1103.01 Establishment of zoning districts.
1103.02 Designation of zoning districts.
1103.03 Zoning Districts Map.
1103.04 Interpretation of zoning district boundaries.
1103.05 Effect of annexation.
1103.06 Categories within zoning districts.
1103.07 Table of Land Uses by District.
1103.08 O-R: Open Space-Recreation District.
1103.09 R-1: Low Density Residential District.
1103.10 R-2: Medium Density Residential District.
1103.11 R-3: High Density Residential District.
1103.12 R-3A: Extended High Density Residential District.
1103.13 R-4: Multifamily Residential District.
1103.14 R-C: High Density Multi-family-Commercial District.
1103.15 C-R: Commercial High Density Multifamily Residential District.
1103.16 IC-R: Intensive Commercial Residential District.
1103.17 C: Commercial District.
1103.18 C-D: Commercial Downtown District.
1103.19 N-C: Neighborhood Commercial District.
1103.20 U: University District.
1103.21 R-T-O: Research, Technology and Office District.
1103.22 I: Industrial District.
For the purposes identified below, the City of Kent is hereby divided into districts whereby all such regulations identified in this Code are uniform for each building, structure, or use within each district:
(a) To classify, regulate, and restrict the location of residential, commercial, industrial, and other land uses.
(b) To classify, regulate, and restrict the location of buildings designed for specific uses.
(c) To regulate and limit the height, lot coverage, and size of buildings and other structures hereafter erected or altered.
(d) To establish requirements as set forth within the City of Kent's most current Comprehensive Plan and any subsequent updates, including, but not limited to:
• Minimum lot sizes;
• Minimum and/or maximum height requirements;
• Minimum front, side, and rear yard requirements;
• Open space requirements.
(Ord. 2021-057. Passed 6-16-21.)
The designations of the various zoning districts are:
(a) O-R: Open Space - Recreation District
(b) R-1: Low Density Residential District
(c) R-2: Medium Density Residential District
(d) R-3: High Density Residential District
(e) R-3A Extended High Density Residential District
(f) R-4: Multifamily Residential District
(g) R-C: High Density Multifamily - Commercial Residential District
(h) C-R: Commercial - High Density Multifamily Residential District
(i) IC-R: Intensive Commercial - Residential District
(j) C: Commercial District
(k) C-D: Commercial-Downtown District
(l) N-C: Neighborhood Commercial District
(m) U: University District
(n) I-R: Industrial Research and Office District
(o) I: Industrial District
(Ord. 2021-057. Passed 6-16-21.)
(a) Zoning Districts Map. The zoning districts and their boundary lines are indicated upon a map entitled "Zoning Districts Map of the City of Kent, Portage County, Ohio." The Zoning Districts Map together with all notations, references and other matters shown thereon are hereby declared a part of this Code. https://www.kentohio.org/643/Zoning-Map
(b) Amendments to Zoning District Map. The approved Zoning Districts Map must be retained in a Kent City office, maintained current with amendments, and be available to the public. All revisions or amendments to the map must be incorporated within a period of thirty (30) days from the effective date of the enacting ordinance.
(Ord. 2021-057. Passed 6-16-21.)