(a) |
This district is hereby established to encourage the development, redevelopment and use of properties in a manner compatible with the character of the downtown area and consistent with the protection and enhancement of property values.
(b) Permitted Principal Uses | (c) Conditionally Permitted Uses |
(1) Accessory Buildings (Section 1106.10) (2) Banks and Financial Institutions (Excluding Drive-Through Facilities) (3) Banquet Halls (4) Bar, Tavern, Night Club, Saloon, and Similar Establishments (5) Business, Non-retail (6) Business, Retail (7) Drive-Thru Convenience and Beverage (8) Home Businesses, Limited (9) Libraries (10) Recreational Facilities, Indoor (11) Restaurants | (2) Bed and Breakfast (Section 1105.11) (3) Child Day Care Facilities (Section 1105.16) (4) Fraternal Societies (Section 1105.23) (5) Funeral Homes (Without Crematories) (Section 1105.25) (7) Hotels or Motels (Section 1105.30) (8) Manufacturing, Light (Section 1105.32) (9) Mixed Use Developments (Section 1105.38) (11) Open Air Markets/Farmers Markets (Section 1105.43) (12) Outpatient Addiction Services Facilities (Section 1105.44) (15) Radio or Television Broadcasting Stations (Section 1105.47) (16) Recreational Facilities, Outdoor (Section 1105.49) (18) Rooming and Boarding Houses (Section 1105.54) (20) Temporary Structures (Section 1106.15) (21) Testing/Experimental/Research Facilities (Section 1105.61) |
(d) |
Specially Permitted Uses
(e) Dimensional Regulations | |
Lot and Building Height Standards | |
Min. Lot Area | None required |
Max. Density | None |
Min. Lot Width at Building Line | None required |
Min. Lot Frontage | None required |
Max. Building Height | 2 stories or 20 ft. minimum; 60 feet maximum |
Front Yard Setbacks | (3) below |
Side Yard Setbacks | (4) below |
Rear Yard Setbacks | (4) below |
(f) Additional Regulations. |
(1) Parking and Loading Requirements. Uses specified under Section 1103.18:
herein are not required to comply with the off-street parking requirements of Chapter 1107:, however: A. Any new development or new use must provide a parking plan detailing both customer and employee parking arrangements. The parking plan must designate the off street and/or on street parking spaces to be allotted for customer and employee use. B. If an applicant chooses to construct a parking lot, the applicant must comply with the requirements of Section 1107.03
: and Section 1107.08
:. C. The Planning Commission must approve the Parking Management Plan prior to final project approval. D. Where a final Parking Management Plan is approved by the Planning Commission, the applicant must covenant to ensure continued compliance with the final approved plan. |
(2) Architectural Review Requirements. The location of some projects may be subject to review for a Certificate of Appropriateness issued by the Architectural Review Board. |
(3) Minimum Front Yard Setback. No setback from the front building line of a parcel is permitted except to allow for a pedestrian use area or for variations in entry features. Buildings must be built flush with the sidewalk and have their facades aligned with, and when possible, jointed to those of adjacent buildings. |
(4) Minimum Side Yard Setback and Rear Yard Setback. Side and rear yards adjacent to residential districts and not separated by a public right-of-way must meet the setback requirements of the adjacent residential district. A building not sharing a common wall with an adjacent building must maintain the minimum separation specified in the building code. |
(5) Additional Height for Inclusion of Parking Garage. A building is permitted to exceed the maximum building height by up to fifteen (15) feet if a parking structure is provided underneath seventy-five percent (75%) of the building's footprint. |
(Ord. 2021-057. Passed 6-16-21.)