Subdivision Regulations
   158.01   Jurisdiction
   158.02   Definitions
   158.03   General provisions
   158.04   Pre-application conference
   158.05   Concept plan
   158.06   Preliminary plat
   158.07   Final plat
   158.071    Amended plats
   158.08   Procedure for short form subdivisions
   158.09   Miscellaneous requirements
   158.10   Local retail subdivisions
   158.11   Adequate water for personal use; fire protection required
   158.12   Sewer availability charge; sanitary sewer construction
   158.13   Water availability charge
   158.14   Right-of-way dedication
   158.15   Street improvements and oversizing
   158.16   Off-site access roadways
   158.17   Sidewalk construction
   158.18   Facilities agreement
   158.19   Adoption of standards for design development
   158.20   Street lighting
   158.21   Street signs
   158.22   Access; double frontage lots
   158.23   Conversion of private streets to public streets
   158.24   Trail public improvements
Tree Preservation
   158.35   Purpose and intent
   158.36   Scope
   158.37   Definitions
   158.38   Treescape plan
   158.39   Treescape plan process
   158.40   Tree removal permit
   158.41   Tree replacement
   158.42   Fee in lieu of tree replacement
   158.43   Tree protection
   158.44   Exemptions and exceptions
   158.45   Qualified tree list
   158.46   Prohibited actions relating to protected trees
   158.47   Appeal of denial of tree removal permit
   158.48   Stop-work order
Parkland Dedication and Development
   158.55   Purpose
   158.56   Definitions
   158.57   Applicability
   158.58   Requirements
   158.59   Prior dedication or absence of prior dedication
   158.60   Planning considerations
   158.61   Special fund; right to refund
   158.62   Parkland guidelines and requirements
   158.63   Warranty required