Use Districts; General
159.01 Division of city into districts
159.02 Official zoning map
159.03 Land and structures to be used as required by district regulations
159.04 Newly annexed territory
159.05 Purpose of the use districts
159.06 Preservation of floodplain areas
159.07 Exterior masonry construction requirements
Use Districts
159.20 (A) Agricultural District
159.21 (SF-43) Single-Family Residential District
159.22 (SF-22) Single-Family Residential District
159.23 (SF-15) Single-Family Residential District
159.24 (D) Duplex Residential District
159.25 (TH) Townhouse Residential District
159.26 (MF-8) High Density Multi-Family Residential District
159.27 (LR) Local Retail District Regulations
159.28 (PD) Planned Development District
159.29 Towne Center Overlay District
159.30 Lake Edge Zoning District
159.31 (SFE-3.0) Single-Family Estate 3.0 Residential District
General Provisions
159.40 Site plan approvals
159.41 Interpretation, purpose and conflict
159.42 Definitions
159.43 Conditional use permits; permit requirements
159.44 Landscaping and buffering
159.45 Unplatted property
159.46 Board of Adjustment; Planning and Zoning Commission
159.47 Organization and duties of the Planning and Zoning Commission
159.48 Performance standards
159.49 Nonconforming uses
159.50 Wind energy systems
159.51 Architectural Review Board
159.52 Building materials regulations for residential and commercial construction
Minimum Off-Street Requirements
159.60 Purpose
159.61 Off-street parking spaces required
159.62 Number of off-street parking spaces required
159.63 Residential parking required
159.64 Nonresidential parking requirements
159.65 Shared parking lots
159.66 Clarification, exception and modification of off-street parking requirements
159.67 Off-street loading requirements
159.68 Design and construction standards of off-street parking
Administrative Provisions
159.80 Procedure for amending this chapter
159.81 Format of zoning map and procedures for amending
159.82 Classification of new and unlisted uses
159.83 Administration and enforcement; penalty; building permits; certificates of zoning compliance; occupancy and use permits
159.84 Completion of buildings
159.85 Effect upon existing permits, agreements, rights and the like
159.86 Schedule of fees, charges and expenses
159.87 Side and rear yard exceptions
159.99 Penalty
(A) For the purpose of regulating and restricting the use of land and the erection, construction, reconstruction, alterations, moving, or use of buildings, structures, or land, all lands within the corporate limits of the city are hereby divided into the following districts:
(1) District (A) Agricultural District;
(2) District (SF-43) Single-Family Residential District; minimum lot size 43,560 square feet (one acre);
(3) District (SF-22) Single-Family Residential District; minimum lot size 22,000 square feet (one-half acre);
(4) District (SF-15) Single-Family Residential District; minimum lot size 15,000 square feet;
(5) District (TH) Townhouse Residential District;
(6) District (D) Duplex Residential District;
(7) District (MF-8) High Density Multi-Family District; maximum density eight units per acre; and
(8) District (LR) Local Retail District.
(B) Any use not listed herein may be placed in a suitable district classification by the governing body after recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission as specified in § 159.82.
(2005 Code, § 12-1-1) (Ord. 181211B, passed 12-11-2018)