Employee Fringe Benefits
181.01   Vacation leave.
181.02   Sick leave.
181.03   Payment of sick leave at time of retirement.
181.04   Payment of sick leave in the event of death due to duty-related causes.
181.05   Payment of sick leave upon non-duty related death.
181.06   Funeral leave.
181.07   Short term military leave.
181.071   Wages of permanent full-time City employees called to active military duty.
181.08   Disability pay for sworn members of the Fire and Police Divisions.
181.09   Retirement benefits for employees not included under the Public Employees Retirement System prior to May 15, 1962.
181.10   Definitions.
181.11   Supplemental retirement benefits for those employees not included in the Public Employees Retirement System prior to May 15, 1962.
181.12   Uniform allowance for Police and Fire Divisions.
181.13   Uniform allowance for public health nurse and home health aides. (Repealed)
181.131   Clothing allowances for certain non-union employees.
181.132   Uniform allowance for Hamilton Municipal Court Bailiffs.
181.14   Uniform allowance for parking meter attendants. (Repealed)
181.15   Longevity pay.
181.16   Incentive awards for attendance. (Repealed)
181.17   Expenses for Councilmen.
181.18   Travel expenses.
181.19   Court appearance pay for firemen.
181.20   Court appearance pay for police officers.
181.21   Court appearance pay for City employees.
181.22   Life insurance.
181.23   Death benefit for retirees.
181.24   Medical and hospitalization insurance.
181.25   Hospital and medical care plans for retirees. (Repealed)
181.26   Paid time off (PTO).
181.27   Holiday leave with pay.
181.28   Shift differential compensation and premium compensation.
181.29   Special benefits for employees serving in the classified positions of Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief.
181.30   Donation of paid leave to employees with critical needs.
181.31   Special benefits for certain employees within thePolice Division and Hamilton Municipal Court.
181.32   Overriding agreement provision.
181.33   Special benefits for Police Chief and Police Administrators.
181.34   Special benefits for Plant Supervisor and Plant Maintenance Supervisor.
181.35   Physical fitness and educational monetary awards. (Repealed)
181.36   Tuition reimbursement program.
181.37   Relocation Assistance Program.
181.38   Milestone Recognition Program.
      Welfare - see Ohio Const., Art. II, Sec. 34
      Workers' Compensation - see Ohio Const., Art. II, Sec. 35; Ohio R.C. Ch. 4123
      Public Employees Retirement System - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 145
      Expenses for attending conference or convention - see Ohio R.C. 733.79
      Civil service - see ADM. Ch. 127