convenience and Beverage
(8)   Home Businesses, Limited
(9)   Libraries
(10)   Recreational Facilities, Indoor
(11)   Restaurants
(12)   Schools, Public and Private
(1)   Assisted Living Facility (Section 1105.03)
(2)   Automotive Temporary Storage (Including Rentals) (Section 1105.06)
(3)   Banks and Financial Institutions (including Drive-Through Facilities) (Section 1105.08)
(4)   Bed and Breakfast (Section 1105.11)
(5)   Building Materials, Sales Yards, Lumber Yards (Section 1105.12)
(6)   Child Day Care Facilities (Section 1105.16)
(7)   Child Day Care Homes, Type A & B (Section 1105.17)
(8)   Crematories (Section 1105.18:)
(9)   Fraternal Societies (Section 1105.23)
(10)   Funeral Homes (Without Crematories) (Section 1105.25)
(11)   Gasoline Stations (Section 1105.26)
(12)   Home Occupations (Section 1105.27)
(13)   Homeless/Emergency Shelters (Section 1105.28)
(14)   Hospitals (Section 1105.29:Section 1105.30)
(15)   Manufacturing, Heavy (Section 1105.32)
(16)   Manufacturing, Light (Section 1105.32)
(17)   Medical Marijuana, Dispensaries (Section 1105.34)
(18)   Medical Marijuana, Testing Laboratories (Section 1105.36)
(19)   Mixed Use Developments (Section 1105.38)
(20)   Monument Sales and Displays (Section 1105.39)
(21)   Multifamily Dwellings (Section 1105.40)
(22)   Nursery & Greenhouses (No Retail) (Section 1105.41)
(23)   Open Air Markets/Farmers Markets (Section 1105.43)
(24)   Outpatient Addiction Services Facilities (Section 1105.44)
(25)   Parking Lots and Garages (Not Accessory to a Use) (Section 1105.45)
(26)   Recreational Facilities, Outdoor (Section 1105.49)
(27)   Religious Institutions (Section 1105.50:Section 1105.23)
(28)   Residential Facilities (Section 1105.51)
(29)   Rooming and Boarding Houses (Section 1105.54)
(30)   Single-Family Dwellings (Section 1105.58)
(31)   Temporary Structures (Section 1106.15)
(32)   Testing/Experimental/Research Facilities (Section 1105.61)
(33)   Two-Family Dwellings (Section 1105.64)
(34)   Utilities & Associated Structures (Section 1105.65)
(35)   Wholesale Clubs and Stores (Section 1105.67)
Where there is a discrepancy between Section 1103.07 and this table, this table will prevail.
(d) Specially Permitted Uses
Dimensional Regulations
Lot and Building Height Standards
Min. Lot Area
Single-Family Dwelling: 6,000 sq. ft.
Two-Family Dwelling: 10,000 sq. ft.
Multifamily Dwelling:
• 10,000 sq. ft. for the first 3 dwelling units, plus
• 1,500 sq. ft. for each unit thereafter through 10, plus
•1,000 sq. ft. for units 11 through 20, plus
• 800 sq. ft. for units 21 through, but not to exceed, 36.
Commercial: None
Max. Density
36 units per acre
Min. Lot Frontage
40 ft.
Minimum Usage Open Space for Multifamily only
At least 30% of the actual lot area must be devoted to usable open space
Max. Building Height
60 ft.
Front Yard Setbacks
(Multifamily see (F)(3)
30 ft.
Side Yard Setbacks
(Multifamily see (F)(2)
10 ft.
Rear Yard Setbacks
(Multifamily see (f)(3)
30 ft.
Additional Regulations
Architectural Review Requirements.
The location of some projects may be subject to review for a Certificate of Appropriateness issued by the Architectural Review Board.
Minimum Side Yard Setback of Multifamily Dwellings.
Ten (10) feet, except that where the property abuts a residential district of lower density or a public right-of-way which abuts a residential district of lower density, the minimum side yard requirement is ten (10) feet plus one foot for each two (2) feet in building height in excess of twenty (20) feet above grade.
Minimum Front Yard Setback and Rear Yard Setback of Multifamily Dwellings
. Thirty (30) feet plus one for each two (2) feet of building height in excess of two (2) stories above grade.
Home Businesses, Limited
. A Limited Home Business is a permitted use in any residential dwelling. The Zoning Inspector must review each application as it is submitted to the Community Development Department to determine whether the proposed use is consistent with the Zoning Code. If all of the standards are met, the Zoning Inspector will issue a letter of approval outlining the restrictions on the Limited Home Business.
(Ord. 2021-057. Passed 6-16-21.)
The purpose of this district is to provide for a variety of intensive and commercial uses and to accommodate residential uses along arterial streets and areas immediately adjacent to those thoroughfares.
(b) Permitted Principal Uses
(c) Conditionally Permitted Uses
(1)   Accessory Buildings (Section 1106.10)
(2)   Banks and Financial Institutions (Excluding Drive-Through Facilities)
(3)   Banquet Halls
(4)   Bar, Tavern, Night Club, Saloon, and Similar Establishments
(5)   Business, Non-retail
(6)   Business, Retail
(7)   Drive-Thru Convenience and Beverage
(8)   Funeral Homes (Without Crematories)
(9)   Home Businesses, Limited
(10)   Libraries
(11)   Recreational Facilities, Indoor
(12)   Restaurants
(13)   Schools, Public and Private
(1)   Automotive, Mobile Home, Trailer, and/or Farm Implement Sales (Section 1105.04)
(2)   Automotive Repair, Major (Section 1105.05:Section 1105.02)
(3)   Automotive Repair, Minor (Section 1105.05:Section 1105.02)
(4)   Automotive Temporary Storage (Including Rentals) (Section 1105.06)
(5)   Automotive Washing Facilities (Section 1105.07)
(6)   Banks and Financial Institutions (Including Drive-Through Facilities) (Section 1105.08)
(7)   Bed and Breakfast (Section 1105.11)
(8)   Building Materials, Sales Yard, and Lumber Yards (Section 1105.12)
(9)   Child Day Care Facilities (Section 1105.16)
(10)   Child Day Care Homes, Type A & B (Section 1105.17)
(11)   Crematories (Section 1105.18)
(12)   Fraternal Societies (Section 1105.23)
(13)   Gasoline Stations (Section 1105.26)
(14)   Home Occupations (Section 1105.27)
(15)   Homeless/Emergency Shelters (Section 1105.28)
(16)   Hospitals (Section 1105.29)
(17)   Hotels or Motels (Section 1105.30)
(18)   Manufacturing, Heavy (Section 1105.32)
(19)   Manufacturing, Light (Section 1105.32)
(20)   Medical Marijuana, Dispensaries (Section 1105.34)
(21)   Medical Marijuana, Testing Laboratories (Section 1105.36)
(22)   Mixed Use Developments (Section 1105.38)
(23)   Monument Sales and Displays (Section 1105.39)
(24)   Multifamily Dwellings (Section 1105.40)
(25)   Nursery & Greenhouses (With Retail) (Section 1105.41)
(26)   Open Air Markets/ Farmers Markets (Section 1105.43)
(27)   Outpatient Addiction Services Facilities (Section 1105.44)
(28)   Parking Lots and Garages (Not Accessory to a Use) (Section 1105.45)
(29)   Passenger Transportation Agencies and Terminals (Section 1105.46)
(30)   Radio or Television Broadcasting Stations (Section 1105.47)
(31)   Recreational Facilities, Outdoor (Section 1105.49)
(32)   Religious Institutions (Section 1105.50:Section 1105.23)
(33)   Residential Facilities (Section 1105.51)
(34)   Rooming and Boarding Houses (Section 1105.54)
(35)   Single-Family Dwellings (Section 1105.58)
(36)   Temporary Structures (Section 1106.15)
(37)   Testing/Experimental/Research Facilities (Section 1105.61)
(38)   Tool and Equipment Rentals (Section 1105.62)
(39)   Truck Servicing (Section 1105.05:)
(40)   Two-Family Dwellings (Section 1105.64)
(41)   Utilities & Associated Structures (Section 1105.65)
(42)   Veterinarian Hospitals or Clinics (Section 1105.66)
(43)   Wholesale Clubs and Stores (Section 1105.67)
Where there is a discrepancy between Section 1103.07  and this table, this table will prevail.
Specially Permitted Uses
(e) Dimensional Regulations
Lot and Building Height Standards
Min. Lot Area
Single-Family Dwelling: 6,000 sq. ft.
Two-Family Dwelling: 10,000 sq. ft.
Multifamily Dwelling:
• 10,000 sq. ft. for the first 3 dwelling units, plus
• 1,500 sq. ft. for each unit thereafter through 10, plus
•1,000 sq. ft. for units 11 through 20,
Commercial: None
Max. Density
20 units per acre
Min. Lot Frontage
40 ft.
Minimum Usage Open Space for Multifamily only
At least 30% of the actual lot area must be devoted to usable open space
Max. Building Height
60 ft.
Front Yard Setbacks
(Multifamily see (F)(2)
30 ft.
Side Yard Setbacks
(Multifamily see (F)(1)
10 ft.
Rear Yard Setbacks
(Multifamily see (f)(2)
30 ft.
Additional Regulations
Minimum Side Yard Setback of Multifamily Dwellings.
Ten (10) feet, except that where the property abuts a residential district of lower density or a public right-of-way which abuts a residential district of lower density, the minimum side yard requirement is ten (10) feet plus one foot for each two (2) feet in building height in excess of twenty (20) feet above grade.
Minimum Front Yard Setback and Rear Yard Setback of Multifamily Dwellings.
Thirty (30) feet plus one for each two (2) feet of building height in excess of two (2) stories above grade.
Home Businesses, Limited.
A Limited Home Business is a permitted use in any residential dwelling. The Zoning Inspector must review each application as it is submitted to the Community Development Department to determine whether the proposed use is consistent with the Zoning Code. If all of the standards are met, the Zoning Inspector will issue a letter of approval outlining the restrictions on the Limited Home Business.
(Ord. 2021-057. Passed 6-16-21.)
(a) Purpose.
The purpose of this district is to promote and encourage planned and integrated groupings of retail and service activities providing goods and services to the community.
(b) Permitted Principal Uses
(c) Conditionally Permitted Uses
(1)   Accessory Buildings (Section 1106.10)
(2)   Banks and Financial Institutions (Excluding Drive-Through Facilities)
(3)   Banquet Halls
(4)   Bar, Tavern, Night Club, Saloon, and Similar Establishments
(5)   Business, Non-retail
(6)   Business, Retail
(7)   Drive-Thru Convenience and Beverage
(8)   Funeral Homes (Without Crematories)
(9)   Home Businesses, Limited
(10)   Hospitals
(11)   Libraries
(12)   Recreational Facilities, Indoor
(13)   Restaurants
(14)   Schools, Public and Private
(1)   Automotive, Mobile Home, Trailer, and/or Farm Implement Sales (Section 1105.04)
(2)   Automotive Repair, Major (Section 1105.05:Section 1105.02)
(3)   Automotive Repair, Minor (Section 1105.05:Section 1105.02)
(4)   Automotive Temporary Storage (Including Rentals) (Section 1105.06)
(5)   Automotive Washing Facilities (Section 1105.07)
(6)   Banks and Financial Institutions (Including Drive-Through Facilities) (Section 1105.08)
(7)   Bed and Breakfast (Section 1105.11)
(8)   Building Materials, Sales Yard, and Lumber Yards (Section 1105.12)
(9)   Child Day Care Facilities (Section 1105.16)
(10)   Crematories (Section 1105.18)
(11)   Fraternal Societies (Section 1105.23)
(12)   Gasoline Stations (Section 1105.26)
(13)   Hotels or Motels (Section 1105.30)
(14)   Manufacturing, Heavy (Section 1105.32)
(15)   Manufacturing, Light (Section 1105.32)
(16)   Medical Marijuana, Cultivator Level II (Section 1105.33)
(17)   Medical Marijuana, Dispensaries (Section 1105.34)
(18)   Medical Marijuana, Testing Laboratories (Section 1105.36)
(19)   Microbreweries; Microbreweries, Limited Food Service (Section 1105.37)
(20)   Mixed Use Developments (Section 1105.38)
(21)   Monument Sales and Displays (Section 1105.39)
(22)   Nursery & Greenhouses (with Retail) (Section 1105.41)
(23)   Open Air Markets/Farmers Markets (Section 1105.43)
(24)   Outpatient Addiction Services Facilities (Section 1105.44)
(25)   Parking Lots and Garages (Not Accessory to a Use) (Section 1105.45)
(26)   Passenger Transportation Agencies and Terminals (Section 1105.46)
(27)   Radio or Television Broadcasting Stations (Section 1105.47)
(28)   Recreational Facilities, Outdoor (Section 1105.49)
(29)   Religious Institutions (Section 1105.50:Section 1105.23)
(30)   Residential Facilities (Section 1105.51)
(31)   Temporary Structures (Section 1106.15)
(32)   Testing/Experimental/Research Facilities (Section 1105.61)
(33)   Tool and Equipment Rentals (Section 1105.62)
(34)   Truck Servicing (Section 1105.05)
(35)   Utilities & Associated Structures (Section 1105.65)
(36)   Veterinarian Hospitals or Clinics (Section 1105.66)
(37)   Wholesale Clubs and Stores (Section 1105.67)
Where there is a discrepancy between Section 1103.07  and this table, this table will prevail.
Specially Permitted Uses
Dimensional Regulations
Lot and Building Height Standards
Min. Lot Area
Max. Density
Min. Lot Frontage
Max. Building Height
60 ft.
Front Yard Setbacks
10 ft.
Side Yard Setbacks
15 ft.
Rear Yard Setbacks
25 ft.
Additional Regulations
(Ord. 2021-057. Passed 6-16-21; Ord. 2022-132. Passed 12-21-22.)